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Groin discomfort-shrunken left testicle-swollen/twisted spermatic cord-testis cyst


I have a problem which is making me feel bad for allmost a year now...

I m a 23 year old male 180cm, 84kg, very healthy doin boxing 5x a week,never had any serious injury or illness at all.Have good diet lots of fruit, fish,poultry,vegetables and whole grain products.Taking also whey supplement after training becouse of boxing.I drink alcohol 1x a month and dont smoke.

Let me describe it a bit:

About 8 months ago i had some left testical pain(not very savere) and some fever, than all my problems started. I went to doctor and he told i have got a little cyst on my left testicle which will probably dissapear on its own so i didnt worry much at that time. About a month ago my left testicle began too shrink and it hangs higher than my right one. I feel discomfort all time and lower left abdominal pain. When i m standing i feel than my left spermatic cord is not the same as the right one which is normal. My left spermatic cord its kinda twisted and thickened and pulled up, but when i lay down it gets more to normal shape. I also have to strain more to go to toilet(fluid) and than i feel slight abdominal pain. I also lost some of my sexual lust.
Also when i do sit-ups on traing my left testicle gets pulled up very high to my groin and sometimes it feels kinda discomfotable.
I have been to urologist 2 days ago had ultrasound and he said its not torsion or any serious thing and if the discomfort will persist a surgery is an option.The diagnosis is:Cystis apendicis sin.

The main problem thats bothering me is that my testis shrunk and it is pulled up when standing the other thing drivng me crazy is my spermatic cord which i can feel is thickened and twisted like shape and pulled up and the shrunken testicle (but been on ultrasounds and it doesnt seem like torsion or hernia).

Please help me with some homepathic remedies becouse this is my only option dont want to go to surgery at all and this problem has chnaged my life to worse becouse i m worrying a lot can sleep properly anymore allways thinking of it.

I would be happy for every advice and be very very very gratefull.
Thank you in advance.
Sry for language mistakes.

Kind Regards
  bronga on 2009-10-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hey did you ever get this sorted out, i have the exact problem as you although they won't give me surgery unless the testicle is dead. Its annoying so uncomfortable drives you crazy man.
Joakonkia 8 years ago

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