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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

25 yrs old man with chronic sinusitis plz help

i am 25 years old man with chronic sinusitis with watery discharge & sneezing & headache above the eyes ,so plz help any homeopathic doctor, i am takiing natrum mur 30c & sepia 30c once a day for my depression problem but i dont know which homeopathic medicine to take along with these two medicines to cure my sinusitis problem. plz help any doctor??????????
  dptkpr on 2009-10-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please take only Sangonaria Nit-30 ( 5 drops per dose four imes a day) and report after one week with changes.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thanks doctor Saab for your kind help now i am feeling much relieved but want your further help for my depression , anger & irritability problem:

1)I am highly depressed with episodes of anger & irritation.

2)Irritated on any topic even on simple joke.

3)Make prestige issue of simple talks.

4)Maximum irritated in crowd, market & public places.

5)Negative approach towards life & I do things without thinking about the consequences.

6)When I am angry my mind doesn't work at all , I don't know in that situation what I am doing with my beloved one's like my wife becomes the victim of my anger & I become very vulgar when I am angry & I give her maximum torch er & I go outside then drink alcohol a lot & after 4 to 5hrs I realize my fault then i use to come back home, however my wife is very good, she loves me a lot & never argues with me. When i am angry if she dies also at that point of time i don't care at all.

7)I have flexible bent of mind.

8)When anyone use to give me advise or counsel me I use to get bored & irritated, although I am very well aware that advises given to me are right & fruit full for me but I always do opposite of what is advised to me.

9)I get irritated & angry even on a joke.

10)I never want to listen about my drawbacks, I feel very proud of my past life before marriage when i use to have alcohol & use to have sex with different prostitutes.

11)I become mad when anyone counsel me.

12)I don't want to face tension in my life.I want a hassle free life.I cannot tolerate tension.I use to adopt short-cut methods for success in life. I don't want to do hard work & don't want to stand in a queue, because when i use to work hard my appetite dies.

13)I like blood & dead bodies.

14)What ever is directed me to do I always do just opposite of that.

15)I am very lean person & my appetite is also not so good & I look like a malnutrition ed person , what ever I eat I don't know where it goes?

16)Before marriage I use to go gym & I have taken some body building steroids also.

17)When i become depressed & angry every right aspect of life becomes wrong for me & every wrong aspect of life becomes right for me.

18)After marriage I left smoking,tobacco,alcohol, but when my friends use to offer me I lack confidence to say 'NO' to them, which my wife want me to do. I always try myself too to say 'NO' but fails to do so.My friend circle is very bad , I want to keep a distance from them but when they come I am unable to deny them.

Please doctor help me for my depression & anger problem & what ever i eat is never well absorbed by my body, I am very lean & look like a malnutrition ed person.Prescribe those medication which i can take with my sinus medicine (sangunaria nit 30)
dptkpr last decade
sometimes doctor Saab i feel afraid also but i don't the reason of being fearful of something which i don't know .
dptkpr last decade
i feel very slight trembling of my hands too.
dptkpr last decade
doctor Saab please help me this is a request because I have no homeopathic doctors near my place where i reside that's why i need your kind attention.
dptkpr last decade
please any doctor help me
dptkpr last decade
Please Take Ars. Alb-200 ( one dose (3 drops) at night and one morning empty stomach and also continue sang.nit. and report after one week.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
spanda1234 last decade
I am not a doctor, but possible considerations might be parasites, intestinal obstruction & dehydration, and/or exposure to toxins/ biotoxins or heavy metals in the body. Dr. Oz (tv guy) reports 1 in 4 have some parasitic infection. The absorption may be that the food is not getting to you. Research this. There are more than just tape worms that afflict. There are over-the-counter things you can take for this and foods like pumpkin seeds and clove that help. Fresh Green Black Walnut, Wormwood (only two weeks at a time) Second consider an intestinal obstruction/dehydration. Drink 100 oz of water per day - look for any change. The sinus problem can be caused by anything from dehydration, black mold syndrome and/or excessive dust/mold in the home, infected pillow, old vacuum failing, and such. LIttle Noses, a kids product, helps with sinuses. And this too could be a parasite, it could be in the sinus area. I wonder about your water supply. Are you independently sick or is the entire family - either same symptoms or sick with other things? Think about when the symptoms started. Think about changes in diet and home conditions. Does anything stand out? Any new products used or changes in lifestyle? Toxins and biotoxins effect everyone different as all expel them at different rates / body handles them differently. Good Luck.
KittyCat last decade
doctor Saab this medicine arsenic alb 200 is for my mind problem or for my sinus problem please tell ?
dptkpr last decade

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