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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Conium Maculatum:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

CONIUM - Potency and dosage

Hi everyone!
I used to suffer from enlarged breast before period every month for 10 years, so I took conium 5ch (3 times a day for 3 days - one spoon from a mix of 400ml water and 3 drops of conium 5ch).
The swollen breast is cured but my back got unbelievably painful! All my back is hurting but the worst part is the lumbar. I also have pain on my left knee. And I also have pain on my eyes (I guess it is the right one, maybe it is both of them, I can't tell for sure), and a very light vertigo.
Why does it happen? Why does a remedy cure something but gives you all other symptoms that you previouly didn't have? I never have vertigo and eye pain (I do have back pain and knee pain sometimes.)Why does it happen? Does it mean I took the wrong medice? Does it mean I need another potency? Please, give me your opinion.
Thanks a lot,
  abcjoana on 2009-07-21
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
pl donot take conium every month vertigo is because of conium pl take nux vom 30 evening time for 7 days to nullify the effect
akshaymohl last decade
Oh! I guess you've misunderstood me. I don't want to nullify the effect! Finally, my breast doesn't enlarge before period and that is such a relief! I only want to know if it is suppose to happen, since lots of homeopathic medicine seems to give me lots of side effects. I want to hear an oppinion about it. Does it is suppose to happen? Should the potency be higher, lower?
That's all.
abcjoana last decade

Had the remedy been correct, this would not have happened.

Your symptoms clearly point to the fact that you are proving the remedy and you need to antidote the same in the best interest of your health and well-being.

This proving may even lead to paralysis if your vital force is not strong enough.


Niel Madhavan last decade
To antidote it, you may like to have a couple of cups of strong dark cffee.

If that doesn't improve your condition, take a sharp snort from a bottle of Nitric acid 6c in dilution. Remember, the alcohol content in the remedy solution should be more than 25%. Even that doesn't help, take a similar snort of Conium 6c.


Niel Madhavan last decade
Taking a sharp snort means that you have to open the lid and allow the smell of alcohol to get into your nose in a short sharp sniff.

Niel Madhavan last decade
Ok. Thanks a lot!
abcjoana last decade
DEAR doctor Niel,
I took a few sips of a strong coffee and the sypmtons seems to decrease in intensity, but didn't disapeared. So I had a sharp sniff on nitric ac. and I am feeling 100%! Only now I have a cold sore, but I guess it is my body cleaning it self! Thank you! I really didn't want to drink nux vomica, because I don't have good memories of this medicine.
There were two other symptons I haven't noticed: My hair was really dry and I couldn't think (even writing on english was really difficult for me)! I guess conium made me less inteligent or something.
I have one more question to you: if the medicine is giving you 'side effects' and you are reproducing the symptoms of the medicine, does it mean I took the wrong medicine?
abcjoana last decade

Good to know you are feeling alright now.

CONIUM was the poison that was used to kill Socrates, and a classic description of the action of this drug has been given by Plato in 'The Republic'. This medicine is to be taken only on strict individualization and that too often in higher potency so that there is no trace of the actual substance present.

What you were experiencing is called 'proving the drug'. This normally happens with drugs taken in low potencies. There are the following cases that can occur when the remedy is not indicated:

- There is no effect at all.
- There are proving effects if the patient is sensitive.
- There is suppression of the existing layer resulting in appearance of other diseases (the COMPLEX generated from the Primary Action of the drug and the Secondary action of the deranged Vital Force)

I hope I have answered your questions. In case there are further doubts, feel free to write back. And, please save yourself from the harmful possibilities of self-medication.


Niel Madhavan last decade
Hi doctor Niel,
I would like to thank you one more time for this precious help. The intrigate thing is that I am not experiencing fluid retention before period anymore, eventhoug conium was antidoted.
Would you help my sister?
She had a very streesfull period in her life recently because she was being accused of something that she hadn't done. She was very worried of going to jail! So, she almost had a panic syndrome! She'd experienced so much fear that she used anti depressive drugs(alopatic drugs). She thinks, it was great, because now she feels much calmer about the situation. Taking that drug made her feel always asleep, but calmer. The problem is: now that she quit the anti depressive drug she is eating too much! She still feels tired and apathy. She feels weak and then she eats more. She can't speaks too much without felling pursy. She gets tired even when she is taking a shower.
I have asked her to answer that big questionnaire to find out her homeopathic medicine and I will let you know.
Also, she has cyst in her thyroid, breast, womb(uterus). The cyst in her thyroid is colloidal, the other ones, I don't know.
Thank you!
abcjoana last decade
You may like to start a new thread posting all relevent detail abt your sister.

