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Vaginal Muscles Tightening !!!

My wife is 36 years old and has given birth to 4 childern,,we have been married 16 years ago.

Sex has become a pleasureless thing for me,,because I feel that her vaginal muscles has considerably loosened ,and I feel very little friction during intercourse.

I want to know:
Is there any remedy available to tighten the loose muscles of female vagina ???

Please HELP me a SAVE my relation from souring up.

Impatiently waiting for a QUICK response
  abu essa on 2009-02-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Dear Abu Essa,

It is a natural phenoma that with the pessage of time after utilization of a thing for long time wear and tear/relaxness occurs there as the case may be. After having 4 issues it happened so. I do not have any knowledge about any medicine for tightness of viginal muscles, naturally loosen.

I only share here a tip for timely enjoyment, having constriction of muscles of vigina. Please procure Phitkari (Alumen Sulph) and put half teaspoon in a tub of luke warm water and ask your spous to take hip both for 5 minutes and then go to bed.

Let us see other comments
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
This is male dominating society. They have invented the Vigra for 90 years old man to enjoy life but for lady there are telling age effect. Please note the following for your case.

Carbo Veg 30. opening of mouth of Vagina due to loose muscles or operation.
Lechsis. Open mouth of Vagina due to some sickness
Open mouth of Anus: Phos. Acid.
marana last decade
I would like to see more comments to this very sensitive problem...
abu essa last decade
There are techniques which can improve sexual enjoy. I think that traditional position does not makes good for loosened muscles, but crossing legs can make not only an illusion of tightness, but can also give a new pleasure for both... :)
I recommend this for your Spouse.
Julibella last decade
being a doctor i also need information and practical experiences from other drs

dear marana pls share more experience here
Dr.Hasnaat last decade
The Best thing is You Leave your wife and marry another gal.Again after she gave birth to 4 or 5 children your relationship sours.Then again marry.Then your muscles will be weak same the relationship sours again this time she feels and looks for another guy.........

What do you think
homeopatient001 last decade
Though Phitkari (Alumen Sulph) is well tested method (many Unani physicians have told me). But I have seen some good results by administration of Borax 200 OD X 3 days to the female.
aconite last decade
Well I am using myotaut serum for make vagina tight this must have for any body who had a baby and became lose, after 2, 3 childrens and cuts in both kids i needed something that will make me feel like i never had a baby . myotaut serum does the job . so glad i found this Go Go Go for it .
Bria Hesse last decade
Don't listen the guy suggested you to divorce your wife and marry another gal. Its not a good thing. Every problem has solutions. You just google Myotaut serum and buy for your wife. Your life becomes heaven.
Egiach 8 years ago
Google kegel exercise for this.
simone717 8 years ago
First time purchasing a vaginal tightening serum, I am honestly very pleased with this product and let me just say that you don't have to be loose from there to purshace this type of product I believe that many females want to take care of their bodies, and feel great about them self, that's a part of loving yourself, it also has to do with making your partner happy, so with this being said I am very happy with dermalmd tightening serum product I have noticed a small difference then again I've only been using this product for less than a week can't really expect a dramatic change in just these few days the product is clear with a slightly light pink color and no scent to it
Campbell Paris 7 years ago
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simone717 7 years ago
Campbell Paris said First time purchasing a vaginal tightening serum, I am honestly very pleased with this product and let me just say that you don't have to be loose from there to purshace this type of product I believe that many females want to take care of their bodies, and feel great about them self, that's a part of loving yourself, it also has to do with making your partner happy, so with this being said I am very happy with dermalmd tightening serum product I have noticed a small difference then again I've only been using this product for less than a week can't really expect a dramatic change in just these few days the product is clear with a slightly light pink color and no scent to it⚠Please tick why you are reporting this post:Duplicate postArgumentative / Attack on another memberContains explicit or inappropriate contentPrescriber requesting offline contactPost is trying to sell somethingPosted under a false (duplicate) user name.Off topic for this thread.   Report Post     👍Endorsing posts shows your approval of this forum member and this particular post. We're not yet displaying this information but plan to when we have sufficient endorsements.Endorse Post  
simone717 7 years ago
Myotaut is best serum for vaginal tighteninng.It cures my dryness too.
leeann1 7 years ago

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