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Bed WettingEczema



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

eczema + bed wetting + bitting teeth during sleep


My 6 yr old son is having problem with eczema for almost 1 1/2 year, and thats the same time since we stopped using daipers during night, and he started bed wetting. Recently we have observerd that he has been bitting teet during night when he sleeping.

Allopathy Dr. confirmed that its eczema, and this has not been bothering much until couple months back. It was coming on his leg(back side) and shoulders (back side) we have been using the triamclinole and hydrocotisone, it gave temporary relief but keeps coming frequently and slowly starting all over the body recently. Also after using the triamcilone, skin became white color where we applied the cream.

Up a well knowledgable homoeo practioner family friend's advice we have started giving him cina , bacillnum since one month and in combination with echanechia(mother tinchure)since 1 week. Now, we can see that he eczema is spreading rapidly on his whole body and also around the eyes. Its become all wrikles and scales around the eyes, he is feeling very itchy and unformtable. We are doing lot of tests all the lab results are awaited. We are very concerned of his health please advice.Will be grateful if we can get some relief for my son.
If you have more questions, please let me know so that I can give more observations.

  csmallela on 2009-03-02
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
First thing needs to do is to hold on any further dose of all medicines
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
Sure Dr,
Recently we have done some blood tests, I can pass on the test results if that would help.

Please Advice further steps.

csmallela last decade
all fcators around the time diapers removed need be exlained---prio to mani complaints

excatly when teeth biting 1st observed starting..

what ills child had from birth til 1 1/2 age?how treated?
skin ills that were in occurance --even if very samll--cradle cap..et cetc---from birth to 1 1/2 age?
John Stanton last decade
Please rewrite which are applicable to your child and if have comment on anyone put them in () i.e. weight 20 lbs. (remained on this for two months)

Height, weight, soft, fatty, over fatty, fair, over fair, over-weight, heavy, big head, enlarged cervical glands (knots in side of neck), big abdomen, thin, thinner, coarse curly hair, fine-textured skin, finer sandy hair, finer reddish hair, have tendency to sweat easily, very much thinner, not well grown, paler, fine-textured skin, finer sandy hair, finer hair with reddish glint, thick skin, much paler, very pale, have warts, excessive salivation, less salivation, usually suffers from mouth ulcers or bumps, have frequent digestive upsets, thin neck, nail problems, pale greasy skin, lazy, sobbing in sleep, bluish fingers, bluish extremities, extremities always feels cold, epistaxis, stools are usually solid and/or constipated, stools are usually semisolid/loose/watery, has/had skin eruption, usually sweaty skin, usually dry skin.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade
He was a perfect well baby until he was 5 years, very active and always running,playful.

Since he was 4-4 1/2 like other parents, we started preparing him for not wearing diapers during nights. And once he turned 5, occasionally we started not putting diaper during nights.
Before he goes to bed, he goes to bathroom
Before he needs to go the bathroom he moves on the bed which gives us the indication to wake him up for bathroom.
And with in a hour he needs to be taken for bathroom again while he is still sleeping.
After that during the rest of the night, some times he used to wet and sometimes not.

So, we started removing diapers all thru night, thinking he might feel/know better when he needs to go to bathroom while he is still sleeping.
That did'nt help much, he continued to do bed wetting almost 3-4 days in a week.
During the same time, he also started taking lot of spicy food, he likes to eat inidian pickles, does'nt like gravry curries, most of the time dry curries. Also, he did'nt eat rice from 1-4, only wheat chapatis (roti's) only with dry curry, some times not even that.Even now, if we give him rice with pickles he finishes his meal in 5-10 min, other wise takes almost 30 mins - 1 hour, some time even more than that.
He like to take hot and long showers.

So, he continued bedwetting, and his bed became full of stains, we used let the mattress dry in sun and put a fresh/machine washed blanket.Just few days back we bought all new bed and bed set for him to give him fresh sleeping environment.Also, we started him on, diapers again so, that he he does'nt end up in sleeping on wet bed, if

We are not sure when he started bitting teeth during night time but we have noticed just that few weeks back.

He does'nt have any other noticable problems, please post your questions, so that I can respond as observed.

csmallela last decade
He is

50 lbs weight
44 inch height.
lean, skinny
feels very cold before sleep(wants to wear a sweat jacket) but once we started homeo meds (since few weeks), that tendency has stopped.
usually normal skin. He was fair till 4, after that
used to give monthly once coconut oil massage for few mins. before bath, after which his complexion reduced a little bit, other than we have not noticed any skin issues.He feels sweaty when he plays a lot(I think thats normal)
No constipation, but almost different times every day.
Nails - I am seeing white dot on nails since few months, it was not like that earlier.

We have not observed any other problems.
csmallela last decade
Can some one reply to this message...
csmallela last decade
Only thin or very thin
What about his stamina
Does the skin eruption have any discharge
If yes describe in these criteria
Location, you described back of shoulder and back of leg
Bleeding: Does it tendto bleed
Discharges: No discharge
Discharging: Thick
Yellow discharge
Crust forming discharge
Honey-like discharge
Offensive discharge
Appetite: Normal, low, excessive, every excessive
What changes you have noted since stopping all medications. Try to describe it more and more.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade

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