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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Speech delay for 3-old year

Hello to all the homeopaths in the forum. I am writing after quite sometime.My son is just turned 3 in this october. He is still not talking any meaningful word. His history is below.
Name: Rohit Bhowmic
Date of Birth: October 09, 2006
Age: 3 years
Height: 40 inches
Weight: about 29 pounds (almost 13.2 kg)

CHIEF CONCERN: Speech delay.

DELIVERY: Was a C-section baby. However, there were no complications. Since the first child was C-section, we were advised by the doctor to go for the surgery. Weight at birth was 8.5 pounds and length was 21 inches. APGAR score was 8 and 9. Had newborn rashes from head to toe which resolved within 7-8 months.

MOTOR SKILLS: Both fine motor and gross motor skills age appropriate.

EATING AND DRESSING HABITS: He can hold his glass, spoon, plate on his own. He can drink from the glass on his own. He can eat small pieces of food on his own. He can turn the pages in the book one by one, can remove his shirt, pant, shoes, socks on his own. He puts his hands into the sleeves of his shirt if we hold the shirt over his head. If we hold the pant, he puts his leg into the pants. Sometimes can put the pant on his own too. Sometimes he can put on his shoes on his own. Generally, he is quite independent.
He loves to drink milk with little sugar and slightly warm in winter and cold in summer. Same with the food. He prefers slightly cooler temperature. He is not very picky about food. Can brush his teeth on his own but I do brush the teeth after he has finished brushing by himself.

PLAYING WITH TOYS: He plays appropriately with all types of toys cars, buses, trucks, trains, ball, musical toys, etc. He can throw the ball, kick the ball and tries to catch the ball when it is thrown at him. He likes to play with other kids as well as adults. He plays with his elder brother.
He can scribble with pencils, pens etc.

HEARING: His hearing seems fine. Responds to his name and some simple commands.

SPEECH: He has not started talking yet. He makes lot of sounds like Aye, AyeMa, AyeBA, nana, baba, bubu, dada, etc. But he has not said any meaningful word yet. Also he makes these sounds on his own. He does not usually use them to communicate with us. He generally uses gestures to communicate. He will either bring us the thing that he wants or will take us by hand to the thing he wants.
For example, if he wants milk, he will take me to the fridge, take my hand and put it on the handle of the fridge and make some sounds. When I open the fridge he tries to bring the milk can out.
If he wants me to read a book, he brings the book to me and keeps it in front of me, turns the pages and makes sounds as if requesting me to read.

RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE: He can generally respond to one-step directions. For example, if I ask him to go to the bathroom to take bath, he will run towards the bathroom, or if I tell him we are going out, he brings his pants, shirt, shoes to me.

He loves music and will clap or beat the drums, play with keyboard, etc. He can point with index finger.
He does not have any abnormal tantrums. He is generally a very calm, obedient, and quiet child.

SLEEPING HABITS: Sleeps well.He usually does not have nightmares.

Toilet training:. He does not wear diaper at home. If he wants do anything, he comes to me and makes some gestures. He has started to sit on the potty chair by himself when he feels the need.

I have been giving him Nat mur 30 for about 6 weeks now. But nothing significant has happened. His sounds have increased may be about 5%. But he still does not say any meaningful word.
  bhow123 on 2009-10-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I forgot to mention . My mother is battling lung cancer. So we have a history of cancer. Also, my son was extremely hairy when he was born. It took sometime for the hair to go from his back. Now his les, thighs and hands are showing some hair. In summer this year we had gone to India. We did go to a homeopath who gave him Carcisocin for 3 days and then medorrhinum for 3 weeks. I think his sounds had increased then. But it was so short time. And we came back to USA. So could not continue the treatment anymore. I had read in MAteria medica about Nat mur. So Igave it to him.Results have not been significant inspite of taking for 6 weeks. Other than these, he has not taken any medication for his speech. When he has fever, cold etc, I gave him Bryonia 30c and it works.
bhow123 last decade
describe his personality, his likes and dislikes etc.

how does he behave with strangers, visitors, friends and small insects.

please describe the health history of the child's parents on both sides. is there any case of alcoholism or suicides in the family.

in the past two generations, has there been any case of ulcers.

otherwise, he seems to be a quite an intelligent child with all faculties above average.

however, if his speech is delayed, it may be possibly because he doesnt hear conversations as much as he should.

