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safe detox during pregnancy?

I have been mildly exposed to oil based paint fumes and am 25 weeks pregnant. I would like to do the sulph/nox detox (or another detox specific to aitrborn toxins) but am unsure if it is safe during pregnancy. My midwife explained that all homeopathy is safe during pregnancy.
  3carolyn on 2005-02-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
"Mildly exposed" doesn't seem serious, but Nux V. wouldn't hurt you. One dose per day for a week.

Homeopathy is not harmful. One can eat the whole bottle of Arsnic without harm because of the way it is produced from the orginal substance. Homeopathic Arsenic is a very important remedy. Arnica is Leopards Bane, a very poisonous plant. A most important remedy.

Every thing homeopathic is in reverse order. So, Nux, the poison nut, reverses many types of poisons.

There are many funny and also serious tales of people trying to kill one another with homeopathy, thinking, by the remedy name, that it was poisonous. Some went to jail for intent.

Remember to take Folic Acid for your pregnancy.

The fetus is really protected by your body. You would have to be a heavy drinker or smoker to harm your child.

Anxiety and fear is more harmful. The baby picks up these emotions and may be born already feeling them.

Blessings to you and yours for the safe delivery of a wonderfully healthy child. Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Thanks for the quick response. I work hard at providing a nutriotionally dense and diverse environment. So having these fumes in the house is upsetting to me. We were our for a week, but I can still smell the fumes. I am trying to remain in positive a protected energy- it is hard sometimes. I have been using Bach flowers to support this. I will use the Nux V- Do you also recommend the sulpha in the morning? I had read Sulpha in the morning, Nux-V at night for a good detox. Thanks again for your help.
3carolyn 2 decades ago
I am not feeling that Sulphur is called for. You may do as you wish, will not hurt baby.

Allopathic meds are "Sulpha." Homeopathy is "Sulphur." It is for the future when you wish to be accurate to post.

Yes, Sulphur is the "before 11 am" good to give the first dose. When giving remedies and they seem right, but begin to be confusing, a dose of Sulphur in the am "resets" the body and the remedies begin to work better again, unless of course it is time to actually change the process into another step.

Epson Salts baths are good for the body to detox too. Negative Ion machines are good too. (expensive, but one would use for years)

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
I've just had a very old dental filling removed, and it will soon be replaced with a hybrid ceramic. The filling was not amalgam, but rather a shiny, silver-colored sort of cap, probably put in about 30 years ago. I probably swallowed some tiny particles during removal, as I could see them in my saliva at first when rinsing. Is Nux (or Sulphur AM/Nux PM) a good choice for helping my body to shed the metal? Any other choices that might be better?
MomAndAHalf last decade

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