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Posts about Eczema, IBS

Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema1ibs3Gastritis And IBS24 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4ibs8Scrotal Eczema6gastric mucosal prolapse - gerd and ibs3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Child with food intolerance/eczema/IBS


I have been treating my 10 yr old daughter for 3 years with supplements and diet to help with her conditions. Age 7 she was diagnosed with Mild PDD (Pervasive Developmental Disorder)She 'used' to be a strep carrier and was put on SEVERAL rounds of antibiotics, which lead to her Candida issues, eczema and IBS. She has been on a Gluten free/ dairy free diet with many added supplements for 3 yrs now. We have seen much success in this...but she is now appearing to be intolerant of something else. Her eczema over her eyes has gotten worse in the past 2 weeks. In the past we have tried everything to get her to the point she's at today. She no longer gets strep (1 yr now) she is 100% alternative. We did try acupuncture..worked well, but ran out of funds to continue (Ins. did not cover) We did try homeopathic..she was on Cal Carb for a while..but saw more progress with supplements. I needed to heal her gut asap..and these seemed to do the trick..for the time being. I did just purchase the 'basic homeopath kit' from Helios. I am in search of the 'right remedy' Can you assist?
She is happy, very affectionate child, eager to please, intuitive, has difficulty sleeping, fears of getting hurt/danger, high sensory,thirsty,shows food obsessions, loves animals,memory issues, doesn't know her own strength, obsesses on subjects of no meaning or rambles on about things that have no interest to others, has few friends...any other questions you may have..I am eager to answer. Thank You in advance!
  anjsmomma on 2008-12-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Merc sol,arsenicum album will be the right choice for your child.
Zahid)2 last decade
Thanks for your reply!
Why do you feel Merc Sol, Arsenicum album is best?
How much should be given? Daily?

anjsmomma last decade
Just read up on both remedies...
Arsenicum album..sounds right, but I am confused with the Mercurius Solubilis..this does not seem to match up with her?
anjsmomma last decade
Constitutional and antimiasmatic remedies are needed for your child.You should start the case with merc sol.Then go to the constitutional remedy like arsenicum.frequent streptococcus infection,food allergy,candida,eczema and IBS etc,all are the indication of merc sol.Without antimiasmatic remedy,complete cure is impossible.Reading meteria media is not sufficient for curing patient.Professional experiences may play vital role for the right selection of drugs.
Zahid)2 last decade
What doses am I looking to administer?
anjsmomma last decade
Also, Merc Sol (Mercury)??? Children with my daughter's issues..have mercury overload. She has been detoxed of Mercury and other metals...using Merc Sol..will it be a problem?
anjsmomma last decade
Dr Zahid said 'Constitutional and antimiasmatic remedies are needed for your child.You should start the case with merc sol.Then go to the constitutional remedy like arsenicum.frequent streptococcus infection,food allergy,candida,eczema and IBS etc,all are the indication of Merc sol.Without antimiasmatic remedy,complete cure is impossible.Reading meteria media is not sufficient for curing patient.Professional experiences may play vital role for the right selection of drugs.'

**Can You explain this more? How much Merc should be given and for how long before I introduce the antimiasmatic? Do I continue the Merc WITH Arsenicum? How much of the Arsenicum?? She hasnt had strep in over a year! Will this remedy bring that out? Do you feel I should seek a professional before doing so?
Thanks in advance
anjsmomma last decade

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