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Delayed dentition & abnormal sleepiness

My daughter, age 16, has a tooth that has not come in (upper right cuspid). We didn't realize she hadn't lost all her baby teeth until the dentist told us last year. X-rays reveal the tooth is there but even after having the baby tooth pulled, it still has not come down. Dentition in her early life was normal -- no delays, good teeth with no cavities, none crooked and no crowding.

We currently have no homeopath to consult, but she has been on homeopathic remedies all her life (No vaccinations). I have given her Calc carb 10 M (no improvement) Calc Phos 10M (no improvement) and Graphites 1M as it was indicated on the Remedy Finder but again, no improvement. These were spaced out at least a month apart. I thought high potency was the right way to go, but maybe I'm mistaken.

What else is significant about my daughter is that she is obese, had her first menses at age 15 and then did not have another one for six months. She had another period recently (almost another six months after the second) but it was scanty.

Also of significance is that she is very sedentary and has abnormal sleepiness (just like her father.). She can fall asleep anytime during the day no matter how much sleep she gets at night. I noticed the abnormal sleepiness at age five and she began steadily gaining weight after that. She suffered from ingrown toenails when she was younger and although many remedies were tried, we had to have them surgically cut out by a podiatrist. She suffers a lot from insect bites. She says they continue to itch and so she scratches them and ends up with wounds and scabs that she continues to pick at so they will never heal. Also what I think is unusual is that she showers for an inordinate amount of time. She can skip a day showering on the weekend, so it's not like bathing is an obsession for her, but it's almost ritualistic how she has to go through her bathing and cleansing routine (various scrubs and bathing products) in the shower. She can't seem to skip steps or shorten the amount of time it takes even if it means she gets left at home when she's not ready to go somewhere. She is smart and pleasant, loves to read, but her life is difficult because of the obesity and abnormal sleepiness.

I would be very grateful if someone will take this on and try to help us. We live in an area of the USA where homeopaths are few and far between. Thank you very much.
  ruth45 on 2005-02-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This will take a bit of time. Not an easy picture.

Please continue to post if you think of other things.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Is she very tidy . Does she tend to sip or take small mouthfuls of any drink. Does she like the covers up to her chin in bed - but with the window open to keep the head cool. If some of this fits study Ars Alb [use 1M]
passkey 2 decades ago
Thank you for replying Sabra. Yes it must be a difficult picture. She has been under the care of four different professional homeopaths in her lifetime but none has been able to find the similimum for her.

I thought it would be easy since she has had no illnesses suppressed by allopathic drugs, but it has not been easy. I believe each homeopath was well-intentioned, but none found the remedy that would alleviate her main problem, which is the tendency to fall asleep.

We just need one person with insight to "see" what others have not seen, and then we will find the key, so I appreciate any help anyone can give. I will post more about her soon.

(I have a tendency to go with "what is unusual or peculiar" so somebody set me straight if I'm not giving the right type of information.) Thanks.
ruth45 2 decades ago
Not tidy at all. I know the bathing might indicate it, but no, not tidy or really organized or particularly obsessive about anything else. And I asked her if her body odor bothered her (Sulph?) and she said no, she liked the good smells on her body and in her hair from the bath and body products.

Doesn't seem Arsenicum to me, but I will study it nonetheless. Thank you.
ruth45 2 decades ago
Do you ever awaken her when she falls asleep unexpectedly? This is important. How does she act? Is she dull acting and not very responsive?

Is there anything that is "better" or "worse?" Does she have any other "quirks" that a mother would just ignore as her personality? Think, as an outsider. Also compare with your husband.

I have an idea, but need more information. Please describe a day with her. Getting up and during the day, and going to bed, when not in school. Also has any teachers or others mentioned her "going to sleep," so easily?

Forget the teeth for now. Describe your daughter as a personality. We understand the shower, etc. Describe other activities when not asleep. I know you have given us a lot, but try your best.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Yes, I was going to describe the abnormal sleepiness in more detail. She falls asleep anytime she is sitting down so the only thing it is "better for" is being up and moving around. Both she and her father can sleep for ten or more hours at night, wake up and go sit in a chair and fall right back asleep again.

Of course she falls asleep in school. She can even fall asleep during exams. She falls asleep in the car. She falls asleep in church. She falls asleep in social situations. She falls asleep during conversations -- but not while talking. She can fall asleep after exercise. There is no pattern to it, as far as it always being the same time of day or before or after eating -- no pattern at all. It is usually several times per day for varying amounts of time.

She is a heavy sleeper -- very heavy -- and yes, she is dull and "out of it' when I wake her up. On a typical day I go in and try and wake her up several times by shaking her gently or rubbing her arms and saying her name. It usually takes at least 3 times to get her up. Sometimes I have to physically pull her up and out of the bed. After that she will get dressed and ready for school but she usually falls back asleep on the ride to school in the car.

Other than being a heavy sleeper, she sometimes talks in her sleep -- usually nonsensical or unintelligible. She doesn't snore but her father does. Believe me, I have asked her many times to describe what the falling asleep feels like to her and she can't say. It's not like being paralyzed, it's not like a curtain closing, there's no particular sensation or noise or anything that she can describe. I just asked her and she said the only way to describe it is "sinking down through the layers of consciousness" . Sometimes it is sudden and sometimes she knows it is coming, but she cannot stop it.

I will try to write more about her personality after more thought.
ruth45 2 decades ago
After considering Narcolepsy and sleeping sickness and many remedies that go with them, none were even close.

But, each one mentioned Epilepsy of every description. Petit mal, to grand. This got me thinking that she and her father might have the brain patterns of the least type of possible Epilepsy. Like something that may not show on an EEG, but the type or location that only affects sleep.

ARTEMISIA VULGARIS seems likely. I looked several places and this remedy fits the extreme somnambulism. Also, with the menses, one location said profuse and another said retarded menses. (Good to look in more than one place).

This is comfortable Mugwort plant. Good for a lot of things.

Please try to get 1M and give only one dose to begin so we can see if any responses. If no response within 24 hours, give two more doses, one each day. We may need a higher potency in the event it shows well, but not enough.

When you order, also get some APIS M. 200X or 2C for the insect bites. She may have an allergy and this will take care of it. Use the AV first without any Apis, so we will see if any improvement, and then if bitten, Apis later.

Please keep us posted.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Wow. I am stunned. I had never thought of a form of epilepsy. I was thinking of an adrenal insufficiency since they fall asleep in situations where most people would have adrenaline keeping them awake -- like my daughter falling asleep during an exam or my husband falling asleep during my father's funeral.

To clarify something though: Somnambulism is sleep walking and that is not a symptom. Did you mean to say somnolence, which is drowsiness?

Thank you for studying this case.
ruth45 2 decades ago
I stand corrected. I have a good Medical dictionary, too bad I didn't check it first...Ha.

I can only say this checked out for me. It won't hurt her in any way. I came into the idea about the brain function intuitively, and went with it during the research to eliminate possible remedies.

Have you had her kidneys checked, x-rayed? Adrenals are right on top. What about your husband? What type of investigation has he had during his life? I applaud you for not wanting to go to an MD, but sometimes we really must have some sort of diagnosis. It is entirely up to you.

I read up on the adrenals and they are complicated beyond me. There must be 30 variations of "not quite right" conditions. Most mentioned lack of sleep.

Blessings, Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago

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