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BoooBooo : Sure Treatment Procedure For Lichen Planus
Lichen Planus (pronounced LY-kin-PLAN-us) is a common inflammatory disease of the skin and mouth. It affects about one to two percent of the general population. The name 'lichen' refers to the lichen plant which grows on rocks or trees, and 'planus' means flat.What Lichen Planus Is Not
To understand what LP is, it is important to note what the disease is not. LP is not an infectious disease. It is impossible to catch LP from someone or to give it to someone else. The disease is not a form of cancer, it does not appear to be inherited, and it is not related to nutrition.
What Is Lichen Planus
LP is an inflammatory disease that affects the skin, the mouth (oral), or both. It may also affect the genital skin. Skin LP affects men and women equally, but oral LP affects women twice as often as men. LP occurs most frequently in middle-aged adults. The cause of LP is not known. While there are many theories to explain LP, most dermatologists believe it can be classified as an autoimmune disease. This means that white blood cells which usually fight germs begin to attack the normal parts of the skin, mucous membranes, hair, and nails. There are cases of lichen planus-type rashes which occur as allergic reactions to medications for high blood pressure, heart disease, and arthritis. Identifying and stopping the drug helps clear up the condition within a few weeks.
Lichen Planus Of The Skin
LP of the skin is characterized by reddish-purple, flat-topped bumps that may be very itchy. Some may have a white lacy appearance called Wickham's Striae. They can be anywhere on the body, but seem to favor the inside of the wrists and ankles. The disease can also occur on the lower back, neck, legs, genitals, and in rare cases, the scalp and nails. LP on the legs is usually much darker in appearance. There may be thick patches (hypertrophic LP) especially on the shins. Blisters are rare except in special cases called bullous LP. While the typical appearance of LP makes the disease somewhat easy to identify, a skin biopsy may be needed to confirm the diagnosis.
LP of the skin usually causes few problems and needs no treatment. If there is severe itching there is help. Many cases of LP go away within two years. As it heals, LP often leaves a dark brown discoloration on the skin. Like the bumps themselves, these stains may eventually fade with time without treatment. About one out of five people will have a second attack of LP.
Treatment For LP Of The Skin In Modern Medicine
There is no known cure for LP but treatment is often effective in relieving itching and in improving the appearance of the rash until it goes away. Since every case of LP is different, no one treatment is perfect. The two most common treatments include the use of topical corticosteroid creams, ointments, or other anti-inflammatory drugs, and antihistamines taken by mouth. More severe cases of LP may require stronger medications such as cortisone taken internally or a specific form of ultraviolet light treatment called PUVA.
Lichen Planus Signs And Symptoms
Classical lichen planus is characterized by shiny, flat-topped, firm papules (bumps) varying from pin point size (guttate) to larger than a centimeter. They are a purple color and often are crossed by fine white lines (called Wickham's striae). They may be closing together or widespread, or grouped in lines (linear lichen planus) or rings (annular lichen planus). Linear lichen planus can be the result of scratching or injuring the skin. Although sometimes there are no symptoms, it is often very itchy.
Lichen planus may affect any area, but is most often seen on the front of the wrists, lower back, and ankles. On the palms and soles the papules are firm and yellow. Very thick scaly patches are particularly itchy and are most likely to arise around the ankles (hypertrophic lichen planu).
New lesions may appear while others are clearing. As the lichen planus papules clear they are often replaced by areas of grayish-brown discoloration, especially in darker skinned people. This is called post inflammatory hyper pigmentation and can persist for months.
Treatment For LP Of The Skin In Homeopathy
It is important and interesting to appreciate the homeopathic outlook to Lichen Planus. The science of homeopathy looks at any skin disorder as an external expression of the internal disharmony. In other words, it is understood that due to certain internal system disorder, the Lichen Planus is manifested as an outcome. With this appreciation, it is emphasized that the treatment of Lichen Planus has to be essentially in order to normalize the internal disorder instead of just suppressing the skin eruptions with any local application of creams.
As per the above logical theory, Lichen Planus is not a local disease but a local expression of a systemic disease which should be treated at the system level in a planned manner. Hence, any use of local suppressant is strictly prohibited in homeopathy. The homeopathy treatment is determined after evaluation of the patients case in a great detail. As the entire constitution (physical and mental) of the patients is evaluated in a systematic manner, the homeopathic treatment is called as the constitutional treatment.
