The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Anorectal fistula
Hi,I am new to this board. I have developed an anal fistula after having a fissure for many years. A fistula was accompanied by abscess, which got burst with a discharge of watery pus. I went to the doctor and he told me that I need to have a fistulotomy.
There is an external opening next to anas with drainage of pus and stool content.
I was reading the similar topic posted on 2004-05-05 and someone recommended that theyre some remedies like silica, calc and caust.
Does someone have an experience and information on how successful a homeopathic treatment is for a fistula?
I am trying to explore all options before I go with a surgery.
Thanks for help,
Tony5 on 2004-12-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Many years ago Dr Compton Burnett wrote a book called
"On Fistula and its radical cure by Medicines " [ homeopathic medicines]
I give below an extract from that book - and suggeast you obtain a copy.
The fistula-patient should be cured by internal constitutional treatment.
I find myself quite unable to believe that causing the fistula to heal up is in any sense a real cure ;on the contrary, I believe this I proceeding to be bad practice, and very harmful in its consequences for the future health and well-being of the patients: Neither am I able to conceive how ,any. kind of treatment by manipulation, could possibly alter the state óf one's constitution syphilitic strumous, a sycotic, a psoric individual would so far' as can see, be just ás syphilitic, as strumous, as sycotic, as psoric after being manipulated as before.
Having now, as I submit, practically demonstrated the feasibility of a radical cure of fistula by medicines, I claim for this method of cure in the aggregate superiority over all others,superior in the following particulars :
1. It is radical, in that the remedies can be chosen so that the internal causes of the fistular process are attacked and overcome.
, . 2. It is painless.
3, It does not interfere with the mode of or occupation of the sufferers.
4 There are no ill after-effects to the previous system from shock, such as may, and often do follow operations.
5 It is safe in that the chest and other affections are ameliorated pari passu with the general cure of the constitutional crisis.
6. It is effective in those cases in which surgery fails "because the fistula will not heal."
7. It is philosophic, being consonant with the true wisdom of self-preservation.
8. It is scientific, the remedies being chosen in accordance with the data of pharmacology derived from positive. experiments on the healthy.
"Now ! I can go no further , well or ill It is done."
"On Fistula and its radical cure by Medicines " [ homeopathic medicines]
I give below an extract from that book - and suggeast you obtain a copy.
The fistula-patient should be cured by internal constitutional treatment.
I find myself quite unable to believe that causing the fistula to heal up is in any sense a real cure ;on the contrary, I believe this I proceeding to be bad practice, and very harmful in its consequences for the future health and well-being of the patients: Neither am I able to conceive how ,any. kind of treatment by manipulation, could possibly alter the state óf one's constitution syphilitic strumous, a sycotic, a psoric individual would so far' as can see, be just ás syphilitic, as strumous, as sycotic, as psoric after being manipulated as before.
Having now, as I submit, practically demonstrated the feasibility of a radical cure of fistula by medicines, I claim for this method of cure in the aggregate superiority over all others,superior in the following particulars :
1. It is radical, in that the remedies can be chosen so that the internal causes of the fistular process are attacked and overcome.
, . 2. It is painless.
3, It does not interfere with the mode of or occupation of the sufferers.
4 There are no ill after-effects to the previous system from shock, such as may, and often do follow operations.
5 It is safe in that the chest and other affections are ameliorated pari passu with the general cure of the constitutional crisis.
6. It is effective in those cases in which surgery fails "because the fistula will not heal."
7. It is philosophic, being consonant with the true wisdom of self-preservation.
8. It is scientific, the remedies being chosen in accordance with the data of pharmacology derived from positive. experiments on the healthy.
"Now ! I can go no further , well or ill It is done."
passkey 2 decades ago
Passkey is right.
I know a case,where the patient developed heart complications,after getting operated for fistula.
Go to a competent homeopath.It is curable,by homeopathy.
I know a case,where the patient developed heart complications,after getting operated for fistula.
Go to a competent homeopath.It is curable,by homeopathy.
bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
Thanks for responses.
I am considering a surgery as a last resort.
I hope that homeopathy could help in my case.
Does anyone know a good homeopathic practitioner in Illinois?
Also, I wonder if a user healyourlife can give some inputs.
On 05/11/04 he wrote: I would also take zinc and vitC help fight infection and stimulate the immune system response
tissue cell salts
silica 6x
kali mur 6x
remedies you can check out silica, calc, caust are a few.
Would be this possible to provide more detailed instructions on how to use these medications, what combination and dosage?
