The ABC Homeopathy Forum
What Are Tonsil Stones?
Hello...Its Anna...some people might be wondering what exactly are tonsil stones. Here are the answers...
Tonsil stones or tonsilloliths are collections of various matters that bond together and collect at the point where the rear of the mouth and the crevasse that houses the tonsils is located.
Essentially, there are several different types of matter that can go into the creation of tonsil stones.
The exact composition of the stones will vary somewhat from one person to another, although all stones will contain at least two different types of matter.
In appearance, the tonsil stones can often resemble minute amounts of food that appear to have lodged in the area.
Generally, the stones will be off white to yellow in color, and will almost appearto be something that could be scraped away with a little effort.
However, as the matter matures, it becomes increasingly calcified and adheres to the tissue with greater resistance. In the earliest stages, tonsil stones can appear to simply be bacteria that are present due to a cold or some type of throat infection.
Often, antibiotics may be administered due to this assumption. While this may help to some degree, especially in alleviating any minor outward symptoms, the problem is that the antibiotics will not remove pockets of the calcified stones which are tonsil stones.
Most often, tonsil stones are effectively treated at home using natural home remedies. This is the most efficient way and easiest way to permanently eliminate tonsil stones.
After suffering tonsil stones for 7 years, I finally found the secret to permanently getting rid of tonsil stones using simple home remedies. Please visit this website for your tonsil stones answers:
w w w . t o n s i l s t o n e r e m e d i e s . c o m
Send me any questions, I'll answer them in this forum.
Take care!
annawatson on 2008-12-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you have tonsil stones you may want to read another forum also...
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
and google Christine Wicks Queen Elizabeth Hospital
justmebyanyname last decade
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