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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

sinusitis -- dr sameer.

Dear Dr Sameer,

Greetings of the season.

I have been a victim of sinusitis from the past 6-7yrs now.

In the beginning it used to be an allergy and I would ward of the symptoms by using an allopathic antihistamine. The as yrs passed by it started getting worse. A doctor has recommended me a FESS. I still don't believe it, as every disease has a cure.

So I started looking for homeopath. I started self medication which proves to be quite effective in my case. I'm using hydrastis candensis (200c).

I really don't know what dose to take so usually take 6-7 pellets 3 times daily. But I still feel something at the back of my throat. It seems like somethings dripping. I do a have lot of mucus usually yellow in color from the throat quite often and sometimgs from the nose.

Recently I have had loss of memory. Can't remember where I put the keys 2mins back etc. I'm quite depressed too. Like to be alone.

Thank you for reading my post and appreciate it if you could help me.

Kind Regards,

Ghaffar Ahmed.
  ghaffar3 on 2009-05-26
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