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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

genital warts , anemia and atopic dermatis

Hi doctor Niel,
Thanks for your reply.
The details you asked me are as follows:
Age: 33 , Sex : female, unmarried.
Weight: 44 , country: india.
Climate: moderate
Complaints:1. Suffering from anemia for more than 11 years.
2. Eczema in folds of skin since the age of 14.
3. Recently observed wart over the labia ( kissing lesions 1cm difference)
Vaccine was recommended but not taken.
Diabitic: No
Desire for salt.
Thirst: normal ( intake of around 1lt or more per day)
What exactly is happening ?
1. Hemoglobin count reduces once every 3-4 months.Extreme tiredness and giddiness
.aversion to food.appitite normal.and muscle and bone pains.i was under iron and zinc and vit b12 tablets for some
years, doc advised me to take honey + glycerine every morn i tsp.Anemia was under
control but not cured and there was loss of weight.then right now i am not multivitamin
tablets ocassionally ( whenever i feel giddy i take one ) .
2.Eczema : boils in the lower portion of the body and on the sides only.now under much control.now what is left is just a small itchy(very)
patch under the knee.it starts of as one boil ( red in the beginning ) and then gets black after scratching and continues to remain
throught the year if left untreated.i was treated by a homeopath and so the boils have dissappeared to a great extent.
3.Wart: In the initial stage the wart was very itchy and sometimes it would bleed.it is over 2 yrs now and the wart bleeds rarely
and does not itch as i keep the area clean.but i am worried as there is talk of cervical cancer all around.the wart is very tiny and
soft to touch.itches when touched.it is in the form of a cluster of tiny eruptions.

Mind: Had fixed ideas since childhood.Every negative word spoken about me affected me for many years.
I lived in my own world of fixed ideas and impressions and never tried to understand wat the world around me is like.
Was very philosophical and thought some force guided me all the time.
After my doc counsled me i am seeing the world as it is since the last two years.His words acted like magic on me.
Now i am at a stage where i dont even try to think of the existence of god.I feel philosophy spoilt my life.
I feel free in mind after i gave up thoughts of god.
I was also stubborn on the outside and sensitive inside.never expressed my feelings to my parents.They assume i am hard hearted while i am not
and every time they say i am hard hearted i feel depressed .I express my feelings to some close friends.
Never thought of marriage and i didnt have any dreams like usual girls.Now i regret that i have given a false impression of myself to my parents.

Habits : no habits.
Current medication : none
Desire or aversion of food : I dont like the taste of tamarind.
Anger: sometimes i get so angry that blood rushes to my head.At other times i am calm and composed.am a teacher by proffesion.
Hair : My hair started greying while i was still in school.was never treated for that.now i color my hair.wonder if it is harmful to my health.
  sensitive on 2009-05-27
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