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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acne problem

Please help me.. I have an acne problem which developed about a year back and only got worse. It is mostly affected my cheeks and forehead leaving acne scars which do not seem to be going. It could be an allergy to something but i am unable to figure out what it is.
  jo1989 on 2009-01-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Acne case taking sheet

Hi, please post your height and weight, social history i.e., smoking, drinking, current living status, work, exercise, etc.

Constitutional homoeopathic treatment would certainly help you. For this provide these informations.


History of present illness:
Acne: Location
Presence of whiteheads
Presence of blackheads
Presence of itching
Types nodular
Papular (moderate swelling)
Pimples (small swelling)
Pustules (severe swelling)Suppurating
Tubercular (cystic ) most severe form of presentation

Menstrual Evaluation

1. Age when the first menses started.
2. Which time menstrual flow occurs usually morning, daytime, or night?
3. Does the menstrual blood cause irritation or scratching to the touched skin?
4. Color: What is the usual color of the menstrual flow black, bright red, brown, dark, green, pale, changeable.
5. Consistency: What is the usual consistency of menstrual flow i.e. thick, thin, clotted, membranous, tenacious (too much sticky).
6. Quantity: Too much (copious) too less (scanty),
7. Regular or irregular.
8. If irregular: Frequent (too early) late
9. Duration (days): Prolonged (1-10 days )or short (less than 3 days).
10. Any other symptom that you would like to tell regarding menses.

See details regarding me and some previous acne cases
at http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/161885/
at http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/163088/
at http://abchomeopathy.com/forum2.php/164824/
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Doctor.. Thanks for the reply

My weight is 51kgs and height is 5 ft 4inches. I am studying and i have no history of drinking or smoking. I am 19yrs old. I exercise regularly.

Location/Climate:I am from Goa but currently studying in Mangalore. Climate is mostly humid

History of present illness:
Acne: Location-mostly on cheeks and forehead
Chin not significant
Forehead : present
Nose no
Presence of whiteheads: yes
Presence of blackheads: Yes
Presence of itching: No
Types nodular
Papular (moderate swelling):Yes
Pimples (small swelling):Yes mostly they are small
Pustules (severe swelling)Suppurating: This is not common but sometimes

Menstrual Evaluation

1. Age when the first menses started.:12 yrs
2. Which time menstrual flow occurs usually morning, daytime, or night?: morning
3. Does the menstrual blood cause irritation or scratching to the touched skin?: No
4. Color: What is the usual color of the menstrual flow black, bright red, brown, dark, green, pale, changeable.: bright red
5. Consistency: What is the usual consistency of menstrual flow i.e. thick, thin, clotted, membranous, tenacious (too much sticky).: thin
6. Quantity: Normal
7. Regular or irregular.Regular
8. If irregular: Frequent (too early) late
9. Duration (days): 7days mostly
10. Any other symptom that you would like to tell regarding menses. Suffer from Dysmenhorrhoea
jo1989 last decade
Jo, meanwhile, I am going through your case and trying to find the best medicine for you, please go through and know more about acne by reading these facts. For information, please visit my blog also, where I would write about my approach for your treatment also if you continue to show interest and treatment.

Acne mainly is due over production of sebum (due to hormonal changes), obstruction of opening for excretion of sebum, and over growth of bacteria in the obstructed sebum causing acne.

Acne is a chronic problem and hard to manage and it often make moral down and decrease is social active. As menses occurs due to cyclic hormonal changes so menses symptoms reflex hormonal changes so I am used to ask about menstrual symptoms.

Our behavior regulates our hormonal changes so I also used to get behavioral symptoms as well.

Acne sufferer should drink plenty of water (at least 8-10 glasses) normally. This helps a lot for acne. How much do you used to drink?

Acne sufferer should try to avoid to get constipated. Constipation contributes greatly to acne formation. Do you are used to have constipation?