Niel Madhavan last decade
DEAR doctor Niel,
Should I take conium in a higher potency then? The pms has come back again, I have fluid retention and I feel irritated.
The irritation part I am treating sucessfully which Flower essences (like Bach essences, except that it is not from Bach it is from others essences systems called: Saint Germain, Pacific, Netherland and Australian Bush Flower.
The essences I'm taking are: Kuan Yin (Pacific), Ground Ivy(Netherland), Angel of protection (Saint Germain)and Bluebell (Australian Bush Flower). These essences make me feel sociable, calm and happy. But the fluid retention is still happening. What should I do? I am also thinking about taking Rhus Tox 30ch from lumbar back pain. I have it every day and it's worse when I wake up. I also have a cold from months and sore throat which is also bad every day when I wake up (as soon as I take a hot coffee it gets better). I also feel catarrh (coryza) in the back of my throat (right side).

Thanks a lot.
abcjoana last decade
I forgot to tell that these essences used to work before conium and the antidote, but now I feel they turn the irritation to a mild depression. I am calmer but a bit depressed.
abcjoana last decade

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings for a better selection of remedies.

1. What brings you to the forum? Describe all your problems, including those that may not exactly be on the top of your mind now, in as much detail a possible.

2. How do these problems affect you mentally? How does it affect your family life and inter-personal relations with friends and colleagues?

3. What time of the day your problems trouble you the most? Describe the time modalities properly for all your problems.

4. Normally, when you are in a healthy state, what time of the day you are most active and what time you feel lazy and tired?

5. Generally, is there some time in the day when you feel extremely irritable?

6. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? Give proper details.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?

9. Which weather worsens your complaints – wet, hot or cold?

10. Which weather do you generally prefer the most?

11. Describe yourself as a person in as much detail as possible. Discuss general personality traits; the way you express yourself in social settings, family and work environment, with friends, etc.

12. Describe in detail if you harbour any negative emotions.

13. How is your memory?

14. Do you suffer from bouts of anger? If yes, which category do they fall in – frequent, occasional or rarely?

15. Which of the following words describe you the best – Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable, Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Irritable, Lazy, Super-active, Tearful, Vindictive, Confused, etc.

16. Please answer the following clearly:
- Do you tend to weep easily?
- How is your memory?
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm?
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times?
- How sensitive you are to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc?
- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc?
- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?

17. What are your chief fears?

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?

19. Is there any pattern in your dreams?

20. What all food items do you crave for what all you simply hate to have?

21. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?

22. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?

23. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?

24. Is there any time or occasion when you feel an uncontrollable urge to eat?

25. How would you rank your sweat as– normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?

26. How is your bowel movement and stool type?

27. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

28. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?

29. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?

30. Any major diseases running in your family?

31. Describe your overall appearance

If you are not having normal menstrual cycles, please answer the following questions:

- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive?
- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery?
- Do you notice any clots in the flow?


Niel Madhavan last decade
Sex: female
Age: 33

Please answer the following questions in a descriptive manner after careful analysis and recollection of previous experiences and happenings for a better selection of remedies.

1. What brings you to the forum? Describe all your problems, including those that may not exactly be on the top of your mind now, in as much detail a possible.
- Pms with fluid retention (I get fatter when in pms because of the fluid retention. My breasts also get bigger and tender).
- back pain on lumbar. I went to see a doctor and he told me I have three deviation on my column. One of them is at the lumbar region. The other two are localized in a upper region. My disc in the lumbar region is also worn away. But he also told me this is common to have the disc a little worn away. (?)
- I have condromalacia on both knees (it is worse on the left knee because of a beat)

2. How do these problems affect you mentally? How does it affect your family life and inter-personal relations with friends and colleagues?
About condromalacia and lumbar– I don’t do all the physical exercise I would like to. I love to do it and I realize some exercises are very prejudicial for this condition so I try to be careful (but that doesn’t bother me). I never use high heels (what can be a problem since I am an actress).

