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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

eczema or rashes of 2.5 years old daughter

Hi All,

Hope my daughter will find cure one day.
well here is my daughters detail..

she is 2.5 years.she was born craddle cap problem and rashes grew behind ears then.

slowly white skin loosing from head scalp stopped when she turned 6-7.

she was mother fed till 1 and little till 2.but she continuouly had skin rashes which i try to control by prescribed little steroid cream .currently i am using Aquaphor and sometimes if she scathes badly i use betnovate cream.i myself have eczema of hand and i have seasonal bronchitis so i am sure i am the cause .

Now i spoke to homeopathic doctor in India as i cannot go personally and i described her condition on phone .she has rashes on both knee,behind the knee it erupts now and then beneath the buttock she has pathes,little on hand too ,on arms ,sometimes on belly and thigh,sometimes pathes on lowe back,and around the lits it is too dry and i observe redness at times.

Behaviour wise she is very obstinate and will not do if she decides not to at anycost.this is very different from my elder daughter.

after talking to doctor he prescribed us sulphur 200 2 times weekly (2 drops).

FOOD WISE i stopped milk products ,strawberries which she use eat lot.

can't say if condition is improving after too days but i think banana can be a trouble too.
currently i am giving her
1) dosa
4)orange,baby carrots
5) oatbars

Do not know what else i should do as she is difficult to contol.
Hope someone can help if the prescribed medicine sulphur 200 is OK what fruits i can give her without any problem.

Thanks All

  ananyasukanya on 2009-06-10
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
sulphur 200 is o.k
rhus ven 30 3 drops 3 times daily
write also about nature of eruotions . color of skin at diseased location
digvijoy last decade
Thanks for quick respose
ananyasukanya last decade
i am sorry my last post could not be completed

Please can u tell me if

1) I can start medicine without any fear of side effects as i am not in position to see a homeopathic Doctor right now.

2) about rashes she now has all over body lately i have seen on belly also.then behind the knee,over the knee area ,on the foot like patches.
it comes as red scratchy bumps.also 2-3 patches small on lower back side.also finger and hand joints where skin is like different. little eruptions i could see on neck and chest place which she scratched badly.around the mouth area sometimes i see redness and dry lips which is not as bumpy as on legs. also on hand not on top but arm area facing the body .sometimes on elbow i don't see redness but skin becomes bumpy but inner side on the elbow re bumps appear.

Is there any way i can send pictures.
also can u suggest all other medicines as i have to get from India in one shot

Is it possible for you to suggest what all i can give her to eat without fear.

i stopped tamrind and milk products,tomato,strawberries.

still not sure if it has helped.
now rashes seem to be drying and getting grey-black on belly but she is still scatching here and there
Also with great difficulty i made her stop breast feeding still when she sleeps in sleep she grabs me.So not sure if it has any relation with her physical condition.

Thnaks For Your suggestion and time.
ananyasukanya last decade
in homoeopathy one or two medicines seldom stand curative it is depending upon response & change of symptoms that medicines are changed by taking sulphur if symptoms aggravate stop the remedy & if not you can continue . asthe disease hsa traversed from mother to child mother can take sulphur 1M 3 DROPS IN 4 DAYS.
digvijoy last decade
so frar as food is concerned stop eggs & all non vegetarian items . apply olive oil on skin
digvijoy last decade
Hello Thanks For the repy and sorry for delay in replying

Can you please tell me where can i mail photos.

Another observation in night i see redness around lips and lower cheeks but skin is not as bumpy as on other places and seems to be not that scratchy .Also i see reddish eyelids which deacreses and sometimes dissappear by morning.

she doesnot have sound sleep and geets mutiple times in night.

already we r pure vegetarians so did not taste eggs or non veg at firstplace.

Please anybody else if have seen or experieced similiar sympotoms for there child ..do share.

Also if i am giving homeopathy
can i give neem leaves powder as medicine .

I am still in process of finding what is reson for such eruptions .

Thanks a lot

ananyasukanya last decade
Sulpur 200c , 2 times weekly is a recipe for disaster.

Stay away from the homeopath who prescribed this.