I am considering a surgery as a last resort.
I hope that homeopathy could help in my case.
Does anyone know a good homeopathic practitioner in Illinois?
Also, I wonder if a user healyourlife can give some inputs.
On 05/11/04 he wrote: I would also take zinc and vitC help fight infection and stimulate the immune system response
tissue cell salts
silica 6x
kali mur 6x
remedies you can check out silica, calc, caust are a few.
Would be this possible to provide more detailed instructions on how to use these medications, what combination and dosage?
Tony5 2 decades ago
I have used Silica in the past for fistula , with success.
I give below one of my sample course sheets - this may help.
Website :
Date. 200
DIET.. Avoid where possible:- Pepper , spices , use coffee as weak as possible , red meat . alcohol , i.e. keep intake to minimum tolerable . Use unprocessed whole foods without additives or flavourings ; & preferably avoid cow produced dairy products.
GENERAL. Smoking __________________avoid___________________________
Alcohol ___________________avoid__________________________
Sex ____________________avoid_________________________
EXERCISE . DO NOT GET OVERTIRED.Exercise should be in the hands of experts.
Preliminary Course: _
OTHERS: 10m keep in reserve .
Main course
Advise 3 days after completion , before if any query.
[1]Tablets which fall to the ground , or touch other people should be discarded.
[2] Tablets should be tipped from the bottle into the lid and transferred to the mouth, before the lid is replaced on the bottle .
Do not eat or drink for 10/15 min before or after taking a tablet.
Homoeopathic medicines require some special handling and storage - so that they may not lose their power and become inert as a result of contaminatíon. They should always be kept in the container in which they are supplied. They should be kept away from strong líght, from great heat and especially from exposure to strong odours or perfumes, for example camphor, menthol, moth balls, carbolíc soap. The medicines are usually supplied in the form of pills, tablets or powders. The dose should be típped into the contaoner lid and transferred to the mouth, or, if in powder form be tipped direct on to the tongue. No water need be taken to "wash the medicine down". Absorbtion takes place from the mouth - chew or suck the tabfets or pills. Sometimes the remedy is needed to be taken in water. The cup, glass, or spoon used should be "cleansed" before further use for another remedy. The dose should be put into a "clean mouth". It should not be taken until the mouth is free from the effects of food, drínk, tobacco smoke, taothpaste, mouth washes and confectionery. An interval of a quarter of an bour should suffice. While taking homoeopathie remedies it is pr-eferable to avoíd use of other medicines including laxatives, nasal drops and liniments.
I give below one of my sample course sheets - this may help.
Website :
Date. 200
DIET.. Avoid where possible:- Pepper , spices , use coffee as weak as possible , red meat . alcohol , i.e. keep intake to minimum tolerable . Use unprocessed whole foods without additives or flavourings ; & preferably avoid cow produced dairy products.
GENERAL. Smoking __________________avoid___________________________
Alcohol ___________________avoid__________________________
Sex ____________________avoid_________________________
EXERCISE . DO NOT GET OVERTIRED.Exercise should be in the hands of experts.
Preliminary Course: _
OTHERS: 10m keep in reserve .
Main course
Advise 3 days after completion , before if any query.
[1]Tablets which fall to the ground , or touch other people should be discarded.
[2] Tablets should be tipped from the bottle into the lid and transferred to the mouth, before the lid is replaced on the bottle .
Do not eat or drink for 10/15 min before or after taking a tablet.
Homoeopathic medicines require some special handling and storage - so that they may not lose their power and become inert as a result of contaminatíon. They should always be kept in the container in which they are supplied. They should be kept away from strong líght, from great heat and especially from exposure to strong odours or perfumes, for example camphor, menthol, moth balls, carbolíc soap. The medicines are usually supplied in the form of pills, tablets or powders. The dose should be típped into the contaoner lid and transferred to the mouth, or, if in powder form be tipped direct on to the tongue. No water need be taken to "wash the medicine down". Absorbtion takes place from the mouth - chew or suck the tabfets or pills. Sometimes the remedy is needed to be taken in water. The cup, glass, or spoon used should be "cleansed" before further use for another remedy. The dose should be put into a "clean mouth". It should not be taken until the mouth is free from the effects of food, drínk, tobacco smoke, taothpaste, mouth washes and confectionery. An interval of a quarter of an bour should suffice. While taking homoeopathie remedies it is pr-eferable to avoíd use of other medicines including laxatives, nasal drops and liniments.
passkey 2 decades ago
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