About pms – It’s complicated. There are some days when I feel really stressed and I realize I attract irritating situations to me. Sometimes I feel really, really melancholic and dramatic (thinking that some day I will lose my parents (I am really attached to them); observing myself as I was somebody else writing the book of my life; looking at the moon and imagining my own existence is so damn small and that we make part of something bigger) .
I also feel less sociable. I feel lazy to talk (actually that’s me with pms or without it, but when I am not on pms I can control it and I succeed on being sociable, but when I am on pms I just can’t).
I feel really impatience.
Sometimes depressed.
Sometimes lazy.

3. What time of the day your problems trouble you the most? Describe the time modalities properly for all your problems.
pms - When the light of the sun is gone I feel some relief.
Lumbar – when I wake up it’s really, really bad. Then it begins to get a bit better, but it doesn’t mean that during the night I don’t have any pain. It’s just better.
Throat – When I wake up it hurts. Then I take a cup of hot, weak coffee and it gets really, really better.

4. Normally, when you are in a healthy state, what time of the day you are most active and what time you feel lazy and tired?
I really don’t know how to answer that question, because it depends on the time I wake up which is never the same.

5. Generally, is there some time in the day when you feel extremely irritable? No. I only realize that when I am irritable when the sun is gone I feel relieved.

6. When did it all start? Can you connect it to any past event or disease? Give proper details.
pms – when I start my sex life. I used to take calc. carb 5M for that which used to work, although it would get me constipated, with a very bad voice (calc. carb. Does something bad with my throat), and sex used to get worse because it would increase too much my lubrification and diminish my sensibility in that area.
But after I passed through a very stress situation in my life (I am not sure) but I thing calcarea didn’t work that well. The stress situation was: homesickness and loneliness (I was living in another country), sexism (which was the major problem in this country. And affected me really, really bad), and I got arrested for two days only ( but it really got me stressed).
Lumbar and condromalacia: they all began after I came back to my own country which is the same time when I started to run as a physical exercise. (I’ve lived two years in another country)

When I was a child I grow up very fast. I was the first of my friends to grow up. When I was 11, I had 1m69cm. So, I have a problem on my knees because the knees cartilage couldn’t grow in the same speed as my body. Maybe it was the beginning of my problem.

7. What are the things which aggravate your suffering and which are those which ameliorate the same?
pms aggravation: sexism.
Pms Amelioration: physical exercise, sweating, taking a shower, swim and (I am not really sure but almost sure that spend a lot of hours without eating helps me much – fasting is the correct word?)

Lumbar back pain aggravation: when I run as a physical exercise (which I love to do), when I use high heels, when I don’t stretch for a long time. When I wake up. Some weight lifting tend to get this condition worse (so I don’t do it anymore).

Condromalacia: when I run. (I diminish this activity but I still do: one or two times a week).

8. Do your think your sufferings have relation to any external stimuli (like, change of place) or any internal biological changes in the body, like, menses (in females)?
Yes. As I told you, pms got incredibly worse when I was out of my country, and also lumbar and knee started right after I came back (although knees have a previous history because of my fast growing up).

9. Which weather worsens your complaints – wet, hot or cold?
lumbar and knee – get worse in the cold
Pms - ??? I live in a tropical country. Winter never snows. The colder that gets hear is 10 Cº. But when I was living in north America it got worse and it is colder.
I sometimes thing I like medium temperatures. Really hot weather get me prostrated, with bad digestion, I really suffer if it is too hot. And I also suffer if it is too cold (like in north America: -30ºC)

10. Which weather do you generally prefer the most?
I am not sure, but I guess it is medium temperatures and fresh. When it’s too hot, I can’t eat and sleep well, so when my body colds down I relax. In general, I do realize summer relaxes me.
But I also realize I really like Brazilian winter. But I don’t like if my feet or my body gets humid. I like winter, as soon there is hit. And I like summer as soon there is air conditioning. (I don’t know if this information is too confused, but I am really not sure).
One think I am 100% sure is that I really like the weather right before rain or a thunderstorm (not during rain or during thunderstorm, but right before). When it starts to get windy and the air is changing and the smell is indescribably beautiful. I really love it!

