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throat ulcers

My son came down with mono late last summer. It was quite an ordeal. Since then he still has the swollen tonsils. Couple of months later he developed pits on his tonsils. They are large swollen places on his tonsils with little holes in them. Now he has developed a painful thing the doctor calls throat ulcers. Do you think this is caused from the mono or could it be something else? How can I help my son get over all his throat problems? He is 18 years old and seems like he has been sick for months with this.
  Tammy on 2005-01-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
What treatment did he get for mono This may be the root of the problem.
passkey 2 decades ago
I am 18 years old and a Freshman in college. I had mono for two months and only recently recovered. Last week, I developed what at first appeared to be a canker sore at the back of my mouth near my tonsils. Now, I have two large ulcers, one near each tonsil. The first doctor I saw prescribed me with antibiotics, but this did not help; in fact, the sores got worse. The last doctor I saw told me this was a viral infection cause by my weakened immune system after having mono. She told me it would go away on its own, but might take up to several weeks. My ulcers are very painful, and it is very difficult to eat or drink. If anyone has more information, please reply!
zimmerman last decade
Hi why dont both of you try Hepar Sulph 200 3 pills twice daily for your throat ulcers & pain . Try for a week & post results
willway last decade
Idont know about the mono but I just came down with throat ulcers for the first time in my life and cannot eat, drink, or sleep because of the pain. My boyfriend who is a surgical technition told me about a rememdy that relives the pain....mix 1 tsp of malox, 1 tsp liquid benedryl (childrens), and 1 tsp liquid motrin ( childrens)...gargle and then swallow..it really helps!
lnctwm last decade
Yes keep on going with your boyfriend prescription.That is much better.It releived you but that is not a permanent cure.Ulcers will keep on coming again and again.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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