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Combo Dosage is not anti-homeopathic

Hi All Homoeopaths!

The haman races as are today, are mixture of different races who travelled places and settled in diferent areas hundreds of miles away from their ancestral lands. Thus their chemistry has changes many fold. While on the other hand the remedies keep their original chemical properties. As such to match the similimum combination of remedies is quite homoeopathic.

Valuable comments are invited from Homoeopaths.
  arnadeem on 2005-02-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Read this


bandarbabu2000 2 decades ago
You can also argue that homeopathic remedies themselves are not single elements; the analysis of remedies show many biochemic (tissue remdies) in various proportions and combos. Similar remedies may share elemts. however, for all that, the argument against using combinations of remedies is twofold. One is that remedies are proved singly and so by homeopathic principles, must be used singly if you are basing your prescription on the law of similars. Another is that by bombarding the system with a hotchpotch of remedies, you MAY find some relief, but whether it is at all curative is doubtful. Maybe it works sometimes - lets give the devil his due.
It is likely that someone might need a remdy that hasn't yet been discovered. It is likely that you may not find the exact match in existing remedies but the symptoms seem divided between two remdies. In such circumstances, I feel it's okay to alternate remedies. Also, sometimes one well-selected remedy just won't work until you alternate it with a seemingly dissimilar one (anyone seen this with Rhus and Bry, for example?) - keeping inimicals in mind. All of which is to say that stick to single remdies as far as possible, but keep an open mind.
Minsa 2 decades ago

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