The ABC Homeopathy Forum
need help in controlling diabetic
I am now 66 years old and diabetic. Now I am in USA on a visit. Earlier I was in Canada for about 5 months. During that time my glucose level was under contol(i.e with in 5 mmolL on fast and with in 10 mmo/L on two hours after taking food.). Now I find last two weeks the reading on glucos level goes on increasing 8 mmo/L on fast and 14 mmo/L. Now I have become too much worried on this rise in Glucose level. I had to undergo a surgery for cabuncle last year around July and I was under insulin for about two months and there after I started taking Metformin 500 mg and Glyclaside 80 mg upto now. Now Ihave started taking cinnammom and Arnica 30 for the past one week and there is no reduction in the Glucose level. As I am in US now, it is difficult to go for insulin injection due to the prescription formalities and I am afraid about the uncontrollable high glucose level. Can any body help me about the Arnica 30 and cinnamam thearphy.sukam55 on 2010-07-08
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I note that you are already using Arnica but you are not using the correct potency for the control of Diabetes. I discovered that Arnica controls Blood sugar levels in Diabetics both Type I and II and patients have confirmed that their BS levels are reduced by up to 33% in 24 hours after their first dose. Please follow the instructions copied below precisely.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made up as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also known as Liquid Dilution.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles.
This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is sipped as directed.
You can also use 1/4 teaspoonful Cinnamon powder twice daily but if you suffer from Hypertension this is not recommended as cinnamon has a tendency to raise BP.
Please report your response in 2 days after you start on this therapy.
The Wet dose of any Homeopathic remedy is made up as follows:
Order the remedy in a 5ml Ethanol pack also known as Liquid Dilution.
Get a 500ml bottle of Spring Water from the nearest supermarket.
Pour out about 3cm of water from the bottle to leave some airspace.
Insert 3 drops of the remedy into the bottle and shake it hard to produce bubbles.
This is homeopathic succussion and must be done every time before a capful of the bottle which is the dose is sipped as directed.
You can also use 1/4 teaspoonful Cinnamon powder twice daily but if you suffer from Hypertension this is not recommended as cinnamon has a tendency to raise BP.
Please report your response in 2 days after you start on this therapy.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
To Dr.doe De Livera,
thanks for your immediate response.
I am glad to inform you that my sugar level is now 90 to 120 on fase and 120 to 180 after two hours after food.This is the result on continous monitoring forthe past three days.
I am now using a new Glucose meter. I am taking the Metformin 500 gm 3 times, Glyclazide 80 mg two times.
I am continuing the Arnica 30 wet doses with Cinnamam,Bitter melan, fenu creek. for the past three days.
Only once during the three days, the BS went to 210 two hours after breakfast and thereafter it is normal.
I am trying to get Ehanol pack and spring water for effective control of sugar as suggesed by you.
I am now under medical supervision of a Allopathy Doctor. He only advised me to change the Glucose meter first before taking any decision on the medicines.
thanks for your immediate response.
I am glad to inform you that my sugar level is now 90 to 120 on fase and 120 to 180 after two hours after food.This is the result on continous monitoring forthe past three days.
I am now using a new Glucose meter. I am taking the Metformin 500 gm 3 times, Glyclazide 80 mg two times.
I am continuing the Arnica 30 wet doses with Cinnamam,Bitter melan, fenu creek. for the past three days.
Only once during the three days, the BS went to 210 two hours after breakfast and thereafter it is normal.
I am trying to get Ehanol pack and spring water for effective control of sugar as suggesed by you.
I am now under medical supervision of a Allopathy Doctor. He only advised me to change the Glucose meter first before taking any decision on the medicines.
sukam55 last decade
I note that you are using the Arnica 30c up to now in the Dry pellets and that it has helped your BS level to drop. You can expect it to show lower readings when you use the 6c Liquid Dilution in Ethanol which I have observed is the best combination. As for Spring water, you can get it from the nearest supermarket.
You now have positive evidence that Arnica 6c has reduced your BS levels and it is now up to you to slowly reduce your dependence on the 2 drugs you have been taking for some time which you have not indicated for how long. It is best to maintain a BS level of around 110 by balancing the drugs to achieve this level.
A new Glucometer is also a welcome addition to cross check the other but you do not have to be so concerned after your BS has stabilized. The bonus in life that you have been bestowed by the Arnica is that you can use it to reduce your dependence on the Insulin and the drugs you have been prescribed all of which have been known to cause damage to the Kidneys.
I note that you are also using 'Cinnamam,Bitter melan, fenu creek.' Please note that Cinnamon can enhance your Blood Pressure and you are advised to check BP at least weekly. Okra will also help to reduce BS levels. Chop up a tender pod and immerse it it a glass of water overnight and drink it the following morning.
Report your progress weekly.
You now have positive evidence that Arnica 6c has reduced your BS levels and it is now up to you to slowly reduce your dependence on the 2 drugs you have been taking for some time which you have not indicated for how long. It is best to maintain a BS level of around 110 by balancing the drugs to achieve this level.
A new Glucometer is also a welcome addition to cross check the other but you do not have to be so concerned after your BS has stabilized. The bonus in life that you have been bestowed by the Arnica is that you can use it to reduce your dependence on the Insulin and the drugs you have been prescribed all of which have been known to cause damage to the Kidneys.
I note that you are also using 'Cinnamam,Bitter melan, fenu creek.' Please note that Cinnamon can enhance your Blood Pressure and you are advised to check BP at least weekly. Okra will also help to reduce BS levels. Chop up a tender pod and immerse it it a glass of water overnight and drink it the following morning.
Report your progress weekly.
♡ Joe De Livera last decade
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