you both have to speak to talk to each other as much as possible very clearly in his presence.

if both his parents are working outside and he doesnt get to listen to conversations, its natural that that there would be delay in his speech.
rishimba last decade
describe his personality, his likes and dislikes etc.

how does he behave with strangers, visitors, friends and small insects.

please describe the health history of the child's parents on both sides. is there any case of alcoholism or suicides in the family.

in the past two generations, has there been any case of ulcers.

otherwise, he seems to be a quite an intelligent child with all faculties above average.

however, if his speech is delayed, it may be possibly because he doesnt hear conversations as much as he should.

you both have to speak to talk to each other as much as possible very clearly in his presence.

if both his parents are working outside and he doesnt get to listen to conversations, its natural that that there would be delay in his speech
rishimba last decade
Ulcer: The child’s great maternal grandmother had stomach ulcer.
Suicides: None.
Alcoholism: None but some of the uncles may be social drinkers.
Cancer: Child’s maternal grandmother has cancer.
Small Insects: Mostly he is curious. He tries to touch them and see. Rarely he may be scared.
Speech delay: Child’s paternal grandmother talked late ( about 3.5-4 years of age). Older brother also talked late at about 4 years of age with homeopathy med (Zinc met and Agraphis nutans).
Heart : Maternal grandfather had heart attack and bypass 11 years back. Still takes meds.

Behavior with friends, visitors, etc: He is quite comfortable and interacts well with kids of his age. If he takes an instant liking for n adult, he interacts well with that adult. But sometimes he gets scared of some adults and starts crying if forced to interact with them. However for majority of the adults he takes little time initially to get used to. Once he does get used to them, he interacts very well with them. This summer when we took him to India to his maternal grandparents house, initially for one month he would not go to anybody. Then he got used to them and would actually go and play with them, hug them kiss them, etc. This is true for all visitors, friends, family, etc.

Personality: He smiles when he likes something, hugs, kisses, plays with parents and older brother well, likes to go out, likes colder weather but warm food. He knows how to do bye bye but does not do it on his own yet. He responds very well to his name. When he sees cartoons that he like son TV, he starts clapping, laughing. He likes to hear nursery rhymes, especially Old Mc Donald, the animal sounds. He is very fond of animals. His favorite is elephant. He has a toy elephant which he carries most of the time.

His mother is at home with him all day. Talks to him all the time. His older brother talks to him when he is at home. His father plays with him after coming back from office. He understands English better than Bengali. So we talk to him in English. I read childrens books to him. He likes the books with words and pictures. But he does not want to hear the story books yet.

Mother’s health: Normal except for occasional premenstrual syndrome and sinusitis.
Father’s health: High cholesterol. Taking supplements . Otherwise normal.

High blood pressure runs in both families.
bhow123 last decade
no remedy required.

he has already taken medhorrhinum and thus no need to give him anything else.

however, CALC PHOS 200C one dose weekly will be helpful for a few weeks.
rishimba last decade
He had taken medorrhinum in May -June. Actually he took Carcinosin for 3 days 2 doses daily, then 15 days gap, then medorrhinum for 4 weeks. How long does it take to show the effects? I am very worried as this is causing problems with admission to school. Also, if Cal phos 200C is not available can I give 30C potency.Please help.
bhow123 last decade
CALC PHOS 200C is recommended. howevever, if you dont get it, you can initially give him 30c potency once every 3 days for some 2 weeks.

give the doses early morning in empty stomach some 4 doses in 10 ml of water slowly sipped up. no food or water one hour before or after.
rishimba last decade

I followed your advice and have given my son Cal phos 200c for the past 2 months. He still has not spoken a maeningful word. His consonant sounds have increased little bit. His receptive language (understanding what we say) has also improved a lot. But no words yet.What should I do?
bhow123 last decade

Please tell me what to do. I am at a loss.
bhow123 last decade
please give him a dose of TUBERCULINUM 1M on one single day morning empty stomach.

note the changes if any in the next 15 days.
rishimba last decade
I gave tuberculin 1M to Rohit on February 23rd. His receptive has really improved. He is almost potty trained and always lets me and his teachers know by gestures when he wants to do something. He has started going to school (special ed but in a regular school). HE did not cry or fuss at all. He is enjoying school and actually looks forward to go to school every morning. He goes by school bus. His sounds have increased. At times he attempts to say the first letter of a word. Like 'Ba' when he sees a ball. But he has not has any meaningful whole word yet. At times he talks to himself. It sounds as if he is saying something but it is all gibberish. But he follows directions very well for a three year old. He is 3 years and 5 months. I could not get the Tub 1M here in USA without prescription. So my father sent it from India. THat is why it took sometime to get the med.
Please advise what I should do next.
bhow123 last decade
please repeat tuberculinum 1m once every month for three months only.

