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Erectile Dysfunction



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Prostatorrhea, weakness and Erectile Dysfunction197Tadalista 20 mg : Best tablet for Against Erectile Dysfunction1Premature ejaculation and Erectile dysfunction4erectile dysfunction8Severe Nightfall, Premature Edjaculation & Erectile Dysfunction10erectile dysfunction25Erectile dysfunction1Erectile Dysfunction5Erectile Dysfunction1Erectile Dysfunction5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

erectile dysfunction due to excessive longtime masturbation

Would any Doc be my examiner here?
I am bitter victim of side effects which have come into being through excessive longtime hand jobs.
What should be done now?
Can i get cured?
Can i be like a fresh teenager and full of energy again?
Please show me the response.
  nostradamus on 2009-12-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
While you are waiting for some doctors to suggest a medicine, you may find this useful:

Reva V last decade
Hi Reva V!
Dude, I am still confused after having a look at your mentioned link.
I want you to direct me with suitable formula.
If i make all the details here, Would you please prescribe me something good?
nostradamus last decade
Please give details
Reva V last decade
I am 28 years old.
Average body.
Fair complexion.
Engaged with hand jobs since 15 years.
Digestion is not so good. So thats why I Suffer IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)frequently.
Short sighted and angry type of nature.
Like to be alone most of the times.
Appetite and Thirst is normal.
No any Specific body activity now a days like exercise or workout.
So i come to the main symptoms related to my actual illness which i wanna discuss here.

So the main symptoms are:

ED (Erectile Dysfunction)
PE (Premature Ejaculation)
Small, Flaccid, Left Sided Bent and Withered Penis.

I just wanna mention here that, all my other symptoms which may get related with this illness, are just because of above mentioned main symptoms.

If i get positive results about what i mentioned above, I think I will be right there to go on and enjoy my life with full enthusiasm.

Well you can ask me more questions according to the way you treat your patients.
nostradamus last decade
Are you still Masturbating. If yes, can you stop it, for your health sake, completely.

(Do you need medicine help to stop it?)

How is your energy level over all. Do you feel tired or feel energetic almost all the time?
Reva V last decade
Yep, I still masturbate.
But Now I perform it rarely i.e once a week.
But I will try my best to stop it.
My energy level is just normal.
I don't feel tired. I feel normal every time.
But Whenever i suffer with stomach problems, I really feel anxious and mentally retard.
There is the main problems which I really want to get rid of, are erectile dysfunction and penis size issues along with digestion issues sometimes.
nostradamus last decade
Argentinum Nitricum 6c, every morning, 4 pills

Bellis Per 6c, 2 pills, once a day, every evening.

Baryta Carb 200c, 2 pills, once a week (not every day)

Take this for 1 month and report back.

For general instructions, please see


Reva V
Reva V last decade
Is it a complete cure for me or its first step prescription to reveal suppressed symptoms?
nostradamus last decade
This is to promote health and is not expected to unroot any disease.

After your general health is improved, some follow up will be required.
Reva V last decade
What if I am already using some prescription?
Would it be necessary to stop current remedies?
Should I tell you what I am using?
nostradamus last decade
It is recommendedto continue your current prescription mediciation, as long as they are beneficial or is necessary for you.

After Homeopathy, if your health improves, you can revisit your doctor to see whether you can reduce your medication, based on your health condition.

No need to write your current medication at this time.

Reva V
Reva V last decade
But I stopped the usage of current prescription because I didn't observe any prominent difference in my symptoms.
Now what you say?
nostradamus last decade
Please describe for what complaint are you taking prescription medicine
Reva V last decade
hello sir,
i am an 18 yr old boy...
I am masturbating for last 4 yrs now.. Yesterdy night i found dat i could not erection..from then i am feeling very low...symptoms dat have emerged are:

-weakness in whole body..
-little trembling of hands..
-frequent urge to urinate..
-feeling of emptiness in body..

Main symptoms regarding the peoblem are:

-ED(erectile dysfunction)
-small one side bent penis..
-no erection..

I am very worried bout my condition..i have stopped masturbating and will not do it in future too...
Pls tell me that link u gave by Dr.J K Mohla, is dat prescription ok for me or do i need some other medication..
I am on a regular mediction of strychninum 30 too for a spine problem....
Pls help me gain my confidence dr...i wud b always gr8ful...
rahul1123 last decade

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