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Acne Scars......remove them yourself
Okay, I know what I am about to say is kind of controversial, but hey!I recently had a spot on the end of my nose which ended up becoming a acne scar! Now I have a few acne scars on my face, but I aint even bothered about them. But this one really depressed me because it was on the end of my nose.
After looking at methods to remove these kind of depressed acne scars I found the most efective to be things like Peels, Lazer Treatment etc...
SO ...I figured all they are doing is removing the skin, so it grows back new, fresh, unscarred skin....SO I took one of those scrapers which you use to remove dead skin from your feet and went to work on my nose gently rubbing . Yeah it was red and sore after, and in the morning I had a big scab on my nose. HOWEVER, about 4 days later the scab had gone and now there is NO TRACE what so ever of the scar at all!!!!!! I am over the moon.
As well as just letting the scab take its natural course I used a Scar Fade Cream and Skin Protecting Serum h
Make sure the hing you use to get rid of the old skin isnt too rough, the fines one you can find is prob best. Maybe a nail file will work best.
If you try this let me know how it goes.
davestar057 on 2005-03-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kuldeep - they are obviously not into Silica .
Interesting point here !. If my [ and others] theory is correct , then the physical forcible removal of the symptom [Acne] counts as a suppression in my book.
This means that the problem is removed from the surface -- where the body placed it , to keep it away from the internal organs [danger areas ] - and thrusting it back into the interior.
This means that in 6-20 months time these lads should have some reports to make to this site!.
But perhaps they will prove Herings law is not a law.
Interesting point here !. If my [ and others] theory is correct , then the physical forcible removal of the symptom [Acne] counts as a suppression in my book.
This means that the problem is removed from the surface -- where the body placed it , to keep it away from the internal organs [danger areas ] - and thrusting it back into the interior.
This means that in 6-20 months time these lads should have some reports to make to this site!.
But perhaps they will prove Herings law is not a law.
passkey 2 decades ago
Its not the Acne you remove, its the little scar/blemish that it leaves idiot!
davestar057 2 decades ago
Dear Davestar
I am discussing a little more on the scars at:
I will welcome you to share your valuable experiences there.
I am discussing a little more on the scars at:
I will welcome you to share your valuable experiences there.
kuldeep 2 decades ago
Hello Mr. Davestar,
Who ever you may be, but please keep some dignified word while you write anything.
Who ever you may be, but please keep some dignified word while you write anything.
vncnt_fernando last decade
Dave you obviously consider that your skin is totally divorced from the rest of your body .
That acne descends out of a clear blue sky and picks someone to inflict itself on.
That your genetic structure has nothing to do with your family hereditary pattern.
That the surface cells of your skin do not contain genes .
And they wonder why you can sell rubbish on the TV.
That acne descends out of a clear blue sky and picks someone to inflict itself on.
That your genetic structure has nothing to do with your family hereditary pattern.
That the surface cells of your skin do not contain genes .
And they wonder why you can sell rubbish on the TV.
passkey last decade
Hey guys cut the stuff, and give this guy a chance, he is only tring to help.
davestar I tried your thing on one of my scar on my nose. Now I get a 1 inch X 1 inch wound on my nose. What do you suggest if I put antiseptic or not. How long it will take me to see that scar gone.
davestar I tried your thing on one of my scar on my nose. Now I get a 1 inch X 1 inch wound on my nose. What do you suggest if I put antiseptic or not. How long it will take me to see that scar gone.
scarface last decade
This has nothing to do with homeopathy, why is this post even here.
Davestar,you can post this in other forums, everyone kn ows about the plastic surgery option, you need not tell this to anyone.
scarface,if you are intersted in having those surgical options go to a reputed plastic surgeon, do not do these things at might be left with worse scarring.
After every wound there will be swelling (edema) that might make it look like the scar is gone, but it will come back.
Davestar might be seeing those and thinking that scar disappeared.
Better try some homoepathic remedies first. That is what I am trying .
Learn something from Passkey and Kuldeep instead of insulting them.They are great doctors who have clearly helped a lot of ppl in past and are trying to help us here...