come back to me after about 6 months and tell me if your son has become a normal child or not.
rishimba last decade

I have given 2 doses of Tuberculinum 1M till now ( 23rd Feb and 23rd March). No improvement in terms of speech so far. Also , recently ( about 3-4 months) he is getting white marks on his finger nails. But if I give him Zinc supplement (5 mg) it goes away. I do not know if this matters but just thought of informin gyou. HIs recptive language has improved remarkably. He can follow directions both at home and school.Now if only he starts talking.... He is 3 years 6 months already. Please advice.
bhow123 last decade
please dont worry, if the remedy has worked, his talking will also be fine in due course..

wait and watch and try to speak to him as much as possible.
rishimba last decade
Dear bhow123 ,logging on to see the progress.


Dr Abhishek Mukherjee
om sai clinic
Dr Abhishek last decade

AS I have said I have given two doses of Tub 1M onFeb 23rd and Marh 23rd. Rohit still has not spoken a single sensible word. He still vocalises by making sounds like ba, da, more vowel sounds. But he follows directions well both in school and at home.He does not have tantrums and is easy to manage. He points at things he wants us to know or to give him. He is toilet trained and can use the pottty chair on his own for urinating. If he wants to have Bowel movement, he lets me know through gestures. HE is starting to recognise many alphabets, numbers, colors, shapes, animals, fruits, etc. Can point to them if we ask him. But he does not make effort to say the word. Should I continue with Tuberculinum 1M . Please advice.
bhow123 last decade
Dear bhow123, pl start with R 19, R 26 ,R 45, 20 drops from each with 1 tea spoon full water 5 times a day and BC 24 3 TABS 3 times a day with luke warm water, all these medicines are to be brought of dr reckeweg's.continue all for 1 month and revert back.i can and surely will able to help your child.



Dr Abhishek Mukherjee
om sai clinic
Dr Abhishek last decade
Dr. Mukherjee

We hv finally been able to get the meds and I hv started giving them to Rohit. He is now 4years old. His receptive language has vastly improved over the past 6 months. Also academically he is doing well. His constipation is gone with th ehelp of Sepia prescribed by a homeopath in Kolkata. But his speech is still not there. He does say string of consonants and vowels like 'ta ta tai ja a e oo ada di diaaa'. He does this constantly . But if I ask him to say a meaningful word, he does make an effort now. He moves his mouth. But the funny thing is he does not make the sounds then. For example, I know he can make the sound 'j'. When I ask him to say 'juice', he moves his mouth but does not make the sound then.
On emore question. R19, 26, 45 contain lots of ingredients. will they hv any harmful effects? Please revert
bhow123 last decade
I have a daughter with speech delay with similar conditions. can you please let me know how is he doing and which remedy helped her at last.

arunsrinath last decade
Hi Arun,

The remedies for the child on this thread would not necessarily be
the same ones your child needs.

Have you been going to a homeopath for your child?
simone717 last decade
Hello to all the homeopaths in the forum. I am writing for the first time. My daughter is turning 3 this May. She is still not talking any meaningful word. History is below.

Name: Maya Harikrishna
Date of Birth: May 19, 2021
Age: 3 years
Height: 40 inches
Weight: 32 pounds (almost 14.5 kg)

MAIN CONCERN: Speech delay, frequent cold and fever, Asthma Attack (1 in 2023 and 1 in 2024).

Cold, cough & fever every month
Frequent gastric trouble sinc 3months of age (Both acid reflux and majorly gas) (relief when given Colicaid - antispasmodic [Ing: Simethicone, Fennel Oil, and Dill Oil)
Drinks way too much water (More than 40oz a day)
Does not gain flesh looks too lean with a bulging tummy
Has frequent headaches
Frequent yellow-green nasal discharge and also lot of big boogers
Does not sleep at night, sleeps only by 12:30 or 1, afternoon naps are atleast 2-2.5hrs minimum
Always wants to be outside when there is sun, During winter, frequently sits on top of hot air vent
Clingy to parents

DELIVERY: Was a C-section baby. However, there were no complications. Weight at birth was 2.37KG.

