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PLEASE HELP: Husbands problems; Eczema & Irritable 1



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Husbands problems; Eczema & Irritable

I would like some help with my husbands issues. Currently he suffers with extreme eczema and allergies. He has also become very irritable and selfish.

Here is his pathology. He is tired between the hours of 7pm - 9pm. He likes thunderstorms and rainy days. He can be very argumentative, critical and extremely selfish at times. He gains weight easily. He is 42 years old. Balding. He is highly intelligent, very analytical. Prefers not to be sociable, overly sensitive (which results in him being argumentative). Please help with the eczema, irritability & selfishness.

Thank you
  sweetfam on 2008-12-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please give some more details about your spouse

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I am not quite sure of the information that you need. Maybe if you asked a few questions I could answer them and from this, I could supply you with the information that you require.
sweetfam last decade

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