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Fear of vomiting

Dear Members,
I would like somebody to tell me wich remedies has "fear of vomiting", as an important symptom picture,
thank you,
  mariah on 2005-02-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I could not actually find a "fear of vomiting" specifically, so I picked out a few and you can see if you fit any picture that may help in overall.

If the emotional mental fits, it may fit in other ways. Sometimes there are more than one fear and it multiplies on itself.

COCCULUS (motion)
VERATRUM ALBUM (vomiting and shock.
IPECACUANHA vomits with cough.

Hope this helps.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
thank you so much Sabra!
I have been given every remedy you posted above but

Lilium Tigrin.
mariah 2 decades ago
It will help to narrow down the choice of remedies,if you can tell us,under what conditions,you have this fear of vomiting?

Also,can you pl.explain that phrase.Does it mean you have nausea which doesn't cause actual vomiting?Or,is it something else?

bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
thank you Murthy for replying.The fear of vomiting is present since i was a child, now i am 34.-
thank you,
mariah 2 decades ago
thank you Murthy for replying.The fear of vomiting is present since i was a child, now i am 34.-
thank you,
mariah 2 decades ago
You might try to think of it as something you just hate, instead of falling into fear. The fear belongs in the childhood.

Many people over the years really need to vomit up some sour stuff and actually cannot. Who knows what reason.

I tell them to go into bathroom and stand in front of the toilet and drink down a warm glass of water...it will easily bounce out right away. One does not go through the many heaves.

This rinses the stomach and takes it all out. Then one can relax.

People with Chrone's disease really have a problem with this. I have told several to try this and it gave great relief.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
I think i dont have the nerve to to the bath thing....i am really afraid of vomiting.
thank you Sabra,
mariah 2 decades ago
I think I know what Mariah is talking about. It is something like some people are afraid of wetting themselves or fainting - in a bus, during shopping in a big mall, during an exam etc. Is this it? An anxiety coming out from the stomach so strong you're afraid you'll vomit (and additionaly make a fool of yourself in front of all the people around)? If yes, I would recommend to cure the anxiety and find the cause in your childhood (did you consult a psychologist?).
Selina 2 decades ago
Hi Albert - I hope you get this message.

I too have a fear of vomiting since childhood. It's actually a common phobia. Just look: emetophobia-dot-org

I have tried many things to cure it. I know the terror that it can bring into your life.

I'm happy to say that I have found one thing that works well...exposure therapy. Don't worry - they wont make you get sick! they will very carefully and slowly desensitize you. Here is one example of a program. phobia-anxiety-dot-org

Talk to a doctor near you to find the right program. If your doctor can't help, then try another doctor.

You will find peace.
lollypop 2 decades ago
I have treated patients with fear of vomiting with STRONTII HYDRALINIUM 7CH successfully.
donnely 2 decades ago
Im am also one of those people with this fear,it has started to run mylife, and i need some help, or support group to come to. I really just want it to go away, I was never this way until 4 months after my son was born.. I want to know how to get the answers as to how this starts and why. Thank
teehee28 last decade
strontii hydralinium
what materia medica is this this from ????
alangail last decade

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