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Belladonna: Boiron 33 Remedy Homeopathy Family Kit: Professional Constitutional Kit #1:


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Bad reaction to Belladonna

Hello, I sued teh software to find a remedy for my hsuband taht suffers from seevre sleep apnea, colitis, alcoholism, back pain, chils, sweats, snoring, agression, hostility, anger, muttering, and depression. He doesn't fitthe typical profile of a sleep apnea patient, he is tall, slim with dark blonde hair. The software recommended Belladona. He took 30c 3x/day for a few days and then stopped after becoming more lethargic, more aggressive, and vomitting/sweating. He stopped 10 days ago and his symptoms are still worse. Is there something he could try to stop this aggravation it has created? Now he is throwing up and completly unfunctionable/exhausted and even more hostile. Thanks in advance for your replies.
  komplex on 2010-01-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please give him a single dose of Opium 200c for only one day, not daily. If there is no improvement within 3 days, please give him a single dose of Nux Vomica 200c.
kadwa last decade
Should I give him the Opium even if he has already tried Opium remedy previously.. he has also tried Mercury, Lych, and Hyoscy
komplex last decade
Opium antidotes bell and nux follows opium well.
kadwa last decade
Sorry to be a pian, but I can't buy opium in the USA. Is there something else more readily available at the Vitamin store besides Opium? Shipping Opium can take up to 2 weeks and he is really sick.
komplex last decade
ok you may antidote belladona with Aconite 200c and then after 3 days you may go for Nux if he doesn't improve.
kadwa last decade
All I was able to find at the vitamin store was Coffea Cruda 200ck will this work?
komplex last decade
I gave him the 200C Cofea Cruda and he started vomiting the next morning and all day. He was irritable and fatigued/angry etc. Today he had the sweats and shakes but no vomiting and was a little less angry and less fatigued. Should I give the Nux Vomica next?
komplex last decade
You should give him Nux when he is more angry. Please don't give nux if he is not angry. You may give him kali phos 6x 4 tablets thrice a day for few days and see whether it helps.
kadwa last decade

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