The ABC Homeopathy Forum
Liver and Renal failure in infant
Reg no. 01 s/cDate 31/7/08
Name Bholanath
Age/sex 13 days (DOB-18-7-08)
Address Sabhaipur,Varanasi (UP) India.
The first child born to Sanjay & Chandrarekha at 8 month.weighing just 1.25kg.
The couple belongs to very poor socioeconomic status....the child didnt took feed and began to regurgitate milk.The abdomen began to distend and urine stopped.The cry was also weak.
With all this complaint they went to Children Hospital where he was admitted and investigation was done....all suggestive of acute renal failure and liver failure.
In hospital his condition was not improving and the family could not bear the expensive treatment..they were told that there child could not be saved.
When they brought child to clinic....his condition was bad but they pleaded to continue treatment with Homoeopathy as there last hope.
He had developed at site of puncture..wound..deep one the tibia was visible.And as he was cathertised there was wound on the meatus and glans.
The child was not given any allopathic treatment..once our treatment commenced.
Following are the reports of investigations done....(in hospital....later no investigation was done..but only general condition was watched...they had no money left with them..and they feared that any puncture will hurt and create wound.)
Bld urea- 54.2 mg/dl
S creatinine 1.6mg/dl
Serum bilirubin 7.8 (0.2-1.0)
Bilirubin conjugated -0.38 mg/dl
Bilirubin unconjugated 7.42 mg/dl (0.1-1.0)
Hb -17.1 gm/dl
T Bilirubin 12.4 mg/dl
Direct bilirubin 1.9
Indirect bilirubin 10.5
S Urea 74
S creatinine 1.8
Hb 18.7
S urea 69
T bilirubin 19.5
D.Bilirubin 1.4
Indirect Bilirubin 18.1
S creatinine 1.8
S Urea 118
Hb 19.1
Locations Sensations & Complaints Modalities & Causations
Dates Prescriptions Results & New Symptoms
31/7/08 1.Carbo veg 200 in distilled water
4 drops night 9 pm
2.Salidago Q 3 drops at 6am,12 pm,6pm
3.Urea 6 10 am -3pm
4.Calotropis Q to apply on the wound. Read the history above said.
11/8/08 1.Carbo veg 200 9 pm
2.Arnica 30 11am 4 pm
3.Urea 30 10 am 3 pm
4.Salidago Q 3 drops6am 12pm 6 pm
5.Calotropis Q 8 am 8pm
19/8/08 1.Carbo veg 200 9 pm
2.Arnica 30 11 am 4 pm
3. Urea 30 10 am 3 pm
4.Salidago Q 6 12 6
5.Calotropis Q 8am 8 pm
1 kg 300 gms
Better .Distension is better urine also clear distension of abdomen less.wound has healed up very much.
27/8/08 Calotropis Q Better
29/8/08 1.Carbo veg 200 9 pm
2. Aethusa cynapium 30
3.Urea 30 10 am 3 pm . Very much better.Slight milk regurgitation.
The child is now better he has been under treatment for all ailments since then ..only homoeopathy.
drpkumar on 2009-12-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
minimum symptoms of maximum importance......positive symptoms ...few symptoms of medicine present in case....
and taking case without prejudice...(without questionnaire included)
referring to all the clinical symptoms and rare can do wonders by homoeopathy....
whether its motor neurone disease or parkinsonism...or gangrene or simple problem such as allergic rhinitis
its more logical to proceed from few hints....and then elaboration ....
and keeping eye on the mental reactions,,the attitude(physical and mental),
words used,,etc....
searching the characteristics in patient ....
and taking case without prejudice...(without questionnaire included)
referring to all the clinical symptoms and rare can do wonders by homoeopathy....
whether its motor neurone disease or parkinsonism...or gangrene or simple problem such as allergic rhinitis
its more logical to proceed from few hints....and then elaboration ....
and keeping eye on the mental reactions,,the attitude(physical and mental),
words used,,etc....
searching the characteristics in patient ....
drpkumar last decade
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