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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I went to see Dr to check my blood sugar, my tests were negatives. Dr said I am not diabetic. I told Dr that if I do not eat especially heavy meat I get dizzi, heart beat pounds, feel sleepy, headache. Dr said many people get this if they do not eat anything for long time. I did a self test. I skipped meal to see what happens to me. My last dinner was at 6 pm. Next day I did not eat anything, just had glass of water and one cup of tea in morning. Around 2 pm I felt like I am going to fall down. I had shortness of breadth, my heart felt Iike it going to stop, I could not speak. In my Office fridge we have concentrated orange juice. I rushed and had two glasses of it. I got a big relief. That condition of shortness of breadth, heart drowning went away. It sounds funny, but last nite which was nite of June 23rd, 2009. I had dreams of eating food all nite. This dream started around 4 am. I saw I am eating cereals, some desserts. I wonder if my brain was signaling me to get something to eat like when we are thirsty while sleeping we get dream of drinking water and other liquids.
  Sweet_Lemon on 2009-06-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
write an essay on yourself, your likes and dislikes, your response to various situations, your views on life and this world, your personality, your inner most desires etc

what are your other troubles.

describe the family health history.

what other ailments you have had since childhood.
rishimba last decade
Hi Rishimba
in childhood when i was 3 years old i ate my grandmother allopathic meds for blood pressure, heart, diabetes. my parents said I ate them in large quantity. i was taken to hospital and Drs were very worried and kept me in ICU for quiet sometime. My grandparents on mother and father side all had diabetes, angina, high blood pressure. I have epilepsy, but its in under control. My wife left me bcuz she did not want to live with someone who has epilepsy. I was married for 6 years and had seizure 3 times during my marriage time. My seizure comes during sleep. never happened when i m awake.
Sweet_Lemon last decade
try CROCUS SATIVA 200c some 5 doses each every 12 hours in empty stomach.

please report after a week.
rishimba last decade

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