Acne sufferer should not take too much stress and should take easy while facing problems in life. Living under stress causes over production of male hormones which in turn causes increased sebum production and causing acne. Stress also decreases the healing power of body significantly so there is double impact on acne upon being under stress. Are you are under stress?
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
i am soo sorry for replying soo late... I had exams which just got over.. I started drinking lots of water only lately after i realized its importance.. Maybe only about 3 months back and also i do have a lot of constipation problems... I am normally not under a lot of stress.. Thank you so much for your help... How do i get to your blog???
jo1989 last decade
Hey there.. Thanks soo much for your help.. sorry i did not reply for soo long.. I had exams n i could not come online.. i started drinking water only recently around 3 months back when i realised its importance... i do have a lot of constipation problems.. But i lead an almost stress free life mostly... also how do i get to your blog???
jo1989 last decade
It is disappointing, but okay now

I had gone through your case and find that you would be helped by Taking Natrum Mur 30C arrange this and reply when you arrange this for method of taking it
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Thanks for your help.. I got da medicine.. how do i take it?? N also does one have to take da medicine for life to prevent acne??
jo1989 last decade
If you have medicine in liquid form then you should take it 2-3 drops directly on clean tongue three times at 10 minute interval(i.e. first dose if 10:00 am then second dose would be 10:10, and at 10:20 final dose) or if you in globules then 4-5 pills at three times at 10 minute interval.

Take medicine by this method only one time and i would tell you when you have to repeat it.

Try to avoid salt and salty foods on the day when you take this medicine.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Dear doctor

Once again m sorry for such a late reply. I tried the medicine and found a good improvement. But the problem is the ugly acne scars which refuse to go. Is there any remedy for that???
jo1989 last decade

I want to present my case of adult acne for your study and advise. I am also filling the acne sheet as prescribed by you. Hope you will look into it when you will get time. Thanks

Age: 29
Sex: Female
Location/Climate: New Delhi

History of present illness:
Acne: Location :
Chin :Severe
Forehead : Minor
Nose :Severe
Presence of whiteheads :Few
Presence of blackheads :None
Presence of itching : Yes
Types nodular : Sometimes
Papular (moderate swelling) Yes
Pimples (small swelling) :Yes
Pustules (severe swelling): Sometimes
Tubercular (cystic ) most severe form of presentation : Sometimes

Menstrual Evaluation

1. Age when the first menses started.11
2. Which time menstrual flow occurs usually morning, daytime, or night? Night
3. Does the menstrual blood cause irritation or scratching to the touched skin? No
4. Color: What is the usual color of the menstrual flow black, bright red, brown, dark, green, pale, changeable. Red
5. Consistency: What is the usual consistency of menstrual flow i.e. thick, thin, clotted, membranous, tenacious (too much sticky). Thick with few clots
6. Quantity: Too much (copious) too less (scanty) :Normal
7. Regular or irregular. Regular
8. If irregular: Frequent (too early) late
9. Duration (days): 4-5 days

Prolonged (1-10 days )or short (less than 3 days).
10. Any other symptom that you would like to tell regarding menses. Acute pain in abdomen on first and second day
shadaankhan last decade
Dr Rakesh

Few other important things I would like to share with you:

My Personality: Cheerful, friendly, a bit short tempered but vanishes within seconds
Response to weather: Catch cold quickly. Prone to bad throat, sneezing, cough in winters. Also cold feet in winters.(I would specially like to mention that i stopped taking eggs for last 3 years as i noticed my acne aggravates with eggs and its after I have stopped taking eggs I have become prone to cold)

Thirst: Very thirsty in summers. Good water consumption. May be 3-4 litres a day

Sweat: Hardly any sweating even in smmers

Urine: Frequent urination. At times twice in the night

Bowel movements:Regular constipation, at times fissures also. But these days perfectly fine.

Dreams: Train and railway station

When did the acne start: At the age of 13-14 (15 years back). But there have been times my skin was almost perfect. But most of the time i am having 2-3 pimples. Especially one big pimple comes up before menstruation. But these days its like innumerable pimples on my face especiually chin cheeks and lining of nose. Even one dark coloured cyst close to my mouth

Also i am allergic to dust. Whenever i travel conditions worsen and these days I am going through worst phase of my skin.

