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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

hair loss, daandruff & oily scalp

Dear Doctor,
I am 33year old male suffering from hair loss and dandruff. Here I am describing my conditions clearly…
1) I have hair loss, which is handful and oily scalp which results in itchy dandruff.
As I used to take hair wash regularly, the oily scalp and dandruff are under control and the hair fall is some what reduced.If I would not take hair wash for more than one day , my scale becomes some what oily, dandruffy, itchy and my hair looks sticky, and falls a lot.

2)As I have thin hair follicles I used to take regular, even two washes a day to look my hair fresh. Hence the scalp is clear and dandruff free. I tried some hair oils and whatever the oil I apply on the scalp a handful of hair falls out.Hence I discontinued to use even good hair oils.

3)From past 10 years I lost my hair gradually, not heavily. Except at sides and back of my head , I have very less dense hair and particularly at the temples. It looks like Androgenic alopecia.
4) I consulted Allopathy doctor and he prescribed me to use a) MINAXIDIL-5mg lotion and b)FINASTEROID – 1 mg tablet.
By taking the oral tablet I lost my immunity power and I got fever after about ten days.Hence I discontinued to use the Finasteroid tablet.And continued to use only Minaxidil lotion for about One year. During that period , I had not hair loss and regain only a little hair back. As regularly I have to apply the lotion twice a day and I had get much response , I stopped to use this lotion also.

5) Ten days back, I consulted one homeopath, and he had given me SBL’s Scalptone. I’am taking this 4 times a day (4 tablets , keeping them under tongue).And I feel very very little bit positive change in my hair loss and I found I am getting good sleep.

6) As this is my first time to use homeopathy mecinines, I got some confidence in the medicines and seeking more help for better results.

7)Hence please suggest me to get back all of my hair and to strengthen the hair and to cure my oily and dandruff scalp, so that I don’t need to take hair wash daily.
Here I am explaining about my personality in detail…
1) I am cool minded ,optimistic and soft going person. Occasionally only I used to get anger. In that time also I mind what I do and what I talk. And after some time I used to cool down fastly compared to others and used to forgive.
2) I used to solve my problems mostly myself and don’t depend on others.
3) Whenever there is a contradiction, I used to calm down and never argue much.
4) I can’t mingle in people in groups, very much. I am not very talkative person.
5) I used to hurt for even small things , but I don express it. And used to forget it very soon.
6) I am not sympathetic or anxious.
7) Apart my hair loss and drandruff, I am very healthy. Normal appetite, motion etc.
But very sensitive to water. If I take unfiltered water I used to get cold or throat infection. In my childhood I used to suffer a lot by cold due to seasonal changes. But now no seasonal affect, but only due to water I used to get affected, as I take at least 3 litres of water(My height 5’8” and weight 68kg).
8)I used to get very little sweat , but the sweat I get under my arm pits is of bad odour.

8) if I take cold items in bulk I used to get cold and throat infection. And if I take acidic foods like lemon rice and very oily foods I feel very inconvenient in my stomach.
9) I had undergone family planning operation and my sex drive is very little bit higher than the normal.
10) I used to get pimples if I take oily food.
So please study my case and suggest me solve all of my problems, so I ‘ll be very thankful to you.
  pradeepx28 on 2009-10-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
silicea 200 weekly dose for one month pl take one drop on tongue thrice after one hour the same day to be repeated the same way after 7 days report
akshaymohl last decade
Dear sir, thank you very much for ur valuable reply...anyway shall i continue to use SBL's Scalptone?As per ur recommendation i have to take silicea 200 3times a day in week with 1hr gap for 4 weeks, right?may i know how it work please?please reply..
pradeepx28 last decade
start from sunday pl take i dose at 3 pm 2at 4pm 3rd at 5 pm now repeat the same on next sunday so you will take medicine only on sunday
akshaymohl last decade
Dear Akshy sir,thanx a lot for the advice... i start Silesia on sunday and remaing days shall i use SBL's scalp tone?sometimes i used to get little pain on vertex area, particularly when i would not take hair wash more than a day.And my scalp is not too oily! will the medicine makes my skin dry? plz suggest.
pradeepx28 last decade
yes and you can wash as you were doing earlier
akshaymohl last decade
thank you Akshay sir, I'll contact u back, after using the medicine..
pradeepx28 last decade
I am suffering from hair loss since last 7 yrs.I Hv oily scalp and chronic dandruff issue...I hv tried many medicines,but no use....I wash my hair daily.but I don't rinse my scalp bcoz if i do it,I see severe hair fall.there is no heridity issue. Plz some one help me out..to control excessive oily scalp/dandruff/hair fall
kittu721 last decade

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