The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Eczema 6 month old baby!
Hi,My baby is suffereing from eczema on his shoulder..few thick and dry patches.
He also has rashes on his cheek which, rough and dry cheek. He has a very dry scalp with some dandruff/residual cradle cap. He gets very itcy at night and scraches his head very badly till blood comes out.
I have put cortisone on the shoulder but it only supresses it.
He also has milk allergy (very high IgG count) and mild with egg. He is breast fed and supplemented with soy formula when he was 7 week old. He was fine after that for few months but suddently he is getting worse with eczema and rashes.
please suggest ..if their is a cure in homeopath and what medication can be given?
Any good doctor in Dallas, TX please suggest.
Thank you
sonikasaddar on 2009-03-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Most probably Atopic dermatitis. There should be an allergic history in family.
It can be completely cured by internal medication alone.
You should find a qualified and experienced hompath
It can be completely cured by internal medication alone.
You should find a qualified and experienced hompath
PANNAKKAL last decade
Is there any thing unusual that u have observed in your baby apart from the problem stated.
Though he is 6 months old but is there anything that stands out or else how would u describe him !!! .
Though he is 6 months old but is there anything that stands out or else how would u describe him !!! .
vikas_grower last decade
Their is no history of Allergy in the family but he has developed diary allergy when he was 6-7 week old.
How I discribe him. His body type is hot. He doesn't like to wear blanket at night, sweat at night, he is very happy baby overall. Not fussy with got digestion and bowel movement.
How I discribe him. His body type is hot. He doesn't like to wear blanket at night, sweat at night, he is very happy baby overall. Not fussy with got digestion and bowel movement.
sonikasaddar last decade
vikas_grower last decade
sulfur would help
isha_dr last decade
my son had REALLY bad eczema all over his face, torso and legs when he was about 3 months old. i used Galaxal base. (it's water steroids) and it seemed to work really well. i would just keep putting it on until it went away. then every now and then it would flare up again and i'd just use the cream again. he's now almost two years old, and i haven't had to use it in almost a year. i don't know why...maybe he grew out of it...not sure...but when he did have it, that cream seemed to work very nicely.
belisa last decade
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