The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Reoccurring anal fistula
I had surgery on an anal fistula on November 30, 2004. I was told by my doctor after surgery that it was a very superficial fistula and the surgery went perfectly. I was relieved but concerned when the pus continued to discharge for weeks and weeks after surgery. One evening I even called the hospital and spoke to an on-call doctor about it and he told me that was normal. Since surgery, I have had 4 post-op appointments with my doctor who at one point used silver nitrate to burn whatever was left out. Fifteen days after that I went back to the doctor still having some discharge but feeling wonderful, and he told me that I have to have surgery again. I am very frustrated and confused. He said that he thinks the fistula redeveloped but much smaller and closer to the outer opening. I told him I would do ANYTHING not to have surgery again and asked him if he would burn it again and said he didn't think that would work. How could a "very superficial" fistula be reoccuring? Should I get a second opinion? I feel great and the outside is completly healed and I do not want to put myself through another surgery, are there any answers? I have lost faith in my doctor but I don't know if I am overreacting. I know that antibiotics don't work on fistulas but couldn't we try a round before going through surgery again? He said he won't know anything for sure of what is going on until he gets in there. Help...??ccsspp on 2005-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Basic homeopathic principle- do not operate on anal fistula- it is a elieving condition.
Many years ago Dr Compton Burnett wrote a book called
"On Fistula and its radical cure by Medicines " [ homeopathic medicines]
I give below an extract from that book - and suggeast you obtain a copy.
The fistula-patient should be cured by internal constitutional treatment.
I find myself quite unable to believe that causing the fistula to heal up is in any sense a real cure ;on the contrary, I believe this I proceeding to be bad practice, and very harmful in its consequences for the future health and well-being of the patients: Neither am I able to conceive how ,any. kind of treatment by manipulation, could possibly alter the state óf one's constitution syphilitic strumous, a sycotic, a psoric individual would so far' as can see, be just ás syphilitic, as strumous, as sycotic, as psoric after being manipulated as before.
Having now, as I submit, practically demonstrated the feasibility of a radical cure of fistula by medicines, I claim for this method of cure in the aggregate superiority over all others,superior in the following particulars :
1. It is radical, in that the remedies can be chosen so that the internal causes of the fistular process are attacked and overcome.
, . 2. It is painless.
3, It does not interfere with the mode of or occupation of the sufferers.
4 There are no ill after-effects to the previous system from shock, such as may, and often do follow operations.
5 It is safe in that the chest and other affections are ameliorated pari passu with the general cure of the constitutional crisis.
6. It is effective in those cases in which surgery fails "because the fistula will not heal."
7. It is philosophic, being consonant with the true wisdom of self-preservation.
8. It is scientific, the remedies being chosen in accordance with the data of pharmacology derived from positive. experiments on the healthy.
"Now ! I can go no further , well or ill It is done."
Many years ago Dr Compton Burnett wrote a book called
"On Fistula and its radical cure by Medicines " [ homeopathic medicines]
I give below an extract from that book - and suggeast you obtain a copy.
The fistula-patient should be cured by internal constitutional treatment.
I find myself quite unable to believe that causing the fistula to heal up is in any sense a real cure ;on the contrary, I believe this I proceeding to be bad practice, and very harmful in its consequences for the future health and well-being of the patients: Neither am I able to conceive how ,any. kind of treatment by manipulation, could possibly alter the state óf one's constitution syphilitic strumous, a sycotic, a psoric individual would so far' as can see, be just ás syphilitic, as strumous, as sycotic, as psoric after being manipulated as before.
Having now, as I submit, practically demonstrated the feasibility of a radical cure of fistula by medicines, I claim for this method of cure in the aggregate superiority over all others,superior in the following particulars :
1. It is radical, in that the remedies can be chosen so that the internal causes of the fistular process are attacked and overcome.
, . 2. It is painless.
3, It does not interfere with the mode of or occupation of the sufferers.
4 There are no ill after-effects to the previous system from shock, such as may, and often do follow operations.
5 It is safe in that the chest and other affections are ameliorated pari passu with the general cure of the constitutional crisis.
6. It is effective in those cases in which surgery fails "because the fistula will not heal."
7. It is philosophic, being consonant with the true wisdom of self-preservation.
8. It is scientific, the remedies being chosen in accordance with the data of pharmacology derived from positive. experiments on the healthy.
"Now ! I can go no further , well or ill It is done."
passkey 2 decades ago
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