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Berberis Vulgaris:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

4.6 MM calculus. Need to know about Berberis Vulgaris Dosage

I am Vishal and 32 years old. This is the first time I have this problem. On getting the CT done, I came to know about the report which states '4.6 mm calculus at right uretero vesical junction with right sided mild to moderate hydroureteronephrosis.'

My father who has also been prone to this problem is 62 years old and has stone problem 4 times. He used to take Berberis and it will help him flush out the urine. Since my problem came into the picture he has started to give me Berberis.
Morning - 15drops in 1 spoon water.
Afternoon 10 drops in 1 spoon water.
Evening - 15drops in 1 spoon water.

Is this enough to take, will it flush out of my urine on its own. How much time it normally takes for 4.6 mm to get removed.

I am drinking lots of water (10 ltrs a day) plus taking beer as well. Will this help?

Appreciate help on my case. Many thanks.
  vishalnandwani on 2009-11-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please describe your physical sufferings in your own words.

describe the nature of pains if any and the correct location with modalities.
rishimba last decade
Dear Mr Vishal you should also take Hydrangea Q 10drops TDS,Lyco 30 3 drops ,Cantharis30 3 drops
Sarsaparilla 30 3drops
Drsalman last decade
lycopodium is best for rt sided stones..and if u have hydrouretronephrosis than calc carb200 twice a day would work best.
isha_dr last decade

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