The ABC Homeopathy Forum
PCOS and elevated testosterone; looking for a remedy
I am a 25year old female who has been diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago, however, I did not take any medicine to treat it. The biggest problem that I had related to PCOS was persistent acne but to me taking drugs to treat the acne was more scarier as I was worried about their long term effects. Recently, however, my total testosterone level in the blood was twice the normal range; I had a result of 157ng/dl with the range of 46-76ng/dl; my testosterone has been elevated but never by this much, it was always a few points above the range. The test was taken on the fifth day after beginning of menstruation, perhaps that's why it has been so elevated, however, this has got me really worried and determined to seek help from homeopathy. I am now seeking a homeopathic remedy for my symptoms as I do not want to take any hormones, which seem to be the only treatment option given to me, or spironolactone and/or metrofin which seem to be other alternatives as I am too scared as to the long term results of the above drugs, therefore, I did not take any to treat PCOS.I ve read a lot of posts regarding PCOS on this forum, however, all the cases/symptoms are different and each one suggests a different type of homeopathy, therefore, I could not diagnose which remedy would work best for my case.
I believe in homeopathy and I hope someone can help me.
Thank you
Lovely 223
a few more details below:
2. 25 years old
3. female
4. unmarried (still a virgin); currently single
5. 95 pounds (~45kg)
6. 5'7'' (170cm) .
7. New york city, usa
8. humid in the summer; weather unstable swings from low to high very often: 32 degrees farenheit one day and can be up to 60 degrees farenheit the next day; mild winters (~10degrees farenheit); no real spring, goes from wintery temperature to summer temperature of ~60+degrees farenheit in one day
9. List of your complain
Acne for the past 10 years; it has grown severe in the past few month, with many whiteheads poping up and two or three at a time next to each other(cyst like acne); acne is usually located on the cheeks
Periods are somewhat irregular; usually the cycles are about 40-55 days, but other times they are on time; menarche started at 13 and since then usually miss about two periods a year;
Body hair darker then normal; excessive hair growth right above the bellybutton and tiny hairs all over the upper body.
Noticed that started to loose hair all over the head
Irritable, annoyed, frustrated, lack of motivation
increased testorone levels
seborrheic dermatitis (not sure if related to PCOS, but I has grown considerable worse around my temples in the past few months)
lack of motivation and desire to do anything (not sure if related to PCOS)
10. non Diabetic (glucose fasting is within normal range; no symptoms of diabetes; not obese I am very slim and underweight)
11. no particular desire for any food; it all depends on the mood; sometimes I crave chocolates/sweets, but usually I want sour pickles and salty food like smoked salmon
12dont feel thirsty, feel like I do not drink enough water; usually do not drink during the day and only have about three cups of liquid a day
13. Tongue normal,
14. Current BP (without medicine and with medicine) don't know what this means
15. What exactly is happening ? began to break out more often and more severely in the past few months; do not feel motivated to do anything; desire to be left alone and not bothered by anyone for anything
16. Seem to be irritable and seem to have a short fuse for small things like missing a train makes me mad and ticked off more than I believe a regular person would feel; I react to almost any type of irritation by cursing, in order to let out the steam and the petty disappointment
17. How does this affect you ? i seem to be very argumentative and irritable with my parents for little, petty things like when they ask me to wash the dishes right after dinner (not an unreasonable request but I get into a fight telling them I will do it later for no apparent reason, but just because)
18. How does it feel like ? makes me feel irritable and annoyed at littlelest things; frustrated because all the topical methods that I tried for acne do not work; want to be left alone and not bothered by those who wish me best by trying to find various topical remedies for my acne, and in general do not want to be bothered by anything or anyone; feel helpless because topical acne medicines don't help but also feel scared to try hormones or any of the conventional stuff because of what it will to my body in long term
19. What comes to your mind ? feeling of guilt if I go out to a concert or show because I feel like I should be helping at home by cleaning and trying to figure out some financial problems;
Desire to just curl up with a book somewhere so that no one bothers me;
Feel like my behavior is to avoid/ignore the problem and hope that it will go away; I know that it won't go away, but I do not care that it won't go away; lack of motivation to do anything
20. One situation that had a big effect on you ? in august a guy I was seeing for three months suddenly stopped all communication with me for no apparent reason; since then I seem to notice that I began to exhibit depression like symptoms; didn't care for anything, didn't want to go anywhere, do anything. my blood result at that time showed a total testosterone level of 79 ng/dL, with a range of 42-76 ng/dL;
From January - april, (especially in February), I had trouble at work where I was not performing, was not being efficient and making mistakes; this made me feel very frustrated and incompetent; made me doubt the choice of my profession and weather or not I will be fired; this made me loose all motivation and desire for anything; currently in May by testosterone level is twice the normal range, it is 150 ng/dl with the range of 46-76ng/dl
21. How did that feel like ? frustrated; annoyed; avoidance of the problems; irritable; no motivation;
22. What sensation do you experience in that situation ? frustration, annoyance, irritability and short fuse when people tell me to apply topical medicine to my acne, when they know full well that my acne is not helped by topical medicine; it makes me frustrated because the medicine doesnot work therefore I do not feel like trying anything else/new because I know it won't help; which makes me feel like yelling at the person to leave me alone because it won't help anyway
23. What are you showing by that gesture of your hand.(habits or Action) ? not sure what is meant by this
24. currently not taking any medicine except for vitamin D and vitamin E
25. family back ground; mother never missed her periods, however she is very slim and underweight; she had several miscarriges (do not know the reason, but most likely because her rhesus factor is negative and the child might have been positive, therefore, the body did not accept the embryo) and had a difficult pregnancy with me; I am an only child
26. I work as an auditor
27. Nature of working ; the job demands to be detail oriented, work efficiently under pressure and be able to meet tight deadlines;
28. no desire or aversion to particular food; eat everything I desire; try to eat healthy and home cooked meals; stay away from too much fried and oily foods like pancakes, after three or four fried pancakes or any fried food my stomach begins to hurt; after I have too much garlic or onion I get a bit of a heartburn, otherwise my food preference is dependent on my mood. However, noticed that often times after I had a full meal I still feel hungry sensations in my stomach although I feel like I cannot force another piece down my throat.
