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Posts about Diabetes, Hypertension, Obesity

Hypertension21Diabetes3Thyroid and obesity8Sleep Apnea and obesity1Question about Hypertension1Weight Loss Insulin Resistant T2 diabetes5Rauwolfia for hypertension4Prediabetes3Hyperthyroidism + uncontrolled diabetes7OverWeight, Hair thining post hairfall,Trapped hair under chin,Diabetes1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

tratment of diabetes and hypertension and obesity

Dear Dr Joe
I have read your posts on these topics.I am suffering from all these thre viz.diabetes and hypertension and obesity.My BMI is 26.5
I propose to take the following medicines-
1. Arnica 6C Wet Dose 2 times daily before meal
2.Arnica 30C Wet Dose 2 times daily before meal
3. NAT PHOS 6X 4 globules immediate after lunch and dinner.
Now pl tell me whether above doses are ok and how long it will take to cure all these diseases.pl advise

kind regards
A K Mukhopadhyay
  asimda on 2009-09-15
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
first of all tell me who said you to take these medicines
Dr.Ghafoor last decade
Dear Dr. Ghafoor
It was advised by my local homeopath doctor
asimda last decade
Dear Dr Joe
For the last 3 days I am taking Arnica 30C Wet Dose 2 times daily after meal for my HBP and diabetes.Surprisingly,I am feeling better in 3 days.Earlier I was having dizziness and unstable feeling in my head.Now today I observe that all these almost 80/90 % disappeared.I am having high blood sugar also. I propose to take arnica 6c for sugar in wet dose 2 times daily and nat phos 6x 2 pills daily along with arnica 30c in wet dose. to control my blood sugar and weight.or arncia 30c will take care of both HBP and sugar.Please advise early
asimda last decade

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