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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilonidal cyst

My husband has a Pilonidal cyst that the Dr has opened up to drain earlier this year. After taking antibotics the cyst will clear up from draining for a few weeks then start to drain again. It seems to have never cleared up completely. I have read on the forums the following actions to take and just wanted to verify. We are willing to try the homeopathy route before surgery!

- Myristica 200 - causes cyst to burst - QUESTION if the cyst is already draining should he take this?

- Silicea 6c - promotes the explusion of the pus - take 3x a day for a week

- Silicea 200 - promotes the drying up of the area - 2x a day for 1 day (one dose in morning and one in evening)

- Calcarea Sulph 6x - 4 pills 3x a day - start 2 days after Myristica is taken - take for 1 month - QUESTION what does this do? What action does this cause in the healing process?

Please someone let me know if this is the correct information to treat a Pilonidal cyst. Thanks so much!!!!!
  Jane Doe on 2009-08-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Also forgot to ask if he should start the antibotics again since the cyst is draining then begin the protcol listed or skip the antibotics and begin with the listed meds?
Jane Doe last decade
you have got right collection and expalanations for those medicines as well, so here is the best part of treatment, once you have drained the cyst, myristica does not come into play much, but silicea does.

your question of calc sulph after myristica, it has the ability to form new fibrious tissue to grow rapidly to heal the damage by primary intention(a method of healing process). And about antibiotics, after incision and drainage, it is to reduce the further infection that might be caused due to the procedure and to protect the raw skin, as long as you take silicea along with calendula 30c you will be better off rather than taking antibiotic course.
hope i have answered your questions.
Dr. Bagyavasan.k last decade
Pl. see all my posts on this subject in the back pages of ABC Forum.

The irony is that after surgery, the pus begins to form again and the channels that bring the pus to the surface do not dry up with antibiotics.

Since surgery was done couple of months back...your husband should repeat the entire process.

Including taking of Myristica 200.

Externally apply Calendula cream...after cleaning the wound.

If I fail to see your future posts, you can send me an e-mail.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj,
Hope you are well.
sajjadakram635 last decade

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