29. Mind-behavior, anger, irritability, hurry, impatient and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, public speaking or not , you can describe all the detail about behavior, love and affection. Any confidential and private matter to be discuss by email.
I am very shy, introverted and private individual; usually don';t talk about myself or divulge too much information regarding my beliefs, hobbies, background, desires, etc to others. However, lately noticed that I am becoming more talkative in sharing my views, beliefs and hobbies with others. I am also very forgiving and nice. Do not like to be in limelight and center of attention or to call attention to myself. Do not like public speaking. Like studying and did well in college however have a hard time putting theory into practice. Lazy, want to travel do things but realy want someone else to do the planning for me. Do not have many close friends. Feel guilty if I go out because I feel like I should be helping out at home; feel like by going out I am avoiding the problems
30. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases)
Increases when people who know that topical medicine for acne on me doesn't work tell me try new topical medicine anyway
Also seem to be aggravated my little things that don't go right but don't stay mad or fuming for too long though
Time and/or season does not effect my aggravation, although in the winter had no motivation (probably due to long hours at work and trouble at work as well as lack of sunlight) now in the summer desire to go to places and see things is coming back
31.Any aggravation or change before,during or after menses?
Did not notice any changes before, during after menses
Very happy when menses comes on time as it sometimes skips months
I feel like lowering my testerone levels is the first step but I do not know any homeopathic remedy to do that. does anyone know if there is one?
Please help
lovely223 on 2009-06-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have tried the following:
benzol peroxide up to 5-10% concentration. salicilic acid 2%
retin A cream 1.5% (this helped a little bit by mostly drying out existing acne but didnot prevent new white heads)
TAZORAC® (tazarotene) Cream 0.1% (similar to retin A cream; did not help)
erethromycin cream
antibiotics: tried tetracycline and doxycycline (Adoxa); they didn't really help much, acne sort of cleared up while I was taking the drug, but not completely and I still got breakouts, less frequent by still had whiteheads, however, as soon as I was off, I resumed breaking out
no other personal medical history comes to mind that would be relavant excpet that I have always been underweight, very slim, slender, but do not have an appetite problem or an eating disorder; I eat waht I want and how much I want.
Mother had teenage acne, which went away after her teenage years; she is also very slim and underweight.
father also underweight, however, he has high cholesterol (not sure this is relavant to my condition).
Grandfather had diabetes type II which he developmed due to a VERY stressfull event in his life; he was using insulin to treat his diabites.
grandmother has high blood pressure, for which she is taking medication.
what other type of medical history might be relavant?
thank you for your help
I have tried the following:
benzol peroxide up to 5-10% concentration. salicilic acid 2%
retin A cream 1.5% (this helped a little bit by mostly drying out existing acne but didnot prevent new white heads)
TAZORAC® (tazarotene) Cream 0.1% (similar to retin A cream; did not help)
erethromycin cream
antibiotics: tried tetracycline and doxycycline (Adoxa); they didn't really help much, acne sort of cleared up while I was taking the drug, but not completely and I still got breakouts, less frequent by still had whiteheads, however, as soon as I was off, I resumed breaking out
no other personal medical history comes to mind that would be relavant excpet that I have always been underweight, very slim, slender, but do not have an appetite problem or an eating disorder; I eat waht I want and how much I want.
Mother had teenage acne, which went away after her teenage years; she is also very slim and underweight.
father also underweight, however, he has high cholesterol (not sure this is relavant to my condition).
Grandfather had diabetes type II which he developmed due to a VERY stressfull event in his life; he was using insulin to treat his diabites.
grandmother has high blood pressure, for which she is taking medication.
what other type of medical history might be relavant?
thank you for your help
lovely223 last decade
i can draw some similarity to pulsatilla as far as your psychology is concerned.
if you wish, you may try it. this will give you an overall benifit.
pulsatilla 200c, take 5 doses only, each after 12 hours interval. then stop and watch your progress for next 15 days.
if you wish, you may try it. this will give you an overall benifit.
pulsatilla 200c, take 5 doses only, each after 12 hours interval. then stop and watch your progress for next 15 days.
♡ rishimba last decade
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