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Silicea: First Aid Kit:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Dr kuldeep and others. Quick question on silica dosage transition

Based on the advice of Dr kuldeep, I am going to make silicea in my home using rocks based on the method outlined in a recent thread by the doctor.

Till last week I have been taking silicea 30C for a month for my depressed acne scars but with no effect. After reading the doctors post, I am going to try the low dose (less than 1x ?) that will be obtained by his method.

I just wanted to ask what could be the possible adverse effects if any of transitioning from 30C to a lower dose obtained by this method, will it result in some proving or something like that...

Thanks much
  unluckyguy on 2005-03-06
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I used Dr. Kuldeep's method of making Silica and tried it on three patients of mine.

Two had bad acne scars and both are showing visible improvements in just one week of treatment.

Other patient had scars and suture marks near his left eye and lips (a bad job done by some paramedic). He is showing little improvement on suture marks but not in general on scar marks (he has two huge scars)

Before reading this forum I was trying silica 30 on all patients.

Here is my question to Dr. Kuldeep. What is the effect of Phytolacca on the scars?
jeniffer 2 decades ago
Dear Unlucky

You are unlucky because you wait too much and you are always in indecision. Come on Man! Make the damn Silicea and move on.

By the way Graphites is your constitutional remedy. Read my other posts about making Graphites too.

kuldeep 2 decades ago
I tried Phytolacca Berry for scars and it works in women only. Scar tissue color changes to the general skin color.

Even Silica alone works fine but change of color comes in later stages.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Dr Kuldeep,

You are right on, I am definitely indecisive :).

I have gone and prepared silicea as you suggested in your method . I will take the first dose today shortly.
Thanks for your encouragement.

I will post feedback frequently.
unluckyguy last decade
Hi Dr Kuldeep and others,

I have been taking the medicine I prepared by your method for about 10 days now. I have not seen any improvment.

What should be the next step?Should I continue?

The rocks I used for preparation of the medicine as per your method were rocks lying around gardens/parks. I used about 5 of them. I also added a little amout of rum on the medicine to kill any possible germs etc.

I hope I did not do anything wrong, but I was desperate for some reaction, positive or negative from the medicine.Could the lack of reaction be due to the fact that I transitioned from silica 30C to this lower potency. I beleive the potency from this method would be about 1x.
Please advise all on the next course

unluckyguy last decade
For the time being make Silica your part of life. On older scars
change will come graual. Actually you wont' even notice it because you
see your face everyday but other people will notice it and infrom you
about it. It has a huge starting friction and could take 3-4 months
but if the change starts, it gets very fast.
kuldeep last decade
Dr. Kuldeep...

Please help me. I read about your method of making silica from rock and started the treatment about 7 months ago. The first month or two was excellent. It improved my scars, and cleared my acne. Then, after 2 months, I broke out on my cheeks and jawline like never before in my life (small under-the-skin nodules)....just COVERED in these acne bumps!!! So I figured that I should continue the silica for a while(another month) and see if it will go away and it did not. I went off the silica about three months ago. Since then, I have been doing everything to try and get rid of this terrible acne problem and nothing is working at all. All of the treatments that used to help my acne (topical creams, chemical peels, microdermabrasions) are NOT doing anything for me now. I found that the silica also caused more frequent panic attacks for me, and I also got some vertigo. What is my solution, here? Would it be a big mistake to go back on the silica? Perhaps change the dose?? Do you know of any other cases like this??? A naturopath told me that sometimes when one is so sensitive to a treatment, it means that that is the treatment they need. I am so desperate.

Please reply.

K. K. last decade
Arnica 30c taken in the Wet Dose usually helps to cure chronic cases of Acne, Styes and Chalazions which have defied other Homeopathic remedies.

The method used to make the Wet Dose is as follows:

Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from your nearest supermarket.
Pour out 100ml
Drop in 3 pellets or 1 drop of liquid Arnica 30c into the 400ml water
Cap the bottle tightly and succuss it 4-6 times by banging on your palm and look out for the air bubbles to fizzle up from the bottom.
Pour out 1 teaspoonful of the potentized remedy and sip it twice daily with the last dose taken last thing at night.

You may observe that your acne will disappear in under 10 days. The scars will also get filled up in a few months.

You will also observe that you will sleep very deeply after the Arnica. I believe that this is part of the therapy as this deep sleep helps the body to recover better overnight.

Arnica is very safe in use and I have used it every night as a 'tonic' for the last 10 years.
Joe De Livera last decade
as you know joe I made the wet dose of arnica. Man does it help on sleeping or what. maybe too much:) has anyone noticed more frequent erections after starting the arnica? At work I'll just be working and all the sudden i get a hard on. I wonder if the better sleep is causing it?
hotty198 last decade
Thank you for confirming that Arnica 30 in the Wet Dose helped you.

I had realized long ago that it does promote sleep but your other report is most interesting as I had observed this same reaction on the part of a 35 year old to whom I had prescribed Arnica 6c. This is the first time that I have had reports of a similar reaction for Arnica 30c and I hope that others who read this post will take note.

And there are some people (ladies) on this forum who still insist that I did not 'discover' anything new in the use of remedies, as it had already been recorded years ago.

Viagra watch out !!!
Joe De Livera last decade
lol, I dont know for sure if it was the arnica, but it does seem like a coincidence.
hotty198 last decade
Your record is no coincidence.

This is how Arnica works.

You will discover if you use it daily as I have done for the last 10 years, that it will help you to maintain a high quality of life which you can prove is due to the Arnica if you stop taking it for about 2 weeks when your BP will rise and you will not feel as vitally alive as you are when taking it nightly.

This is the reason why I consider it my Miracle Remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade

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