Treatment Schedule
Day 1
Sulphur 30C
5 Pills/5 Drops 3 Times In A Day
Day 2 To Day 8
Nat Mur 30C
5 Pills/10 Drops 3 Times In A Day
Day 9 To Day 15
Aloe Vera Juice
30Ml. With Hot Water In The Morning On An Empty Stomach & At Bed Time
Day 16 To Day 22
Sepia Officinalis 30C
5 Pills/10 Drops 3 Times In A Day
Day 23 To Day 29
Arsenicum Album 30C
5 Pills/10 Drops 3 Times In A Day
Day 30
Sulphur 30C
5 Pills/5 Drops 3 Times In A Day
Day 31 To 45
Antimonium Crudum (Ant C)
5 Pills/10 Drops 3 Times In A Day
Day 46 To 60
Kali Bichromicum (kali bi)
5 Pills/10 Drops 3 Times In A Day
Day 61 To 75
Sulphur Iodatum (Sul Iod)
5 Pills/10 Drops 3 Times In A Day
Day 76 To 90
Juglans Cinerea (Jugl Cin)
5 Pills/10 Drops 3 Times In A Day
Day 91 To 120
Arsenicum Iodatum (Ars Iod)
5 Pills/10 Drops 3 Times In A Day
booobooo on 2009-11-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Hi Booobooo
this is treatment for global Lichen plan ?
I have Lichen planopilaris, what is best remedies?
thanks for help
this is treatment for global Lichen plan ?
I have Lichen planopilaris, what is best remedies?
thanks for help
sachaparis last decade
Dear friend...You can go through the same treatment as it encompasses all known Lichen issues. The medicines encompass all known facts. So go ahead and take the medicines. Results vary person to person but results are surely positive.
booobooo last decade
Dear Friend
thank you for your reponse
I have 2 questions;
I started this treatment until day 29
what do you think if i delete
Antimonium Crudum
Kali Bichromicum
Juglans Cinerea
and continue with
Sulphur Iodatum and Arsenicum Iodatum
this is in 30 ch?
thank you for your reponse
I have 2 questions;
I started this treatment until day 29
what do you think if i delete
Antimonium Crudum
Kali Bichromicum
Juglans Cinerea
and continue with
Sulphur Iodatum and Arsenicum Iodatum
this is in 30 ch?
sachaparis last decade
I would personally advise to follow regimentally as it covers the entire spectrum. But in your case you can elude Antimonium Crudum +
Kali Bichromicum + Juglans Cinerea as you have eaten them.
Do not worry and have faith. You will be allright. It just will take time say about 1 to 2 years but worth it.
Kali Bichromicum + Juglans Cinerea as you have eaten them.
Do not worry and have faith. You will be allright. It just will take time say about 1 to 2 years but worth it.
booobooo last decade
ok thank you for advice.
one more question;
Sulphur Iodatum and Arsenicum Iodatum
this is in 30 ch?
what is better to use 2 times per day in 7 ch or 30 ch / 3 times per day?
one more question;
Sulphur Iodatum and Arsenicum Iodatum
this is in 30 ch?
what is better to use 2 times per day in 7 ch or 30 ch / 3 times per day?
sachaparis last decade
Sulphur Iodatum and Arsenicum Iodatum
Yes they are in 30 CH.
Use Arsenicum Iodatum which is more beneficial in your case. Report back after you have finished your course. Also, keep faith in yourself and remain strong minded. I am always with you.
Yes they are in 30 CH.
Use Arsenicum Iodatum which is more beneficial in your case. Report back after you have finished your course. Also, keep faith in yourself and remain strong minded. I am always with you.
booobooo last decade
can I take Sulphur Iodatum and Arsenicum Iodatum in same time: 3 times / day, with 30 minutes spaced, like :
10 am sulfur
10.30 arsenicum
2 pm sulful
2.30 arsenicum
7 pm sulful
7.30 arsenicum
can I take Sulphur Iodatum and Arsenicum Iodatum in same time: 3 times / day, with 30 minutes spaced, like :
10 am sulfur
10.30 arsenicum
2 pm sulful
2.30 arsenicum
7 pm sulful
7.30 arsenicum
sachaparis last decade
Think of yourself as an incandescent power, illuminated and perhaps forever talked to by God and his messengers.
booobooo last decade
hi doc,
i am having 20 nail dystrophy due to lichen planus from 5 years.i want to get it nails are very bad.can i get through you for my treatment
i am having 20 nail dystrophy due to lichen planus from 5 years.i want to get it nails are very bad.can i get through you for my treatment
van.jain last decade
I have ORAL litchen planus for past 14 mths which is getting worse. I had an ulcer removed from my tongue but now have 2 v nasty ones in the inside of my cheek. I am unable to eat and losing weight. i am not even able to brush my teeth, Don't think i can take much more. I desperately need relief.
Murroe last decade
Please suggest lichen planus tretament for 10 yr old
123dana last decade
Hi Doctor,
I got diagnosed with Lichen Planus of the scalp in May 2010. My dermatologist gave Selifin tab and halovate-s ointment. The scars have stayed with no hair on them. In the last two months I have observed few more scars and I have no hair on them. Kindly suggest as to what do I do.
