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questions about potency and frequency of administration


I was wondering if I could get an opinion regarding proper dosages and potencies.
I understand that for specific acute conditions, the general rule is
- under 30C, and
- frequently during the day until symptoms subside.

But what are the guidelines for treating i) specific but chronic symptoms, and for ii) administering constitutional remedies?

I've been troubled by tinnitus and an itchy/blocked sensation in my ears since a head cold nearly two years ago. If I were interested in trying a specific remedy, for example salicylicum acidum or tellurium, what potency and dosage would I try?

- under or over 30C?

- a single dose and then wait and see, or multiple doses a day for an extended period (weeks or months) with an expectation of gradual change?

I've received conflicting advice from different websites and would appreciate any feedback

  davmandy on 2005-02-26
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
If you once try Tellurium-30 you may not need the next dose for months or may be forever.

No experience with Salicylicum Acidum but lot's of experience with Tellurium.

Tinnitus and an itchy/blocked sensation may be gone for good with Tellurium-30 and about blocked sensation, that I am not sure.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Thanks for the feedback. So the length of time the symptoms have persisted is not connected with the length of treatment? One website for example says that you have to take homepathic medicines for one month for each year of the symptoms.
davmandy 2 decades ago
Dear dave,
The symptoms you have given are not enough for prescription.since it is a chronic problem totality has to be taken,particulars alone are not enough.sulph or petroleum can also be indicated.As regarding the dosage.try LM potency repeating a dose daily
madanbhms 2 decades ago

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