PHYSICAL APPEARENCE: She is tall, broad shoulders and long forehead. Has hairy nostrils, hair in the back.

EATING HABITS: She drinks atleast 1 to 1.5 Liters of water everyday. Drinks from sipper bottle and loves to drink water. Eats really well (3 full course meals and 3-4 snack). Very picky eater. Eats Rice, roti bread, Doasa(Indian pan cakes). Does not like Eggs. We are vegitarian and have not tried any meat. She loves Okra, green beans, long beans(all raw & cooked), Steamed edamame, broccoli. Does not eat any fruits except Guava. Does not like to eat anything sweet, hates cake or anything sugary. She also gets irritated when hungry.

DRESSING HABITS: Able to remove Socks. Brings the dress to wear, helps inserting hands and legs. Does not remove or wears dress by herself.

PLAYING WITH TOYS: She plays only with toys of all types - Trains, balloons, blocks. Loves doing puzzles like fitting alphabets on the slab or the numbers etc. He does not play with any kids of her age but only does parallel play. She started preschool in Sep 2023 but not played with kids. Loves to play with adults

HEARING: His hearing seems fine. Occasionally responds to her name specifically when we call her for food or play or bath. Other times royally ignores. Follows some simple commands like putting things in trash etc.

SPEECH: She has not started talking yet but makes lot of sounds like Aye, aaa, hooo, hee, nana, baba, bubu, etc. But has not said any word yet. Makes these sounds on her own. She does not usually use them to communicate with us. She generally uses gestures to communicate. She will either bring us the thing that she wants or will take us by hand to the thing she wants. For example, if she wants snacks, she will take me to the pantry, take my hand and put it on the handle and make some sounds like umumumum. When I open the pantry she tries to bring the snack box out and takes her snack bowl as well for me to put them in. Says 1st letter syllables like Ba for ball or balloon or bubbles, ho(one), thdoh(Two), thi(Three). She used to make animal sounds and fist syllables from 11mo and stopped when she turned 18mo.

RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE: She can generally respond to one-step directions. For example, if I ask her to go to the bathroom to take bath, she will run towards the bathroom, or if I tell her we are going out, she will drag me to the coat stand to wear the coat and put on her as well.
She loves music and will clap or dance etc. She can point with index finger. She does not have any abnormal tantrums and is generally a very calm, obedient, and quiet child.

SLEEPING HABITS: Sleeps well when she sleeps. But usually takes her 1-1.5hrs to go to sleep. Once asleep, she goes to deep sleep.

PERSONALITY: She smiles when she likes something, hugs, kisses, plays with parents, likes to go out. She knows how to do bye bye but does not do it on her own yet, has to be told several times before she does it. When she sees cartoons or cinema songs that he like on TV, she starts clapping, laughing, mimicking actions. Her favorite is rabbit and always clings to a rubber rabbit toy and carries to most places including bathroom and always places it facing her. He has obsession for having things in certain way.

Her mother is at home with her all day. Talks to her all the time. The father plays with her after coming back from office. We read children books to her in the night.

Remedies tried:
Candida Albicans - 3 weeks - No difference
Silicea - 3 Weeks - No Difference
Calcarea Carbonica - 1 week - No Difference
[Edited by ceenathana on 2024-04-30 17:25:48]
ceenathana 10 months ago

[Edited by anuj srivastava on 2024-05-01 02:34:14]
anuj srivastava 10 months ago
She does not sweat during the day or when she is playing. She has sweat only when sleeping.

But her legs create a smell like adults when wearing shoes. Like sweating in feet.
[Edited by ceenathana on 2024-05-01 02:58:16]
ceenathana 10 months ago


03 drops in a cup containing an ounce of water, sip one third of it, 15 minutes later sip the next third of it, and 15 minutes later take the last third of it.



Dose five (5) drops/pellets , taken at the same time 3 Times daily.

Take the remedies until symptoms are improved.

Keep all doses 30 minutes before or after food, drink and teeth brushing.

anuj srivastava 10 months ago
Hi Anuj,

I have just received the remedies today. NUX VOM 30 for just 1 day? Should it be in empty stomach?

NAT PHOS and KALI SULPH can be taken with food?
ceenathana 10 months ago

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