11. Describe yourself as a person in as much detail as possible. Discuss general personality traits; the way you express yourself in social settings, family and work environment, with friends, etc.
With my family – I am really attached to my parents. I want to spend as much time as possible with them and with my boyfriend. But it’s not possible since I work too much and have little time to spend relaxing.
With my boyfriend – He is the only person I open 100%. I have no secrets with him which is rare, since I always hide my weak side, for example: I never cry in front of other people besides him. I rarely shows anger in front of any person besides him (I try to control my anger). But with him I am 100% true. I am loving, careful, funny and impatient.
With everybody else – I open as much as the other person opens to me, so if I am in a environment which people are really shy and serious I am too. If I am in a environment which people are really funny and relaxed, I am too.
I am really sensitive, so if I have work with somebody who is a bad person, I become closed and protective of myself. I guess, I am really careful because I don’t trust that person. So I become secretive.
I like to help other people. I do a volunteer work. I love to work. I am good temper.
I still get irritable about sexism (but not as much as in the past).
I like to help other people, but I do not accept lazy people taking advantage of me because I like to help. I don’t like people who like to be a victim and play the martir.
I am so attached to my parents that I am always thinking about the day I won’t have they alive with me.
Until last month I was afraid of the dark and of being alone in my own house, but I guess I am over it.
Don’t have too much friends – I have work friends who I love! But I have quit relationship with lost of other friends, since they grow up and got really different: they are women who don’t work and don’t want to work; they accept prejudice against women from their husbands; they have a very domestic life and they couldn’t get happy for my work. They were always asking me to help them with something really domestic, in a work day, in the middle of the afternoon. So I quit. And I am much happier without them. I have only one friend that is not from my work.
I love to do physical exercises, and if I am not capable of going through a week without doing it at least twice a week. I love doing it, makes me feel happier, more beautiful, more mentally organized and if I don’t do it I think I will instantly get fat and flaccid (women paranoia or tendency to get weight?)
I am docile but I do have a very strong personality. I know who I am and what I want.
I am a really fast person and I am impatient with the laziness of other people.
I am a tolerant person, but I have a limit, for example: I can tolerate something for a period of time, but when I think it’s enough I get really, really mad.
It makes me remind the way I end up the relationship with my ex-boyfriends: I tolerate a lot, and I try to fix it in many ways as possible. When I realized it wouldn’t work out I ended up it.

- I can’t stand arguing people, and also, I can’t stand people without an opinion: I like when people say what they think, but that’s it. Once you tell me what you think (if it’s different from my point of view) I don’t want to keep discussing it (makes me really mad) I think we have to learn how to coexist with different people. I can’t tolerate if someone is trying to convert me into a religion or into his/her life style.

- I also hate when people don’t accept that I don’t like someone that everybody likes, maybe someone famous.

12. Describe in detail if you harbour any negative emotions.
I don’t know what harbour means.

13. How is your memory?
Good. But I do tend to forget thinks I don’t like.

14. Do you suffer from bouts of anger? If yes, which category do they fall in – frequent, occasional or rarely?
Yes, occasionally.

15. Which of the following words describe you the best – Moody, Arrogant, Mild, Agreeable, Changeable, Nervous, Suspicious, Easily offended, Quiet, Arguing, Irritating, Irritable, Lazy, Super-active, Tearful, Vindictive, Confused, etc.
Moody – because I am really sensitive and I, sometimes, feel the energy of the place or the person and change. Sometimes I feel happy, then I go to a meeting with someone who has not a good energy and I feel sad or irritated, etc… Also, pms does the same think with me. (I sometimes think pms is “the ability” of accessing bad energies.
Arguing – With my boyfriend: we are always discussing and having fun at the same time (nothing serious);
with other people – it’s really rare, I normally don’t say a word and try to coexist.
Easily offended (Not sure. I guess I am).
I am also: Suspicious, quiet, irritable, lazy, super-active, tearful and confused.

16. Please answer the following clearly:
- Do you tend to weep easily? Yes.
- How is your memory? Good.
- How do you feel before or during a thunderstorm? Before: Really, really happy! During: I have no opinion about that.
- Do you like being consoled during your tough times? Yes. Some people like my boyfriend has the power of make me happy again.

- How sensitive you are to external stimuli like smell, noise, light etc? Really sensitive. I have a very accurate nose and taste and I don’t like too much noise or too much sun light. Also, I don’t like to be indoors with a very weak light because it makes me sad.

- Do you have any typical habit or gesture like nail biting, causeless
weeping, talking to one self etc? Yes. I often bite my nails. Sometimes I cry and I don’t know why (as I said, it is an energy sensibility.) and sometimes talk to my self (maybe it is my angel who I am talking to).

