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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Low sexual desire, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction

Respected Dr.
I am 31 years old (wt 62 kg) married person suffering from low sexual desire premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction. I had a habbit of masturbation may be due to this penis is small. I fear a lot during night. Errection does not stay for longer time. I ejaculate after 2-3 strokes. There is unrest feeling in both legs. I am taking R41 for 1 month. Please suggest me medicine with exact name and dosage.
Thanks and regards
  greatworld on 2010-06-22
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
great world,
Just tell me if you are guilty of masturbation you did?
How this sexual weakness worry you or how is it affecting you or your life?

Dr. Yogesh
yogeshrajurkar last decade
yes i feel guilty for masturbation. I am too worried about my failure in sexual life. It affecting my day to day life. Please suggest me remedy.
greatworld last decade
Great world,
Take Phosphoric acid 200 Single dose
Single dose is 3-5 drops of dilution in 15-20 ml of water to be taken at morning empty stomach only once
Report after 5 days

yogeshrajurkar last decade
i have acid phosp 1000 from reckeweg can i use this medicine.
greatworld last decade
Acid. Phos 1000 will do but mind you only a single dose
& then let it work

yogeshrajurkar last decade
dear dr
I took prescribed acid phosph one dose but there is no improvement.I am worried doctor please prescribe something to cure my low lbido and erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. I am taking R41 for last 5 weeks but no significant improvement.
greatworld last decade
the cure is very very simple please read carefully it worked 4 me when ur about to ejaculate first squeeze VERY hard lower part of the penis with one hand and top of the penis with other hand when u do this sperm can not come out
imagine you penis is like a pipe you squeeze lower part of the penis very hard with ur fingers around the lower part of the penis the other hand squeezeing top of the penis VERY hard with fingers round the penis head its important u do this when ur jus about to ejaculate with ur both hands squeezeing at the same time
when i say lower part of the penis its very lower part of the penis
when sperm dont come out for few months u will get better its worked for me the advantage is u get the satisfaction but do not lose energy. recovery can be slow but u will recover when u do this breath in and out sometime u have to push the testicals gently down so its easy to wrap ur fingers round the lower part of the penis
when ur getting better please let me know i will be happy vishnu05hotmailcom
vishnu5 last decade
[message deleted by friends55 on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 14:00:23 GMT]
friends55 last decade

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