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goopy, watery eyes and bad cough???

My 5 yr. old daughter has watery eyes with yellowish discharge. She also has a a clear, runny nose and a persistant, hacking cough with little chest congestion. (for a week she had darker flem and nose discharge but now it's lighter.) I gave her some homeopathic medicine - Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum - and will continue that. But this morning at 4:00 am she was coughing so bad and her eyes were gooed over so I gave her cough syrup with antihistamine to help her sleep.
I want to avoid antibiotics as much as possible. It is most likely a bad cold? How can I now if she needs more medical attention?
  praiseincolor on 2009-05-20
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
just give your kid puls 200
three times in day for one dayand wait and watch
dont give her any other medicine as u know she is small and her immunity is high so when ever u give her any homepathy medicine she comes up with proving so better not to give
just give her small dose of puls and it will cure it
dr ajay
drajay last decade

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