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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Severe Allergies and Acid Reflux Disease

Hello All

I am 28, male, live in US.

I need help with two other problems that I have been having. For about a year now, I have been having these allergies that start in the morning right after waking up. It so happens that right after I wake up and go to bathroom, I start sneezing like crazy. This follows with runny nose. It stops after the morning shower (I use watm to hot watter for shower depending on the season). But it can start back as the day progresses. Some times when the allergies are reall bad, they are accompnied by runny nose at some times and stuffy nose at others. There is no specific pattern for this. But the sneezing and runny nose happen almost every day. I also noticed that I need at least 8 hours of sleep every night. If somehow I get less sleep or my sleep gets interupted, I get grumpy and my allergies kick in easily. Also, the same thing happens when I am weak. Also, I get tired very easily. My doctor gave me Alegra D which I use off an on when I feel agravated symptoms of allergies as per my doctor's advice.

The second problem is Acid Reflux disease. My stomach gets gassy very easily. And the smell is very rotten. If I eat dinner late (1 or 2 hours before sleep), I am guaranteed to have disrupted sleep or at times no sleep at all.

Please help me with these problms. Please suggest appropriate dosage and potency.

  A2Z_A2Z on 2005-01-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Bacillinum 200c will stop your sneezing. Take just one dose of 3 or 4 balls under the tongue, last thing at night and report result on this Forum.

Natrum Phos 6x will help your Acid Reflux. Take 3-4 pills after lunch and dinner and report result.

No coffee and Cola drinks and preserved foods like ham bacon sausages may be taken as they neutralize homeopathic remedies
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
Joe is probably right on this one , but Medorrhinum may work if Bac doesnt.
passkey 2 decades ago
Bacillinum may solve your most of the problems.
pw3000 2 decades ago
I am unable to find Bacillinum 200c on the web. Does anyone know some website to get it from ?

A2Z_A2Z 2 decades ago
I believe that you can get Bacillinum 200c from:

Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
The Above Website says I can buy Bacillinum by prescription only. Any suggestions anyone ?
A2Z_A2Z 2 decades ago
Please contact Daniel who is the manager in charge and inform him that Joe De Livera from Colombo, Sri Lanka suggested that you take this remedy for your Catarrh.

You only require 2 doses and I believe that he may send them to you. You take one dose under the tongue and the second dose is taken 2 weeks later if you find that the first dose helps your problem.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago
If you can't get it, I will make it available. But, do not put your address on forum. Post to tell me.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

I think I would need your help. Please let me know how to contact you.

A2Z_A2Z 2 decades ago
I don't have ACID reflux, but everytime I eat, I get mucus in my throat from the stomach. I used to have pain and burning sensation in my stomach, but eating only BAGELS(?) with swiss cheese relieved the pain. Actually, I CRAVED bagels (like I craved sodium????). I stopped drinking coffee/tea/sodas, fresh foods. I ate only cooked/steamed veggies. I also was very weak and had no energy.
After 2 months on this restricted diet, I'm better, but still I have mucus after eating, and still have to be careful what I eat. I've still less energy than I used to have. What homeopathic remedy should I take for this ailment?
veranita last decade

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