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ABC Homeopathy Forum




Thuja Occidentalis:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

num vox, thuja antidote, please help!!!


I suffer from Rosacea, digestive complaints, seborrheic dermatitis and chapped lips, i tried Sulphur 30c and felt a little better but didn't help my Seborrheic Dermatitis so tried:

Nat mur 30c- 4 a day 10 days
Nux Vomica 30c- 4 a day 7 days
Thuja - 30c - 4 a day 5 days

Now things are a whole lot worse, my face is flushing unbelievably, my skin is breaking out and really dry and my seb derm is really bad and intolerably itchy.

How can i antidote, what should i take?
  Michaeluk on 2009-12-03
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please wait for a week without any medicine and thereafter take one dose of Sulpher-200 and not changes and report after taking sulpher 7 days.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
Thank you Dr Mahfooz.

I'll report back in week.
Michaeluk last decade
Were you able to antidote Thuja?
What medicine antidoted it?
homepath 5 years ago
homepath why have you dug up quite a few posts on the same topic? You could also post a new thread seeking a solution for you. My observation is sulph. and thuja have that mutual relationship that when one aggravates, the other will take away the negative effects. But there are a few more antidotes like camphor, merc, puls, staphy based on the symptoms that have arisen after thuja.
maheeru 5 years ago

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