- How do you feel about your friends, family, your children and especially your husband / wife?
Love my family and boyfriend. They are the most precious thing I have in life.
Friends – I only have one, and we are not getting in touch lately because of lack of time. But I do love her.

17. What are your chief fears?
People think I am dumb – I really desire professional respect.
Fear of losing people I love.

18. How well do you sleep? Do you have a particular posture of sleeping?
Once I start to sleep, really well. But sometimes, I have trouble to relax. I have such crazy schedule that sometimes I wake up felling really lazy and weak, and then when it is almost time to go to bed I feel like working a lot.
I love to sleep with my stomach on the bed and my back point to the roof (sorry but I don’t know how to say that word.) But after spending 28 years sleeping in a bad position, my back can’t stand it anymore. So I have to change. Now I sleep on my side, any side.

19. Is there any pattern in your dreams?
When I can remember they are very confused and senseless. Sometimes (not always) when on pms I have a lot of sex dreams, dirty dreams. So I wake up in a bad energy.

20. What all food items do you crave for what all you simply hate to have?
Salt, salt and salt! I love it (but I try to control myself). When on pms it gets really, really impossible to resist.
I can’t live without vegetables, spices (lots of onions, garlic, pepper, lemon, parsley, cilantro…), juice fruits, acid fruits - pineapple, watermelon, melon, lemon, orange (that is my favorite).
Love cereals bars, breakfast cereals, cheese.
Like bread, rice, beans, chicken, fish.
Like wine and vodka (prefer wine because all the other alcoholic beverages feels as they work against my body and wine doesn’t). Although, even wine makes me really relax when I am drinking, but after the alcohol effect is gone I often become really bad temper.
Can’t drink whisky because I become violent.
Hate red meat, hate rich food, hate junk food.

21. How is your thirst: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Sometimes it is normal, but it is often excessive. I am often thirst because I pea a lot. So if I am going to the movies I don’t drink water (so I wont have to leave the movie to go to the toilet), if I am driving I won’t drink anything because of the traffic…
I also feel really, really thirsty after having a meal.

22. How if your hunger: Less, Normal or Excessive?
Normal. I can go through a long period of time without eating and it makes me feel really good.

23. Is there any kind of food which your body can’t stand?
Whisky (makes me violent); fat (bad for my digestion) junkie food (bad for my intestine).
I love, love, love japanese food so much that every time I eat it I eat too much, so I get constipated.
When it is really hot, I have to eat little because I feel my digestion is really weak in the summer.

24. Is there any time or occasion when you feel an uncontrollable urge to eat?
When on pms, I need salt.

25. How would you rank your sweat as– normal or less or more? Where does it sweat more: Head, Trunk or Limbs?
Normal to less (but I do physical exercise and eat healthy food. I guess it makes my body to have less toxins to sweat???) (and I also pea a lot, more than usual). I am sure I sweat more between my legs. And I think I sweat more on my head (but I am not sure).
Although I drink a lot of water and pea a lot, I have dry body skin.

26. How is your bowel movement and stool type?
It’s a mystery. Sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s bad. I realize physical exercises, sweating and eating healthy improve it. Eating too much, make its worse. Linhaça improve it.

27. Do you think you are able to satisfy your sexual desires in general?

28. How do you think you are different from others, if at all?
It’s ridiculous, but I feel I am too different from brazilian women in general. Brazilian women accept too much from men and I don’t. They accept too much ideas from society, and I don’t (I have my own opinions), for example: here, is very common for a couple that both works and makes money to come back to home and have all the domestics activities done for the women. I my house things work very differently. We both work, we both makes money. So whenever we have domestic activities to do, we share equally.

29. What medications have been taken earlier by you to treat the diseases and do you have any particular symptom surfacing after the medication?
I have a long history with homeopathy. But recently, I have taken rhus tox 200ch (on September the second) to treat my lumbar back pain. (Sorry about that. Now, I intend to take medicines only under your supervision). It makes me really mad for one day, but I am ok now.

30. Any major diseases running in your family?
My mum has glaucoma. My dad has high blood pressure. Both have back pain, mostly my mum.
In my mum’s family has a lot of people with problems in the eye, ears and back problems.
In my dad’s family some breast cancer.

