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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

pilonidal sinus please answer serious problem

I am female.i am 18 years old.i have a problem of pilonidal sinus since 4 months betwwen my buttocks and blood discharge from pilonidal sinus.allopathic doctors said me operation but i dont want operation.please help me give me some homeopathic medicine to cure.Also tell me please the form of medicine like for e.g pills or liquid.

no particular food
  miam89 on 2009-07-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please describe your exact symptoms with modalities, the sensations, nature of discharges etc.

also, describe your personality, likes and dislikes, thermal preferences, food cravings and aversions, your inner most desires, ambition in life etc.

since how long is the pilonidal sinus.
rishimba last decade
yes doctor i feel pain and blood also discharge and some time pus containing with it.

no particular food
no particular like and dislike

my ambition is sucessfull person

pilonidal sinus is since 4 months
miam89 last decade
have you tried low potencies of SILICEA.

as you have not give much detail about yourself, you could start with SILICEA 12C some four doses per day for some days and then observe the change in the discharges and pain.

once the discharges and the pain reduces, you should gradually increase the potency and make the doses more infrequent.

please report after one week of taking SILICEA 12C
rishimba last decade
yes doctor i feel pain and blood also discharge and some time pus containing with it.some time yellow water discharge.also i sometime feel fever.The size of pilonidal sinus is like a size of chana daal.

no particular food
no particular like and dislike.but i like fast foods and cold drinks

And i also take hepar sulphuris 200 for 3 days And then i stop taking medicine.

my ambition is sucessfull person

pilonidal sinus is since 4 months

please doctor tell me how long it will take time to heal.

I hope you answer me again fastly
miam89 last decade
try SILICEA as suggested and then post your observations.
rishimba last decade

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