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Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Scrotal Eczema65 months old baby severe eczema9Eczema4My 7 yr old son seems to have eczema7Toddler with very dry skin and eczema40


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hi Sameer, My teenage son has chronic eczema and wheezing - please assess Page 3 of 5

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
i'mon a roll----also 252
John Stanton last decade
if well selected remedy no give resonse (200c in this case)--obsticle to cure could be use of cortisone in past--this happens with sensitievpatients---the way tell is enquire how much time from strta of use of cortisone til skin responded to seemingly betterment---if fast we may have problem----if took a while--then vital force strong---also would need know exact symptms occuring prior to cortisone use --compare wer case stagnants (current treatment)---

what is current respirtory statis?
John Stanton last decade
Cortizone was applied from 3 months baby until age 3. Response to cortizone application (clearing of skin) was very fast.

Usually he use to have Asthma attacks during December (we use to administer Albuterol inahler), thank god this time he did not have wheezing episodes. He had minor respiratory issues.

Note: First Asthma attack was at the age of 5.

longlong last decade
this be good point to write out in full all current existing symptoms---

again clarify--when did child have cuts on fingers prior to this current episode?

remember no ghee either
John Stanton last decade
Dear John,

In 2007 frequently he use to have peeling skin under the foot, to be more specific toes and fingers. Finger cuts became the norm from end of 2008 (sometimes it bleeds too).

longlong last decade
splendi --sammy right on with sulphur 30c--if i were u i get another 200c from other source as well---incase this one illprepared --it happens--who would know--til hey needed it---unless u used before and seen response..mark all ur remedie that known respnse some way..throw the others known not work out---its a process
John Stanton last decade
write out full details CURRENTLY EXISTING --save sammy boy time--physical s and all that stuff
John Stanton last decade
Currently he has severe dandruff and his fingers have deep chaffing.

He has some gum issues as well (little spongy).

He is allergic to peanuts, sesame and mustard.

He had braces done 2 months back with 4 premolars extracted. Becuase of braces he has some chaffing inside the mouth.

Past two days he has mild wheezing (usually towards end of the day). But whenever he has some respiratory issues irration level is higher than usual. He is not taking any inhalers.

I am not really sure if I put these current details in the previous messages.

Physically he is inert/lazy and has a lay back personality. He is a big time procastinator.

longlong last decade

Sulphur 200c ,a SINGLE 1/2 tsp dose tomorrow morning, and report in 1 week.
sameervermani last decade
We will give one dose of Sulphur 200.

longlong last decade
braces--ok this in itself as trauma of sort and particulkar if symptoms in amy way associated with the extraction and all that still exist--need be addressed 1st--most current layer--this in itself is not a block but vital force is focused onthis and this is wherte focus need be..

why exactly the extraction and braces? what was symptoms/circumstances to go that way?exactly?
John Stanton last decade
Dear John,

My son had protuding frontal teeth. Also had clusters on the lower part. This made us to go for braces.

Orthodentist told us to get premolars (4 of them) removed to make space and decluster the bottom row of teeth. This was done during the last week of December 2008.

After sulphur 30 was administered, we had one more visit to Orthodentist to get the braces adjusted (tightened the brace wire). This was end of Jan 2009.

longlong last decade

For how long he has to stayaway from sweets?

longlong last decade
Whole week before you report.
sameervermani last decade
Today morning I gave him the medicine.
I will update his reaction in a week.

longlong last decade
Dear Sameer,

After the dose,

.irritation level:decreased a little.
.no dandruff.
First week,he was lazy and was more irritated (16 th to 22nd).Since he was adviced to stay away from sweet,he was not happy.

this week he is ok.Other than that I am not able to notice anything.
Anything in particular do I have to look for?

longlong last decade
What is the status on wheezing ?

How about eczema, cuts on fingers etc... ?
sameervermani last decade
Cuts are gone at present. He says it feels a little hard to breath, and if he runs it gets worse. After a few minutes he will be ok. It was there before the dose (now he is mentioning it).

longlong last decade
Let us just wait and watch for 1 more week.

Update me at that time.

sameervermani last decade
Dear Sameer,

It has been more than a week.
He was doing fine ,with no irritation .
Today he is back from school early,complaining about head ache.he says his fore head is aching very bad in the morning and now it is little better.
he is sniffing a lot.Is it allergy related ?

What is our next step?

longlong last decade
Hmm.. and what is the status on the eczema and wheezing ?

So, mentally he has been perfectly fine ?
sameervermani last decade
Mentally he was fine.But from yesterday,he is having sinus,blocked nose and sniffing a lot.when he bend down ,pat on the head ,it hurts.

He has phlegm and just he can feel in the throat,not coming out.and again lot of dandruf.

longlong last decade
wheezing very very mild.
longlong last decade
Hmm.. and this blocked nose... and sniffing, has this ever existed in the past ?
sameervermani last decade
HE used to get this almost a year and a half ago.This was there usually at this time of the year and trasition of the seasons.
He is telling his ears feeling weird,like blocking ,aches when he cover his ears.
This time of the year is always,pollen will be high,only he did not get last year.

longlong last decade
And what is the status on eczema ?
sameervermani last decade

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