Davestar,you can post this in other forums, everyone kn ows about the plastic surgery option, you need not tell this to anyone.
scarface,if you are intersted in having those surgical options go to a reputed plastic surgeon, do not do these things at might be left with worse scarring.
After every wound there will be swelling (edema) that might make it look like the scar is gone, but it will come back.
Davestar might be seeing those and thinking that scar disappeared.
Better try some homoepathic remedies first. That is what I am trying .
Learn something from Passkey and Kuldeep instead of insulting them.They are great doctors who have clearly helped a lot of ppl in past and are trying to help us here...
unluckyguy last decade
You dick....funny..NOT!
Its worked, I am living proof, there is nothing there!
SO why dont you give some suggestions instead of sitting there w"anking over transvestive porn!
Its worked, I am living proof, there is nothing there!
SO why dont you give some suggestions instead of sitting there w"anking over transvestive porn!
davestar057 last decade
Behave. You fixed your nose alright, but it does not mean you can set an expample for other people who are not as smart as you are.
Think, if some just over work on his/her nose. Is it wise?
Think, if some just over work on his/her nose. Is it wise?
tamiano last decade
Calm down Gladiators.
Davestar, I really believe your scar is gone for good.
Please don't promote this idea to amatures. Some people are just dangerous with a scrabing stone.
Three ordinary mortals followed your example and they are now bugging me on emails.
Davestar, I really believe your scar is gone for good.
Please don't promote this idea to amatures. Some people are just dangerous with a scrabing stone.
Three ordinary mortals followed your example and they are now bugging me on emails.
kuldeep last decade
Davestar do you have any idea about how to do Root Canal do it yourself. I need really one but can't afford it.
tamiano last decade
"Davestar do you have any idea about how to do Root Canal do it yourself"
...think you need to go back t school with english like that!
...think you need to go back t school with english like that!
davestar057 last decade
Maybe you need to go back somewhere where you can learn acceptable behaviour. Better to write ungrammatical English than talk/ write the way you have on this forum.
Minsa last decade
dave star its great that your scar is gone but you have to understand what youve done is very abrasive to your skin and has probably damaged the new skin cells in the second laver of skin where they are made what you are probably seeing is the scarred cells only sanded over giving the apperance it being gone dont be suprised when the new cells push through that thet could be damaged
scareface what you have done sounds seriouse and the size of the wound sugests you may well end up with a scar also it could get infected if i were you i would get to the docter to get it looked at
scareface what you have done sounds seriouse and the size of the wound sugests you may well end up with a scar also it could get infected if i were you i would get to the docter to get it looked at
liriel last decade
davestar I was wondering about your scar on the nose thay you removed yourself. I want to know if your scar is gone or what?
scarface last decade
Yes...almost a year down the line, and its still gone.
Think about it, all they do with peels and lazer treatment etc......Is peel off skin, to get to the new skin. THats effectivly what I did.
Although be careful, maybe I got lucky? maybe 1 or 2 more scrubs I would have had a bigger scar? who knows, but what I do know is that it worked for me.
Im no doctor, but I was desperate, obviously I wouldnt recommend this, as I dont know the ins and outs, but It worked for me, I had a little pox mark, now I dont. Maybe it will depend ont he size of the scarr too.
Think about it, all they do with peels and lazer treatment etc......Is peel off skin, to get to the new skin. THats effectivly what I did.
Although be careful, maybe I got lucky? maybe 1 or 2 more scrubs I would have had a bigger scar? who knows, but what I do know is that it worked for me.
Im no doctor, but I was desperate, obviously I wouldnt recommend this, as I dont know the ins and outs, but It worked for me, I had a little pox mark, now I dont. Maybe it will depend ont he size of the scarr too.
davestar057 last decade
i have a question i have little well alot of little scars on my arms so bad that i cant even wear short sleeves its approaching summer and i cant get lazer becase i have olive skin and it will be worse, ive tried lemons,creams and noting seems to make themgo away. can someone please help?
tiny dancer last decade
i removed alot of my scars caused by microdermabration by sanding down my skin with a nail board. i used to sand my skin around the indented areas till my skin couldnt handle the pain anymore, my skin would scab over and peel off after 8 days or so and each time i did it, i had more and more improvement. those scars are gone now
helen000 last decade
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