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PLEASE TELL ME< can pregnancy test be positive due to homeopathic medication?


I am a 28 year old female with long-standing Polycystic Ovarian Disease. A little over a month ago, I went to a homeopath and started treatment for the PCOD, including thrice a day of Ovadex and Ovasin (which are composed of few various homeopathic remedies in combination) and also taking Lycopodium once a week, Apis thrice a week and Graphites thrice a week. I did not get a proper period since i started taking these medications, just had some spotting for 2-3 days about a week ago. However, since the last few days home pregnancy test is showing positive. I have tried few different brands and they all show the same positive result. My question is, can these homeopathic medications produce a false positive pregnancy test in any way, or does this mean I am really pregnant so soon after starting the medication? I was told it would take at least 3 months to ovulate and conceive after starting treatment.
I have not had a blood test yet to confirm levels of BhcG, but would really appreciate an answer to my question.
I know that some allopathic fertility treatments involve hormones that can give false positive test, so thats why i am very anxious to know if these homeo remedies can have the same effect.

I would really appreciate a quick response from anyone who knows as I am really anxious to know if I am really pregnant or not!

Thank you in advance!
  samah75 on 2008-11-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
im so disappointed that ive not received any response from any of the homeo doctors here. please can any of you give me an answer to my question whether homeo remedies for PCOS can produce a false positive pregnancy test?
samah75 last decade
samah you need a better homeopath and a better pregnancy test.

You are taking too many homeopathic medicines at the same time. that is not homeopathy. so find a better homeopath.

home pregnancy tests arent always conclusive. Also anything, homeopathic medicines included, could have caused a change in hormone levels that were detected by the test. Besides missing a period or getting a light one doesnt mean one is pregnant either.
faustian last decade
I appreciate your reply, but I am unwilling to accept this as I dis not ask a layman's opinion, I asked a simple factual yes or no question which i would like one of the experienced qualified homeopathic doctors to respond to.

However, just to humour you I can tell you that:
a) I have used few of the most reliable and well known brands in the UK, all of which cant possibly be wrong simultaneously.

b) Home pregnancy tests are >99% accurate, and are more likely to ever give a false negative and very rarely ever give a false positive. Using several tests would eliminate that possibilty of error as well.

c)these tests detect only the hormone levels of beta HCG (primarily produced in early pregnancy, no other hormone is tested) and these have to be far above the minute levels that might be produced by non-pregnant women in order for a pregnancy test to show positive. the only other time that i know off when non-pregnant women produce this hormone in detectable levels is when they have undergone treatment with the exact same hormone for infertility, or else just had a mis-carriage.

So that brings me back to my initial question which is still unanswered.

Q) Can homeopathic medications (used to treat Polycystic disease) cause the production of bHCG (hence, of positive pregnancy test) without actually being pregnant?
I would appreciate a qualified person's reply.

Thank you
samah75 last decade
There are no simple yes or no answers. And if you do get one then good luck with that.
faustian last decade
And just to humor you there are no homeopathic medicines used to treat 'Polycystic Disease'. Homeopathy does not treat diseases by names, but by the symptom totality.
faustian last decade
Just to let you know, I had an early scan and I AM pregnant!!
so it seems the homeo medication i was taking was extremely effective in a very short duration. Lucky me
samah75 last decade
Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common condition charaterized by irregular menstrual periods,excess hair growth and obesity,though it can affect women in a variety of ways.It is clinically known as Stein-leventhal syndrome.The term pcos comes from the appearance of the overies in some women with the disorder-large and studded with numerous cysts(polycystic).
Symptoms: 1.Irregular or no menstruation
2.Signs of excess androgen:Long coarse hair on face,chest,lower abdomen,back,upper arms or upper legs(hirsutism),acne,male patern baldness(alopecia).
3.Enlarged overies with multiple cysts.
6.Skin tags
7.Pre diabetes or type 2 diabetes
8.Acanthosis nigricans-Darkened,Valvety skin on the nape of neck,armpits,inner thighs,vulva or upper breasts.
1.Glucose tolerance test
2.Ovulation induction
3.Bodymass index
4.Invitro fertilization
5.FSH level
6.Triglycerides level
7.HDL cholesterol
8.Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
9.Waist-Hip ratio
I have mentioned these to recognize the pcos.
Dear samah,
If the selected medicines cure the pcos totally,then you can be pregnant.It is unusual to become pregnact within a short period of time.You said that you had an early scan which shows that you are pregnant.For the first trimester of pregnancy,it will be positive by Beta Human chrionic Gonadotrophin Hormone.Scan report will give positive result after 6months.I think,you were not a case of pcos.May be the cause of youe infertility was hormonal imbalance or something else.That was corrected by the mentioned drugs.And you became pregnant.Because i believe that Pcos is a chronic condition,It should take time to cure this disease by homeopathy.So my answer is pregnancy test can be positive due to homeopathic medication if the totality of symptoms has been cured.Otherwise it is impossible.
Zahid)2 last decade

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