The ABC Homeopathy Forum
information on Thyroid support Natra-bio /homeopathic medicine
I would like to know if there are people who have used "Thyroid support" homeopathic medicine in conjunction with levoxyl. Have they experienced positive results and if so what are they. And if not, what were the adverse effects?mmorales on 2003-12-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
maybe you read other post concerning thyroid--one have it removed another treat as seperate symptom from whole self.
yeah--those use natra bio thyroid--use long time--no treat reason for thyroid misfunction just pallatate--possible also induce medicine ill-ness---CRUTCH-this not homoeopathy--yet medicine prepared according homoeopathic principle---
i tell you if your body giving symptoms--treat self as a whole---how many time this forgotten--whole being---this is path to well-nesss
list symptoms--write all you can concerning all complaints you have----make accessment from that point---
john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
yeah--those use natra bio thyroid--use long time--no treat reason for thyroid misfunction just pallatate--possible also induce medicine ill-ness---CRUTCH-this not homoeopathy--yet medicine prepared according homoeopathic principle---
i tell you if your body giving symptoms--treat self as a whole---how many time this forgotten--whole being---this is path to well-nesss
list symptoms--write all you can concerning all complaints you have----make accessment from that point---
john stanton
homoeopathic layman
pennsylvania usa
john stanton 2 decades ago
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