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The ABC Homeopathy Forum



I visited a naturopath for my 5yo eczema. She has prescribed Tuberculinum 200c-6pellets taken Dec5.

Todate,his eczema has gotten from worse to bad. But still present.

Am I going to give another dose of Tuberculinum with lower dose this time?

I completed the homeopathic self-diagosis and it says for my son's eczema sulphur is 45% best for him.
Can I give this as well?

Thank you kind doctor for all the good work you have spread around.
  nosleepmom on 2010-01-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I have had some considerable success in healing Eczema with Arnica 6c in the Wet dose taken twice daily. This remedy in not prescribed by other classical homeopaths as Arnica is not in the classical repertories but it has helped many patients when other remedies have failed and it is no wonder that some have labelled my therapy as 'Joepathy'.

You will order the following:

Arnica 6c in the liquid pack in Ethanol from the ABC store.
A 500ml bottle of Spring water from your nearest supermarket.

You will pour out about 3cm of the water to leave some airspace in the bottle.
Insert just 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle of water and shake it hard to produce bubbles. This process must be done every time before a dose which is a capful of the bottle taken twice daily.

You will also pour out some water into a separate bottle which you will use to dampen your finger tips with this water which is now the remedy and rub it gently on the affected lesions as often as is possible.

You will stop all other drugs and other remedies that you are using today and report your son's progress in 3 days after you start on this therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade

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