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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Pilo Cyst Help

have had a pilonidal cyst since I was 18. At first it was just tender and sore when I put pressure on it. No lump or anything. About a year later I noticed I had a small hole just below the top of my buttcrack. I was a little worried and talked to a Dr. They told me to not do anything if it wasn't causing any problems. So about a year went by and there started to be swelling that happened on the top right side of my crack. It would swell up and go back down. Never anything really painful for about a year. I finally had a big flare up to where I couldn't sit down at all. I never noticed any discharge during this entire period of having a cyst. Just recently a few months ago I got my cyst to come to the top of the skin and have a small hole where the cyst is now. I am able to drain it by pushing on it. Once again I have absolutely no pain at all with it.

Of course the small hole on top of the cyst won't heal since I drain it every couple of days and push the small amount of pus out. I have been reading these posts for some time now and I ordered the Mystrica and the 2 things of Silicea seen on other posts. I was wondering what you would recommend I take and how long. I don't want to try and do this all wrong.

I have posted this before but not sure what happened with you guys. I am currently taking the Calc sulph 6x. I have everything purchased. I have been on calc sulph for about a week not and would like to know the next step as I am trying to do this right to prevent surgery. Thank you very much.
  Kaustyk on 2010-06-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It would be better, if you could consult a Professional Homeopath in person to get treated.
Dr.Saravanan last decade

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