31. Describe your overall appearance
1m 70cm; 60kg. Brown-blondish hair (if you look at only one of my hairs you can see lots of colors: some brow, some golden, some copper)
Color of skin: light brown (almost white) tending to yellow – some spots in a lighter color on my stomach and in the same region in my back (as my skin was discolored in that area).
Brown eyes.
Curly hair.
Long neck.
Medium size breast (it has diminished)

If you are not having normal menstrual cycles, please answer the following questions:

- Are the periods early, regular or late in general? How long do they last?
Late. I have a 33 day cycle (most of women has 28).
First and second day – heavy flow and lots of pain (I have polycystic ovaries, but I don’t have the polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Third, fourth and fifth day – almost no flow at all (only traces of flow).

- Do you suffer from any kind of physical or mental discomfort before, during or after the periods?
Before (as described) is the worst. First and second day - I have lots of pain and some irritability.
Third, fourth and fifth day – very little mental irritability.
- Is the flow scanty, normal or excessive? First and second heavy. It used to be normal but I’ve tried to use IUD (intra uterus dispositive); I don’t have it anymore, but it has increased the flow and the pain.

- Is the blood thick bright red or pale watery? Dark, pale red. And I guess it is thick not watery. (not sure)
- Do you notice any clots in the flow? Yes.
abcjoana last decade
I also should say that, it's very common for me to have flatulence, hiccups and cramps.

Flatulence - Whenever I eat out of my home (in a restaurant), I have flatulence.

Hiccups - I have to be very still when drinking liquids, because, if I move my neck in a certain way, I get hiccups.

Calf Cramps - I have calf cramps very often when stretching in the morning (before go out of bed). Or sometimes, streching just a little bit during day.
abcjoana last decade
I do like summer. I just don't like to be overhitted.
I love the sensation after swimming in the summer. I also like winter, but I prefer fresh summer. I feel more free and relaxed.
abcjoana last decade

Let me analyze this properly and get back in a couple of days.


Niel Madhavan last decade
Ok Niel. I'd like to add an information: I love olives and I really like olive oil.
abcjoana last decade
And two more informations(sorry about that but, I keep reminding things I haven't told you):
1 - I realize alcohol make pms much worse. Actually this month I am having very little symptoms: just a little bit of fluid retention.

2 - Rhus tox made my back a little better. But yesterday (after a long time without swimming) I went swimming and the pain completely desapeared! I had not pain at all! It came back as soon as I laid down in bed to sleep. And today I woke up with a little pain (much better though).
abcjoana last decade
Additional information:
15 years ago, I had hepatites. That's why I can't stand rich food.

And I've told you this months I had little symptoms from pms. It's not true. I feel bored. I feel no desire doing anything and also no desire doing nothing (is it depression?)
abcjoana last decade
Rhus tox. has taken care of my throat completely. I have nothing in my throat anymore. I also should say this thoat pain has begin because of a cat allergie. I am very allergic to dust and cats = itchy throat, nose, eyes, ears and skin.
abcjoana last decade
Hi doctor Niel!

You will maybe think I am crazy, but I am writing to tell you that the first thing I wrote about weather preference was correct, not the second one.
I got confused because I felt really good when I went out from the pool, so I thought: Oh! I love this weather, so let me correct the information I gave to doctor Niel. But that has nothing to do with weather. I just love swimming!
But today is not that hot and I am one of the people that suffer the most around here! I prefer medium temperatures, fresh temperatures, tending to cold. I feel happier and relaxed.
I prefer medium temperatures, fresh, with a bit of fresh wind.

I am really not sure, but if I have to choose between summer,winter, autumn and spring I guess I prefer autumn.
I love summer when I am on vacation by the beach, but even in this situation I prefer cities where the weather is hot, but not so hot. I feel bad, I get dizzy, my digestion get horrible, and I can't sleep properly if there isn't air conditioning.
Sorry about this confusion.
abcjoana last decade
Other symptom I have, that you should know: when I have menstrual cramps, my left feet hurts a lot! Can it be an reflection from my left ovary?
abcjoana last decade
I am taking hamamelis 5ch for menstrual cramps, which is working really well! Besides helping the cramps it also make my intestine works well too. The bad functioning of my intestine before period make cramps worse. So hamamelis took care of two problems together.
abcjoana last decade
I sometimes have itchy nipples. It's not often though.
abcjoana last decade

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