Also I would like to mention that i have taken many doses of doxy and zinc as prescribed by allopathic doctors in the past. Even they didnt help 100%. One most important prescription which helped a lot was ginette (which is somewhat a contraceptive pill) which was prescribed by my dermatologist. It was while i had that tablet my skin was 95% in good condition. I took it for 6 months but stopped it six months back.
shadaankhan last decade
Mostly acne in females is caused by insufficiency of the glandular secretions of the ovaries.

You can try Oophorinum 200 3 doses and report after 10 days or 2 weeks.
jerryacu last decade
Dear Shaadan ,

Please also answer the following questions ? Some questions are derived from your own description of symptons

1) You are a chilly Person who takes cold easily ?

2) As u hardly perspire . can it be inferred that u have no offensive sweats at all ? Do you have sweaty palms ?

3) Do u have an oily skin or a dry skin ?

4) How is your appetite in general ?

5) Can your thirst be described as unquenchable ?

6) Are your feet persistently cold in winter?

7) Do u feel weak especially in the morning ?

8) When u catch cold , is the discharge from nose fluent, thin and watery?
vikas_grower last decade
To jo.

I am not seeing this thread due to lack of your response, but would see now.

Scar can be healed, for this you should reply regularly and keep in touch.

To S.Khan

I am going through your case so keep in touch.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Thanks doctor for your patience...
I'm following your treatment and finding relief. Till when do i continue the medicine???
jo1989 last decade
According to your post you have taken Nat Mur in Jan.

When do you take the last dose of Nat Mur and how frequently you have been taking it.

How much your acne have improved.

Be regular in your respose. Your acne and scar would be certainly improve, but you need to be regular for me to be more serious about your acne.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Dear Vikas

Thanks a lot for yr response..Following is the reply to your queries:

1) You are a chilly Person who takes cold easily ? Yes from last 2-3 years i have become quite prone to taking cold

2) As u hardly perspire . can it be inferred that u have no offensive sweats at all ? Do you have sweaty palms ? I have no offensive sweats and my palms are also not sweaty

3) Do u have an oily skin or a dry skin ? I have an oily skin

4) How is your appetite in general ? Appetite is normal

5) Can your thirst be described as unquenchable ? Not unquenchable but i drink lot of water

6) Are your feet persistently cold in winter? Yes

7) Do u feel weak especially in the morning ? No

8) When u catch cold , is the discharge from nose fluent, thin and watery? Yes


Thanks for your reply
shadaankhan last decade
Dear dr.

I took the last dose in mid march... And my acne has improved atleast 30%..

I will be regular in my reply..
jo1989 last decade
Jo take another dose as taken earlier.

Do not squeeze your acne, never this is the cause for your scar.


I have started your new thread at-

I have asked some question there please post your answer there.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Dear dr.
there has been a considerable improvement in the scars... I don't touch them at all... But what do i do about the new acne that develops????
jo1989 last decade
Jo when do you take your last dose of Nat Mur?

Do you notice any improvement after this dose? if yes how much %

Do you notice any change in acne patterns?

Do you notice any significan menstrual changes, mood changes, or general changes?

I have told you about role of high water intake, avoid constipation, and stresslife.

Lack of sleep also causes a great deal of skin problems. What about your sleeping hours and sleep and what kind of dream you usually do have?

Avoid keeping touch your face with your hands as your hands usually have bacteria causing infection to skin which is prone to infection. If you do judiciously then it would help great.

Oily hair also causes facial skin problems? Do you use rather much oil in hair? IF yes then avoid to do so?

For early healing of acne scar you should apply lemon juice on scars?
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
There has not been any further improvement since the last dose i took which was last week..
The acne continue to come mainly on the cheek and on the forhead.
it increases slightly before menstrual cycle but subsides later. since u have told me i do take care that i drink water, avoid constipation and lead a stress free life..I do have oily hair and i hardly put much oil..
I sleep well and mostly have dreams which are just hazy images..
jo1989 last decade
It is usual.

Don't be panic.

Apply lemon juice on scar for fading them.

Now use Nat Mur 30-C 2-3 pills or drops in one glass of water and shake it and take one teaspon from it and apply rest on your face.

Report in seven days
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
how many times a day shud i do this??
jo1989 last decade
three times a day.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade

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