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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please help with adenoids and enlarged tonsils.

My son is almost 3 years old. Suffers from middle ear infections at least every other month or more often. Put ear tubes and removed adenoids 1.5 years ago. Now, very labored mouth breathing most of the day, always during the night, with lots of snoring, coughing in sleep, some sleep apnea. CT scan showed enlarged adenoids (grew back!) and enlarged tonsils. ENT says to remove both ASAP! Are there any homeopathic remedies I could use? And if so, how? Thank you.
  yulchik12 on 2009-11-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
describe the mental nature of the child, his likes and dislikes, behaviour with parents, visitors and friends etc.
rishimba last decade
He is very talkative. At times, gets frustrated and may scream or become a little aggressive. Follows directions well, makes up stories. Recently, started complaining of sore throat in the mornings. Appetite has decreased significantly in the last two weeks: takes a bite or two and doesn't want anymore. Growing slowed down too. He's much skinnier now and used to be taller than most babies, now he's an inch or two shorter. Bad sleep apnea at night: wakes himself up constantly when stops breathing. He's potty trained during the day but absolutely not during the night. Loves sweet things, especially chocolate.
yulchik12 last decade
please give him CALC PHOS 12C thrice a day for a week.

note changes during the week and if you see any changes, stop the doses.

come back after 15 days to update the changes.
rishimba last decade

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