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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

GERD - I am on an unknown medicine


I am 38 years old male from Mumbai, India. I have come to know about this website only about 8 / 10 days back and this is a wonderful website.

I have acidity (or should I say Hyper Acidity) for the last 20 years. Previously, it used to go with just plain cold water and then Gelusil / Digene.. then Rantac.. and then Rabeprazole etc.

I got an endoscopy done in Dec 2007 and it said mid linear erosions and all other tests were okay. I was on a medicine called Happi 20 for the entire 2008 and beginning 2009 I stopped.

I have consulted a renowned Hoeopath in Mumbai and she has put me on an unknown homeopathy medicine.

Post this treatment I am generally ok.. but there's an occational attack with a little greasy food.

My weight was 83 kilos (height 165 cm) on Jan 27, 2009 and with very strict diet I have brought it don to 75 as of now.

Pls help!
  anirban0704 on 2009-05-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please continue with the current treatment.

Nothing can substitute the personal interaction with your doctore. Watch out for 3-4 more months and if there is no significant improvent noticed after that, please feel free to get help from this forum.

Best Wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade
Many thanks for your prompt reply. Really, appreciate. The reason I have joined the forum is primarily because I want to eliminate my apprehensions.

The first one is presently about reduction in weight. I was about 83 / 84 kilos, 4 months back. Now I am 75 kilos and let me tell, I have done very harsh and stringent diet, not much of exercise though. I did not have any oily food during this last 4 months (barring very few exception days), very small amount of dinner, small lunch and small breakfast. Is there anything wrong with the weight?

The second apprehension is that the acidity comes back with harmless food also. I seriously don’t know why? When will this go?

The medicine I am taking now are small white four globules (3 times a day morning lunch and dinner).. I don’t know what are those medicines. But the results are not bad post May 19, 2009 when I consulted my Homeopath. I have a very mild feeling of burning now..

Pls tell me when will this go..

Many thanks..
anirban0704 last decade
You started taking medicines on 19th of May and are feeling much better now. This is a very good indication indeed. Please let go off all your apprehensions. You are on the path of cure.

In homeopathy, no one will be able to tell you the exact time the remedy will complete its action and bring about the cure. it depends on many factors, especially the extent of derangement of your Vital Force.

As i mentioned earlier, keep taking the medicines for atleast 3-4 months and if you are not satisfied then, do come back.

Get well soon.

Best Wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade
Thank you.

Is weight reduction no issue? God bless you, if it is not.

Thanks again
anirban0704 last decade
It should not be a major issue. Just follow the following carefully:

-A good, filling, healthy breakfast
-A moderate lunch
-A light dinner, 2 hours before going to sleep.
-Sprouts, 3-4 times a day in the interval between lunch and dinner.

Best Wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade

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