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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

High frequency Hearing loss

i need to know if there is any remedy for high frquency hearing loss in homeopathy for childrens........can it improve the hearing
  avaneesh on 2009-09-28
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Hi Avaneesh! My son, who is 7 years old has been diagnosed with the same problem, and it is affecting his speech. Doctor has suggested a hearing aid. Have u been successful in discoveing any alternate cure, pls..? regards, Vikas
vikasjain last decade
hi vikas.....we tried with the hearing aid at mysore...but it did not work for him,what he needs is clarity of words than amplification..please let me know which hearing aid did you try for high frequency loss...we are not successful in discovering any alternative cure....my son is also 7years old.
avaneesh last decade
Hi Avaneesh! We haven't tried any hearing aids yet..the hearing aids we have shortlisted are Widex- Passion and Starkey-S Series.
We are still trying to see if there is a cure..there seems to be none in allopathy..Dr. Kalyan Banerjee (011-26274726/26276699), the renowned Homeopath, has given us some hope..and my son has started taking his medicines..keeping our fingers crossed..
vikasjain last decade
Hello Mr.Vikas Jain

I was actually told at the All India Institute of Hearing,Mysore....that getting a hearing aid for high frequency hearing loss is very difficult, we are very much worried as he will be going to higher standards....we are taking him to the speech therapist...so that his speech can be improved and also can learn lip reading...we too consulted a homeopath...according to him, it is a long term treatment,where cure is not assured....!will surely update if we are trying anything else for him....please do the same...thanx for ur reply
avaneesh last decade
hi do you get any relief from the medicines of your doctor,can u share your experience!
yasir9044 3 days ago

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