I got diagnosed with Lichen Planus of the scalp in May 2010. My dermatologist gave Selifin tab and halovate-s ointment. The scars have stayed with no hair on them. In the last two months I have observed few more scars and I have no hair on them. Kindly suggest as to what do I do.
nareshkgin last decade
Hi am a 30 yo male was diagnosed with LP last year, i tried fluticasone propionate cream (for the penis head) but the discoloration did not go.this was accompanied by vit A (oral). also i have had a bout of reoccurence last month, i have developed three spots with light skin and brownish boundaries on the head of my penis. the skin in the middle of these spots seems wrinkled.since last year i also have longitudinal ridges on my left thumbnail. fluticasone cream helped control the recent growing spots .but the spots are not reducing much. I want to try alternative treatments than allopathy. please advice.
kalel last decade
Sorry for my absence as I was not well. Well, after reading all posts I have good faith to believe that the original prescription I mentioned holds good for all.
booobooo last decade
How long it will take to get rid of oral lichen plunus as the medicine is prescribed for 4 months only.
nazmul_info last decade
I missed reading your therapy for some months and note that the reason for your absence was because you were not well.
I am glad to note that you have recovered and hope that you will continue your mission of prescribing Homeopathic remedies for a variety of ailments in the future.
You may like to know that I am 83 years of age and will turn 84 next month. I owe my long life without any aches of pains that are accepted as the price of advancing years first to God in whom I have an abiding trust and to ARNICA 30c in the Wet dose which I have taken since 1996 on a daily basis.
May I recommend that you too use this simple and proven therapy which can help you also to attain a better quality of life?
Please visit the link below
'Arnica the Miracle Remedy' for more data
I missed reading your therapy for some months and note that the reason for your absence was because you were not well.
I am glad to note that you have recovered and hope that you will continue your mission of prescribing Homeopathic remedies for a variety of ailments in the future.
You may like to know that I am 83 years of age and will turn 84 next month. I owe my long life without any aches of pains that are accepted as the price of advancing years first to God in whom I have an abiding trust and to ARNICA 30c in the Wet dose which I have taken since 1996 on a daily basis.
May I recommend that you too use this simple and proven therapy which can help you also to attain a better quality of life?
Please visit the link below
'Arnica the Miracle Remedy' for more data
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
Hello Booboo,
I m 28 years old female,suffering from lichen planus when i was about 12 years old.
I have this problem on my legs(below knee to ankle).
I have taken medicines for it in my childhood but from last 12 years ,i have not taken any medicine .
2 year back while searching i got to know the name of diseases,then i searched for homeopathy treatment online i got this forum.
i tried the medicine u have suggested ,and it worked now 90 % of my problem is gone as i have repeated this course twice.
but one part is still not being cured .
please suggest some medicine to cure it ,also to remove the marks
thanks in advance
I m 28 years old female,suffering from lichen planus when i was about 12 years old.
I have this problem on my legs(below knee to ankle).
I have taken medicines for it in my childhood but from last 12 years ,i have not taken any medicine .
2 year back while searching i got to know the name of diseases,then i searched for homeopathy treatment online i got this forum.
i tried the medicine u have suggested ,and it worked now 90 % of my problem is gone as i have repeated this course twice.
but one part is still not being cured .
please suggest some medicine to cure it ,also to remove the marks
thanks in advance
ptripathi last decade
hi iam niharika...iam suffering form lichen planus or lichenoid dermititis. I have seen ur post related to "Sure treatment of Lichen Planus" which was the complete treatment chart of 3 months for lichen planus. but in the middle of treatment u adviced to take Aloevera Juice...but Iam pregnent. i thing Aloevera juice can not be taken in pregnency. So plz advice can i skip aloevera juice or is there any other alternative for aloevera
nihaaaaaaaaaari 9 years ago
I don't think this "treatment" protocol should be done while pregnant.
If you want some help with this do a new thread.
To make a new thread go to the top of the forum and Click Post New Topic.
Ask for Kadwa in your headline.
Give him some info about your problem , when it began, what you
have been taking, how many months pregnant etc.
Kadwa is a physician, he can advise you safely on this.
I don't think this "treatment" protocol should be done while pregnant.
If you want some help with this do a new thread.
To make a new thread go to the top of the forum and Click Post New Topic.
Ask for Kadwa in your headline.
Give him some info about your problem , when it began, what you
have been taking, how many months pregnant etc.
Kadwa is a physician, he can advise you safely on this.
♡ simone717 9 years ago
I have lichen planus of skin and it is getting day by day and spreading all over the body. I came across this thread and I am going to start course from tomorrow. Are you still following the same schedule ?
I will highly appreciate any replies and suggestions.
thanks & regards
I have lichen planus of skin and it is getting day by day and spreading all over the body. I came across this thread and I am going to start course from tomorrow. Are you still following the same schedule ?
I will highly appreciate any replies and suggestions.
thanks & regards
tggsh001 9 years ago
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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.