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Professional Constitutional Kit #1:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

silicea and beta-blockers?

Hi,I,ve got several disorders,and Slicea is prescribed as remedy to me,I drink it for 15 days(30c),day by day,still don't feel anything.I was told that Sil.is slow and deep remedy,need to be taken for a longer time,as well I consume beta-blocker in small dosage(to prevents tachicardia).Question is;do the beta-blockers antidot or disturb remedy action, and small eplanation regarding taking and expectations of this remedy. Thanks!
  askomacic on 2005-02-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You are obviously not aware that there are homeopathic remedies for tachycardia.
Normally homeopathy does not interact with allopathic drugs but steroidal substances neutralise them
For what , were you prescribed silica .
Normally , unless you use low potencies , you do not repeat remedies too often- particularly polycrests like silica.
3x you could repeat fairly frequently.
passkey 2 decades ago
I would not call it real disorders,but ther is thyroid lump(coloid cyst),palpitations,and prostate inflammation.
By the way,I take Silicea in potency of 30 c,seven drops on day,each day.
askomacic 2 decades ago
For how long I need to take this remedy to feel any results?
askomacic 2 decades ago
In the normal theory of homeopathy - you have already been there and back again!.
If you repeat a remedy too often it neutralises any results that were being put in train by the body.
My personal view is that of Prof Kent. That the remedy "unblocks" the bodys ability to heal itself.
When that happens , the BODY [NOT the remedy] carries out a house cleaning and those items that are not required are dispensed with,

Knock off the silica - any good it could do has been done!.

Normally I think of Cactus and crataegus for heart problems angina and irregularity . But here we have a combination of problems that add up to a need for constitutional treatment .
Here two key glands and the heart are affected, this is a serious case that needs expert care.
One suspects that allopathic treatment have driven symptoms deep into the body with the result that we have what is probably a chronic condition -difficult to deal with.
passkey 2 decades ago

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