These medicines are not to be given like this. You run the risk of instilling lifelong proving symptoms by repeating a remedy like Sulphur in a fairly aggressive potency in a mechanical fashion.

Do your homework about homeopathy first, as without understanding the basics you can get duped and in the process cause great harm to your child.
sameervermani last decade
you can send photo on this site itself.
in such a general site you may have several suggestions . i have already cautioned about sulphur . but as per symptoms that is the remedy. it should be stopped in case symtpms aggravate. you have to rely on someone.
good luck
digvijoy last decade
do not give neem internally.neem water can be used for bath
pl mention whether child is of hot or cold temperament.
you may contact on my number
my prescription are based on practical experience.
digvijoy last decade

I agree with Sameer's prescription. It looka like a case of Tubercular miasm here and proper miasmatic treatment needs to be given.

Please don't follow the SULPHER prescription.

Since, Sameer has replied, it is best to ask him for further guidance.

Best wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade
it is aclear cut case of psora .how it is tubercular
it is psoric miasm. there are only three miasm psora, syphlis & sycosis. itch is clear manifestation of psora for which sulphur is main remedy ofcourse with caution
digvijoy last decade
Dr Allen says: 'Hahnemann tells of four miasms psora, syphilis, sycosis and drugs, but since his time have been added tuberculosis and allopathic vaccination. The tubercular miasm is the psoric miasm intensified or the combination of psora and syphilis'.

Dr J H Allen categorized the Miasms as Psora, Pseudo-psora, Syphilis, Tubercular and Sycosis.
Dubai2009 last decade
Thanks to All,

well you r right Sameer that is why i am trying to research as my daugter is just 2.6 years.

Also Dr vijay you said in your mail that you warned me of sulphur 200 but i thought u meant sulphur 200 is ok along with other medicine.So i am kind of confused.

But since i have not started nothing to worry.
i have also uploaded her photos. only in knee are since rashes r from long kind of continuous and dry if i use little betnovate if it is very scraatchy.i know it is steroid but just to avoid infection.Below Knee area i (both) it is kind of contininuos red patch. which dries sometimes.

now i putting turmeric for healing.lets see what is the result

As far as her behaviour goes i may summerise below.
1)she is very very sttubborn.you just can't make her do anything by force if she wishes not too.
simple example like i was trying to clean her nose but she did not want me to do.i holded her with force and did it.she blew again so that mucous comes out and i cleaned again.this happened four times and lastly she could not so she started crying.
2)she likes to wear loose clothes and sleevless and avoid full sleeves.
3)at her age i feel she is quiet logical and fast learner but that could be also she has
5.5 elder sister.

she had rashes right from her childhood .

Last night after long time she slept peacefully .Efforts of prayers and food control.i think oranges are creating trouble.
still i have to procure medicines and start after i do allergy test.
Also is it true that with homeoopathy medicine we should
stop heeg,onion,garlic and ginger.

Thanks All for your inputs and experience.

ananyasukanya last decade
Digvijoy, I guess you got your answer from Dubai. In case, you have not, feel free to discuss on a different thread.

Ananya, good to know you have nbot yet taken Sulpher.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Hello ,

Can anybody tell what knowledge i should equip myself with before i see a doctor in India.

can i get excess to some online material which helps me better to understand my daughters problem with respect to homeopathy.

what i understood that going to doctor in India is not risk free specially if they don't tell what medicines they are giving.

can anybody guide me with respect to that

ananyasukanya last decade

You can get help on this forum itself-just write a mail writing Sameer to take your case.

In case you want to meet an homeopath in India, do let us know the city you will be coming and we can inform you about some good homoeopaths there.

Best wishes

Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi Niel,
Thanks for quick response.

Can u tell good Doctor in Chennai/banglore.

Do you practice and where ,ofcource if it is not a big ask.
Is it possible for you to Guide me ,i will try to ask Dr


ananyasukanya last decade

I am no longer into active clinical practice.

I will soon tell you some good doctors in bangalore/Chennai after talking to a few physician friends in these cities.

Warm regards

Niel Madhavan last decade
Thanks Niel ,

I would look forward for the same.

Thanks A lot

ananyasukanya last decade

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