The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Fear as time goes by...
Dear Members,I would like some help here....this is for my friend Albert, that i had been posting about.-
He lives with an inmense sensation of fear and phobia social that at times becomes paranoid.-
His homeopath tried almost every polichrest remedy...but often in High to very high potencies, say M, 10M for instance.-
I started to think that may be he has taken the right remedy, but at this time the problem has take place in the body as hole and not only the mind....
I would like some advices....if you search for my post, you could find the symptoms....
thank you very much,
mariah on 2005-02-11
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If too many hi potency remedies have been used in a short interval then nobody knows where they are.
My only thought would be to use a hi Nat Mur say 10m to bring the case back to square one - wait up to 2 weeks and then try Calc Sil 3x/6x fairly frequently , daily for a week and then wait.
My only thought would be to use a hi Nat Mur say 10m to bring the case back to square one - wait up to 2 weeks and then try Calc Sil 3x/6x fairly frequently , daily for a week and then wait.
passkey 2 decades ago
mariah 2 decades ago
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